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who is the manufacturer and their address

3 Replies

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Hello, did you mean Lamictal perhaps? If so, my research leads me to believe that Lamictal is manufactured by GLAXOSMITHKLINE Pharmaceuticals LLC.


Phone Number: (919) 269-5000

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Lamictal Details

I hope this helps to answer your question, please post back if you need any more assistance.

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fellow psychs and sycophants only know what they're told-- by vigilant scientists as construed through even more diligent Profiteers --who as yet have No Control over the firing/misfiring of the catecholamines

epinepherine.norepinepherine. Dopamine, all of which, adrenalin -- like on lsd, are neuronal triggers for erratic and even fearful anxiety

research L-Dopa, early history of . . . because every latest update still finds them maybe a century behind even what they should indeed know about at least proteins before prescribing what they now are/where they now are

in the dark

trial'n'error only to take them so far, away, and your mind along with it, given what's so little known about proteins and their aminos

. . . nevermind what other elements,animals&beings are yet to be discovered deepdown within particles of what's our common sub-atomic zoo

ions&trions&rara avis . . .

yet do the research: tyrosine.phenylalinine

heal thyself: and good riddance to lomictal,depakote and whatever next experiment they'll in fact subject millions to while busy profiting and practicing their very own medeival equivalent of leeching and bloodletting within an astronomical system, Infinite, from where they're now standing, so confident, of each approximate prescription, as if certitude begins when you start naming the stars

Rx: perhaps stick to basics;like maybe zoloft . . . a comparatively stable drug. + in addition a touch of an equally neutralizing anxiolytic. not too much . . . which along with meaningful research,diet&exercise --movement. Exertion, if not outright labor, for endorphins, remembering that you're not much more than a monkey-- all of which, balanced, with Physical Activity, to harness and entrain what Natural Anxiety may be meant for, fight-or-flight, in at least zookeeping its often scary sneaks,snakes&spooks at bay if not away


". . . these primitive medications now being to psychiatry what the meataxe and bonesaw once were to surgery."
--christian rodan 1973

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I've been taking lithium carbonate for many years. Having gone off it for six months (before the Hopkins study showed that this reduced efficacy) I have been in a position to supplement it. My therapist hit on lomictal. (One of my main symptoms is recurrent anxiety, taking the lithium by itself.)
I've been takting the lomictal at a low dose for three weeks and it seems to work. Except yesterday the anxiety--clearly of a biochemical rhythm--came back. It's a low level, but still interferes with work and family.
Any advice? about lomictal or combining it? or relation to treating anxeity etc.

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