Light Green Xanax Bars 3 Lines S 90 3 Thick Back It Flat No Lines (Page 3)
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2mg green xanax bar. front has 3 splits. front numbers s-90-3. flat on back

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Re: hollywoodsfynest (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I believe the white ones are supposed to have 4 little parts. I was prescribed a pill that looked just like a bar, except it has 3 little parts. It was called buspar (I can't spell). It was non narcotic. Later on I caught someone trying to pass off buspar as actual Xanax. Be careful. Google the imprints if you're worried!

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Re: Lost in Ks (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

If you do really think you'll benefit from Benzos, and your doctor agrees, and isn't a pill pusher, one thing you can do to protect yourself to a large degree is DON'T EXCEED THE PRESCRIBED DOSAGE. Most doctors don't prescribe Benzos in quantities which will require huge heroics to get off of. XANAX HAS A BLACK BOX WARNING THAT DOSAGES IN EXCESS OF 4MG PER DAY ARE FOR SEVERE PANIC ATTACKS ONLY. IT GOES ON TO WARN THAT THE PATIENT WILL PROBABLY BE ON XANAX FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. THAT'S how hard it can be to quit from large daily dosages.

Incredibly stupidly, and I'm still amazed, I got up to 8mg/day of for a couple of years. YOU CAN'T JUST QUIT AT THIS DOSAGE. One month, I cut things a little close and I was getting pretty sick, and wondering when I should go to the ER. I knew seizures would be a given eventually. I called about that package about a million times, not knowing that Fed Ex keeps a record of calls. When it finally came in to Orlando, Fed Ex brought it to the coast, and the lady at the desk said she was amazed, because normally it would have been another day. So instead of getting suspicious, they did me solid.

I finally decided that enough was enough, and I had a psychiatrist help me taper off it. He never told me that I could easily not be able to. At first we were both a little suspicious of each other. Finally he could see I was serious. I told him that I could order unlimited quantities for very little money, and I wasn't after him for pills, and I saw that he wasn't going to force a schedule that would torture me and jeopardize my job. Not a sadistic guy in other words. I took 2 years to taper off that stuff! We'd agree on a schedule, and when any disasters happened, it was because I wanted off and was too aggressive. I'd come in a few days later, looking like I was going to die. And he'd say he was afraid that was going to happen, but figured I might be able to do it and let me try. "Let's do this instead..." He saved me from failure from a little known effect. From 8 down to 0, the last milligram is BY FAR the hardest. 1 mg/day and I got stuck. Who would guess THAT?

So we switched over to a long half life Benzo (Librium, but Valium is often used), that smooths your blood levels in between dosages.). For 6 months, I just stayed steady at a 1 mg/day equivalent dose of Librium (50mg). I was taking 25 mg twice a day. He asked if I thought I could cut it half to 25. But I was getting smarter. I asked about just dropping by 5mg/week instead, and in 10 weeks I should be off, and since it's taken this long that's not a lot of time. I was down to 10 mg or 15 mg a day, needed to fill my prescription, put it off, and I realized I wasn't feeling bad. And I never filled it. AND WAS OFF 8 MG/DAY OF XANAX. IN ONLY 2 YEARS. It could be done faster, but much more uncomfortably, and all the reputable literature stresses that it's not a race, as long as you're headed DOWN the taper is working. Happily I had a doctor who agreed with this. He took pressure off by telling me that I didn't have to quit. He'd prescribe it, as long it was a human being dose. Versus a cow or a horse or something. I wasn't getting anything from it anymore. My tolerance had gotten to the point where I was ONLY taking it so I wouldn't get sick and fall apart. So I said that I wanted it out of my life. Incredibly, I'm back on Valium 10mg to 20mg a day, but I'm wary as hell.

When he switched my over to Librium, he said, "It might not feel as good". I said, "I haven't felt one thing, not even a little, since we started tapering." The only effect was to keep me from getting cold sweats, a headache, shaking hands. Nice stuff. He looked at me skeptically, like he didn't believe me. A doctor learns something too in a taper from a dose like this. Everyone is different, and if it's going to work, it has to be a collaborative effort. Next time I see him, I'll remind him that I felt nothing, it's been years now. But that's good data for him to know.

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Need to know if these are fake s903 flat on back light green chalky very light canax taste

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Re: hollywoodsfynest (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

That sounds like 30mg buspar or buspirone. They like to tryi that before benzodiazepines because it's wayyyy less habit forming. I've tried that, klonopin, ativan, and xanax, which I've been on 3mg/day for a few years now. Yeah, I'm almost positive it's buspar.

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I had anyone ever see. Blueish Color bars with the s904 With no scores on the back they look like to green bars but I have never seen blue bars can anybody please advise if these are fake or not

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Re: TruthSpeaker (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Who do you think you are? Have you ever had a real severe panic attack? I doubt it. So shut your mouth and don't talk about what you don't know. Calling people addicts when people that aren't addicts need real help.

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Yea green xanax bar two lines but three pieces and flat on back are 2mg. Xanax bars i just traded the new noco for one of these xanaxs i thought they was fake but now i see it and feel it there ok. If they say s903 and have four lines there fake got to have two lines.and say s903 thanks for the help !

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Re: candymmanne (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Wait till you try to quit if you've been doing this much for a while. Grand Mal seizures you could die.

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Re: Wednesday (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

Please try and find something different from benzos. They are the worst to withdrawal from. This is than hell. Even the tapering led me to 3 suicide attempts and I'm sure more to come. I thought I could handle it but was wrong and if ya can find anything else other than the benzos, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do it. Btw, all the scripts came from Drs as well. Nice?? GOD BLESS. Make the right choice, please. I really wish I had.

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Re: xanac master (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, just be aware of the withdrawals my'll definitely be singing a different tune. It's the f***ing hardest benzo to get off of. PLEASE, I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE AND IT'S NO F***ING JOKE. PLEASE STOP WHILE YOU CAN DUDE, CAUSE IT'S WORSE THAN anything, even my opiate or methadone withdrawal! My Psychiatrist prescribed me klonopin which was even worse!! But Xanax ain't no joke, it's hella awful. Even the tapering put me thru f***ed up seizures. PLEASE STOP bro, PLEASE. If only I knew then what I do now.

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It only has s line 90 line 3. Everyone is saying that it has 3 line's. Is it real.

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Re: HAMMER (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

You my friend. Are the WORST kind of addict of them all lmao. Yup. You heard me right. Your an addict. And the funny part is you don't believe it to be true. Guess what. The number one sign of addiction, and the largest hurdle to get over as an addict, well, exactly what your in. Denial. Just because you may have legit pain. Doesn't mean anything. These drugs you speak of. Opiates. Benzos. They are physically dependent drugs. And they do not care if you have all the anxiety/pain in the world or none at all. Your exactly what you hate so very much.

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I have a green xanax bar that is scored in 3 parts. What I don't understand is what the milligram is for the entire bar with all three segments?

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Re: Dylan (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

omg no I don't. All I asked was if a green xanax bar is thick, could that mean they're fake? I got my answer. Thanks for thinking u know what and how much I take. What the f***?!

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Thank you. I appreciate that. Take care.

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Re: John (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

Wrong an what? I asked if they're supposed 2b thick? Why do u have to b z jerk an it? Ooo ur A pharmacist.good 4u.

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Re: Sawxe (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry but ur WRONG! If you filled it at the Pharmacy the pill was not! I'm a Pharmacist.

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Re: John (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sry for all ur troubles hun.I'd like 2 ask u, if a green xanex bar has the s903 BUT are pretty thick and lighter green,is it probably fake? Thanks.

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Re: candymmanne (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

No, you take them too much so your tolerance is high. I used to have the same problem.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I know for a fact I just got a bad refill last night. S 9 O 3, went ahead and took the prescribed dose. DID NOT FEEL ANYTHING.

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