List Of Doctors Who Prescribe Xanax 3 Mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have had horrible panic attacks since I was 18. I also have generalized anxiety disorder, ptsd and severe depression. My family doesnt understand why I cry all the time. I dont either. I just know that Im alone and heartbroken. My dad is my best friend and he is bedridden with muscular dystrophy. He never wants to get out of bed anymore. I have 2 children also. Its in their best interest to not live with me. I am seeing a doctor who gives me 75 2 mg xanax a month and she thinks that is a lot. I only take them when im feeling anxious or start to panic. The problem is Im contantly going into a panic attack. It comes in waves of adrenaline and I cant handle this. Ive heard of the time released 3 mg xanax and I need a doctor whom is compassionate and knows what its like to have panic attacks. So many people have used this medication without having a real need for it. Why do I have to suffer for their misuse?
3 Replies
I wanted to add that I live in Orange County California and I need a doctor that prescribés xanax 3mg extended release. Thank you for your time.
I am so sorry about what you're going through, but unfortunately, there is no list of doctors, in any given area, that will prescribe a specific medication.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, irritability, and headache.
What other medications have you tried? There are some that specifically help with anxiety.
And yes, 75 of the 2mgs is a lot.
Re: Verwon (# 2)
I started taking meds for anxiety at 16. Ive tried all of them. And right now im on a combination of effexor 150 and zoloft 200. I am terrified and so lonely. Ive b3en through a few psychs that have told me they couldnt help me. That gave me worse anxiety. Is it possible that there is something else causing this? i just want to be nörmal but i cant function on my own. I need someone to be next to me all the time. I was abandoned by'my'family. I raised myself. What is causing these constant adrenaline waves? are there any hormone tests the doctor can check? my other doctor was giving me 180 xanax a month. 6 a day. This is NOT fun.
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