Lisinopril 5mg Long Term Effects. (Top voted first)


i have been rtaking Lisinopril 5mg for a year. Have MS, so unsure as to whether MS is worsening or symPtoms are are due to Lisiprinol since they are all listed as side effects. i.e. increased numbness, pins amd needles and weakness in legs and feet., pain in back and hips...Also have bouts of sudden pain in hip with 'cut out' of power in leg and I fall.. Physiotherapist says not mechanical, must be neurological., no comment about Lisiprinol. RECENT EXTRA CHANGES...headache 4 weeks, some giddinessc, andt now I have faintness..almost passing put. . Checked BP after first 2 attacks...very low: 117 over 63. Told to stop Lisiprinol. Next day...another attack. .Took BP fter latebexercose to and it was 179 over .inconsistency here. Final odd symptom.... ...increase in libido.(No partner, no stimulus..yet constant arousal to the point of causing anxiety . .Is there any correlation at all? Have felt malaise ever since starting Lisiprinol. Nobody takes much it is a case of DIY. Anybody else experience these effects/?? .

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My mom has been taking Lisinopril for 2yrs and her bloodpressure still sky rockets to stroke level. Just yesterday she woke up with her lip swelling and then an hour later her whole face had swollen. I took her to the ER and they told her it was an alergic reaction to the bloodpressure medicine. The pharmacist did not agree with the Doctor when i went to fill her prescriptions. And the Doc said that you can be taking Lisinopril for 5 to 7 years and then all of a sudden have side affects such as what happened to my mom.

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can lisinopril 5mg cause dry mouth and coughfing

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wow, that sounds scary. I take lisinopril also but have not had any side effects from them that I ever noticed. It does seem related as it stops when u stop the meds. If our b/p stays low and good w/out the meds than why r u even on them unless it is also for something other than high b/p. Take care and be careful. I would read as much as possible, talk to the pharmacist as perhaps it is an issue in combo w/some other meds u may be on, even OTC and also ask your dr.

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I have pins & needles
Pain in back & hips
weakness in legs & knees
cut out of knee, leg power
head ache
double vision rare but it happens

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Most of what's being described here by users of this medication are normal side effects of blood pressure medications. If they are really troublesome, please speak to your doctor.


Does anyone else have experience using this?

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