Librax Yellow Generic Capsule Re 369 (Page 4)
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are generic capsules ever yellow

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Barbie, thank you for the answer. I must have been talking to the pharmacist as you posted it. I hadn't thought of contacting Breckenridge themselves, though that is a wonderful idea. I've been scrambling to find a new place to get it as I'm still suffering horrible panic attacks, but I am having zero luck so far and that may never have occurred to me. Thank you for the suggestion!

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Okay, I called my pharmacist after reading this and she explained to me that they no longer carry the manufacturer that made the green pill I was taking and that it's not uncommon for a person's body to reject a pill by a different company. Since the new one isn't working for me my stomach pains have come back, and I suppose the panic attacks are a withdrawal symptom from the benzo portion of the drug. She told me to call around and see if I can find a different supplier for the kind I used to take, or that I should switch to Librax, the non generic form. My insurance hasn't covered this drug from the start and Librax is several hundred dollars a month, so I hope very much that I can find my old supplier (Breckenridge) somewhere else. To anyone else reading this who is having similar problems, I guess I have to recommend doing the same thing and if you have any of your green pills left go back to them before your symptoms get worse! I've been putting up with this too long, not understanding what's been happening, and have nearly gone to the hospital twice due to trouble breathing from the panic attacks.

If your yellow pills are working for you, I don't think you need to worry about it. It doesn't sound like the pill won't work for anyone, but if you suspect it isn't working right don't wait around!!

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My Pharmacist said it was the "formulation?" It's not the same in all Generics. I contacted the manufactuer of the blue-green pill and was told where I might be able to find it and I did. The one that works for me is made by Brekenridge.

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I am very surprised to see that others are having the same trouble as me. I've been taking 5mg chlordiazepoxide/2.5mg clininium (B 622 labeled green pills) for about 8 months and it's been a life saver, but when I got my most recent prescription filled I started having severe stomach pains again. From everything I can tell online in spite of these pills being yellow not green, they're supposed to be the same thing but they really aren't working right for me and I'm experiencing a lot of panic as well which is confusing because if this was only chlordiazepoxide I'd think I should be incredibly sedated. Does anyone know why these pills don't seem to work right?

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This Rx does not work for me and many others as well.
My Dr. no longer writes Rx's for "Librax." He now states on the RX 5mg chlordiazepoxide/2.5mg clininium.

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I am confused about the yellow librax.
does the yellow re369 contain both drugs

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I also checked out Rivers Edge business since 2003, employs 10-19 people, makes $20 to $50 million/per year, and their website states they do not claim bio-equivalence of its products. Apparently they just may be a redistribution center, rather than an actual research facility.

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Then it was the incorrect medication since this answer indicates it included only one medication (Librium) when it should have been a combination medication used to treat gastritis. Now I know why it was ineffective. It should habe been a combination of chlordiazepoxide HCI clidinium bromide. (capsules have always been green).

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Yes, these are made by a pharmaceutical company called Rivers Edge, this the RE 369 on the capsule.

Chlordiazepoxide is a sedative hypnotic, used to treat various conditions, such as anxiety and alcohol withdrawals.

Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache.

You can read more on the medication here:


Do you have any other questions?

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