Light Green And Dark Green Capsule With Lupin 500 (Page 3) (Top voted first)
Dragon Lady,you sound so stupid,why would you say something like that.
Most open take out powder and replace with meth, crushed pills ect
Re: RNmere (# 20)
Yes it is a controlled substance. You need a prescription.
is lupin gluten free??
The light green/dark green capsule with the word LUPIN twice on it is a 500mg NIACIN pill. Teenagers use them to clean their system after smoking cannabis. You can buy them at Walmart
Depends one the # on the pill and the shape/type/color of pill, long pill, round pill, capsule, colors, etc.
Lupin 10, 20, 30... are lisinopril 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, (small round and pink, with or without speckling) which is for blood pressure and "diabetic" kidney disease (with or without the diagnosis of diabetes obviously since they have been subscribed for me and I don't have diabetes; I do have what will probably work its way into kidney disease as time goes on. These are the "old-people" pills, sort of, if kids are swiping them. They are prescription and someone who does not have high blood pressure probably shouldn't take them recreationally. The person won't feel high but could lower his bp to a dangerous level if he took too many thinking he might.
If the pills are of the long white variety or the green two-tone capsules with 500, 250, 302, etc., on them, they are varieties of a strong antibiotic often given to people who have developed a drug resistant bacterial infection... also one of the "old people" types of pills. But, it is possible (I don't know) by the nature of it being an antibiotic that it could be used to treat some other bacterial infection such as some non-viral STI's, like Gonorrhea or Syphilis. It wouldn't work on those STI's that are caused by virus such as Herpes, HIV/AIDS, etc. The only real problem in that case if the kid takes it to supposedly feel high is that he won't and may actually get sick to his stomach -- pretty strong stuff. The number tells the dosage again in milligrams, at least for the 500. The 302 is a differently named antibiotic in the same family as the others, and I am unsure about that 2 at the end. The number on that one may not be the milligrams like the others.
With the STI's, it is possible that a kid might seek the care and hide it from the parent as one might do regarding birth control or pregnancy. But, it is also possible that a kid could just be scared and taking the pills from friends *thinking* he has something, particularly if he is young enough to be more embarrassed and confused by such things, or it could be one or more kids raiding grandma's medicine cabinet without knowing that the medicines are not very exciting at all.
If it were my young kid, I would open with the idea that it is an antibiotic for venereal diseases and would spell out that word all the way, especially if I believed that the child was being negatively influenced by other kids thinking they are trying to feel high off them. The idea that the pills cure STI's would be awesomely embarrassing, would get around to all the other kids by one hour after the start of school the next day, and no kid would be taking grandma's pills anymore -- at least not those. hehehe. Sometimes, it works to play with the fears a tiny bit. And, it could be for something like that in addition to all the other stuff it might cure.
I have this quarter size spot right under my left eye. I went to the Dr and he said it's bateral infection. Would it be alright if I take this medicine to help clear it? One of the medicine I can afford the other one I can't.
I was told that this will help with gonorrhea. Is that true???
I was prescribed them for a abscess tooth. I would like to point out that if you can get on here with your SHOUTY CAPITALS than you can most certainly GOOGLE the numbers and name etched into ANY PILL and find out EVERYTHING there is to know about it!!! There is no reason to put your personal problems/health/trust issues with yourself or your children all OVER THE INTERNET! For heaven sakes!! How did our parents raise us without the internet and drama!
Will lupin 500 mg help cure chiamydia or other diseases
i was given those by a doctor just the other day. they are antibotics. i have an infected limp node and they gave me those to get rid of the egg sized on on my inner thigh. i am not sure why kids would have them or where they would get them but i have them.
its a controled substance
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