Librax Yellow Generic Capsule Re 369 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


are generic capsules ever yellow

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Ugh, I am so sorry for you. To be exposed to that yellow pill while you are supposed to be on a vacation is just horrible. I honestly wish they would just take it off the market; it's a bit ironic that the pill that worked miracles for everyone is the one that went out of production. Oceanside still doesn't work nearly as well for me as Breckenridge did, but anything is better than the yellow pill. You should contact your pharmacy and explain the situation, especially if you were not warned that the switch in manufacturers could change your reaction to the medication. They might be able to give you a refund and/or special order you a different brand. It's best to get yourself back on any other generic, as soon possible, so that you can hopefully avoid your condition getting any worse.

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Hmm, I'm sorry to hear the Oceanside isn't working well for you. I have to say its like a miracle for me. Within 20 minutes all pain is gone. I've never had another brand work this well. However, I may possibly have either a never heard of side effect or am developing an allergy to it. The tip of my tongue gets numb when I take it. It's very weird. Last time I got a hive on my forehead along with it. I could live with this if I knew for sure it wasn't leading up to some really bad allergic reaction, but meanwhile I'm quite concerned. And incredibly annoyed that I may have to give up my miracle pill if this gets worse.

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Lmac, wow that is a very interesting development. I was quite curious how your switch to Oceanside was going so it's nice to hear an update. I would definitely contact your doctor/pharmacist about the possibility of any kind of allergic reaction developing, it affecting your mouth/tongue seems a little frightening. Hopefully it's unrelated, since it took so long to present but itself, but it's not worth messing around with. Especially since it could be something as simple as the capsule, which would mean switching to yet another manufacturer (aside from River's Edge, obviously) could keep your problem under control without any unnecessary risk to your health. It's really a shame how crazy things have gotten with this drug lately, it was my miracle cure. I am adjusting but can't help being disappointed that I have to take more pills now than I ever had to on Breckenridge's.

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Lmac, I hope your reaction to this medicine is not getting any worse! How frustrating to find medicine that works and then be allergic to it. The Oceanside seems to be working well and hopefully will continue.
Hmm, I had hoped that after sometime on the Oceanside it would work better for you but I guess at least it is better then the yellow one!
I was just diagnosed with RA(Rheumatoid Arthritis) and was curious if anyone else that is taking this medicine has it? In doing some research it shows that IBS and RA are common together. I have not yet been given any meds but go back to dr next week to see what I need to do next. Right now it is mostly in my hands, wrists and ankles. I look forward to more updates on how everything is working out for everyone.

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Pinkcat, I am sorry to hear that you're finding yourself faced with new health issues. It's never fun adjusting to a new diagnosis or medication, although if the RA was causing you pain then I am glad they have caught it. I had never heard anything about a correlation between RA and IBS before, but that's interesting. I have a friend who has a lot of stomach issues as well as RA; she was never officially diagnosed with IBS but I would not be surprised if it was an oversight and she does have it. At any rate I hope they come up with a treatment plan that's easy to adjust to and keeps you from suffering too much as I know RA can be painful when not properly managed. Best of luck to you with it all!!!

I also was hoping I would adjust a little better to the Oceanside version but ultimately I can't really complain when I stop to compare it to the River's Edge version. I still shudder to think about the nightmare that was for me.

I stumbled across this article recently "Brand Name vs. Generic Drugs: Are They Really the Same?" and it kind of helped me understand why I haven't found another brand that works as well for me as Breckenridge did. I think it would be a very interesting read for anyone who stumbles through this forum, wondering why the yellow pill doesn't work for them.

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What color is the Rivers edge pill

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Years ago I was on the green ones. This time I got yellow ones but I don't seem to have a problem with them but I called the pharmacy and they said the ones they have now are green. So I guess I will get those.

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The River's Edge pills are yellow. I am glad you are not having a problem with these. My experience is that after some time on the yellow pills my original symptoms started returning. If you have access to the green pills I would get them if you can. You may be okay for a while on the yellow but I would not want to trust them for too long especially from the experiences listed here! How long were you taking the yellow pills? I hope you find the information here helpful, I know I did. Thanks for joining the discussion!

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I just started them so not sure if they will work or not. I called my pharmacy and they have the green ones made by. I can't remember the name it was in the bog Ocean something anyway it was one of the good ones. So they have them in stock. I am going to see if I can get them. I am so glad I read this because I had a terrible problem with a generic Lorazepam. I took the LOrazepam for 4 years made by Sandoz never had a problem never had to change my dose. Sandoz just discontinued and I was given another generic made by Activis, horrible I was having withdrawal symptoms. So now I am forced to buy the brand which is costing a fortune until I can figure out another generic that will work. I made my feelings known to Activis. That is why I am trouble with my IBS now because of the anxiety of what happened with the Lorzepam. I do not need another bad generic drug. I cannot believe this is allowed in th US. Thanks for responding.

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I was able to get the green ones by Oceanside. My pharmacy has those. I will let you know how they work. All I can say is I have only been on the yellow ones for 3 days and last night while out to dinner had to run to the bathroom so maybe the yellow ones are not working. I hope your problems are resolved.

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Mary, I am so glad you were able to find this forum and switch back to Oceanside as quickly as possible. Your experience with Lorazepam reminds me very much of mine with this drug and I would hate to hear that you had to endure another similar nightmare; especially since the original one is how you ended up on this drug to begin with. I think it's safe to assume that the yellow pill was not going to work for you, based on your dinner outing. It was at least a week before I started noticing signs that should have clearly told me the yellow pill wasn't working, but I naively ignored them at first. I am very glad to know that you won't be making the same mistake! Thank you for sharing your experience here~ Take care of yourself! <3

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I got the Librax made by oceanside, it is still not as good as the real Librax I used to get. That worked right away. The yellow pills should not even be called a pill, they do nothing. It is a real problem when you are on one generic for a long time and they switch you. I am still have trouble with my Ativan and do not get anything manufactured by Activis.

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Oceanside's price has double, tripled in the last few months. Since I don't have insurance I have been using one by Ascend and it works great and is a third of the cost of Oceanside. Just an FYI for those who's insurance won't cover it.

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I am grateful for both updates, Mary and Barbie. I am tempted to try another brand, since I really haven't felt "right" for the past 6 months now and am taking it much more often than I ever had to before. I am a little leery to try and switch though, considering how disastrous it was last time.

Mary, I am very grateful for your insight into this whole situation since I don't know anyone else who reacted as badly as I did when I was switched. Though it wasn't the exact same drug you had to suffer long standing consequences with, your experience it makes me feel a little bit less crazy; which I really think I've needed. It's also extremely helpful to know that Oceanside still doesn't work as well as the original Librax did. I have always been on a generic and had no way to compare the two. I am considering trying Qualitest, since LMac mentioned it being too strong and at this point I think too strong is sounding much better than too weak.

Barbie, when you transitioned from Oceanside to Ascend did you notice *any* kind of changes? Did it seem to work better, or relax you more, make you tired, feel a little ill, any temporary recurrence of symptoms or anxiety; anything? Good or bad? I am very frightened to experiment but I don't have insurance either and the rising cost of Oceanside, along with it still not working nearly as well as Breckenridge, is really making me consider another change.

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Hmm, I wanted to clarify that it wasn't the Qualitest that was too strong necessarily, but that's the one I was taking when I started emptying out half the capsule since I didn't like how dizzy and tired this drug has always made me feel, regardless of brand. I was (and still am) very underweight and have always been super sensitive to drugs, more so now with the weight loss, so I'm sure that contributes. The Qualitest didn't seem to do a thing for me as far as symptom control. The Oceanside is like night and day in how well it works. I still get the numb tongue thing so I'm afraid to take it, but I love it. It honestly takes all pain away in minutes. I've taken literally just a pinch of the powder (to test the allergy concern) and it still works, so it's either very strong, I'm extraordinarily sensitive or I've got one heck of a placebo thing going on in my head ;)

For what it's worth, I really, truly think the Oceanside is a rebranded brand name. Brand name Librax and the Oceanside generic have the exact same ingredients in the exact same order, are both sold by the same company and are both manufactured in the same plant. If you call the Oceanside company they answer the phone with the Valeant name, which is who makes Librax, and Valeant owns Oceanside. Even the pharmacist said this is likely the case since it would make no sense to produce two different forms of the same drug in the same place. She told me what companies do is run the same pills down the assembly line, one day with the brand name imprints and another day with the generic imprints. She said she knows this is how it's done with other companies who make both brand and generic, so considering all the "evidence" I don't know what else to think but that they're one and the same.

Hoping everyone finds what works for them so we can all feel better :) And Hmm lol you will hate this but I was at CVS a month or so ago and checked which brand they had, and they pulled out a bottle of Breckenridge. I was like what?? I couldn't get it (can't transfer refills) but wish I could have snatched them up for you. I need to get a new script and try another brand to check the numb tongue issue.

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When I switched from Oceanside to Ascend I didn't notice any difference. My problem is low intestinal cramping and both generics work for me. I do take two caps 4Xdaily. I have taken it for years and because of that I don't get sleepy, tired, or any of those side effects. It just relieves my pain. The only generic that was a total disaster was River Ridge(the yellow one.) and I was constantly in pain for the first time in years. My Dr. said it did not work for any of his patients!

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Haha, thank you LMac, that helped a lot. Your sensitivity to drugs is an important part of the equation cause I seem to have the opposite problem. >.< I also had to laugh at your comment about them pulling out a bottle of Breckenridge at CVS. I called around yesterday and Walgreens (who I no longer use) told me they had Breckenridge in stock but not enough to fill my script and they would only order Oceanside, I practically jumped through the phone trying to figure out a way to pry those pills away from the woman. *^^;* I am at a loss with the whole situation right now. I take more than ever and my doctor seems to have switched locations without my knowledge and I'm having a hell of a time getting a refill. I miss the ease, comfort, and simplicity of Breckenridge. A bottle cost $100 but it lasted 3 months. No more. =/

Prior to reading what Mary had to say I agreed 100% that Oceanside is merely a repack of the name brand, but I question it now. The thing is that the stupid yellow pill could very well have screwed things up, merely making the Oceanside pill seem less effective. I know I took the yellow pill long enough to initially suffer residual effects from stopping it. It literally behaved as another, equally addictive but entirely ineffective, drug for me.

I am sorry to hear you are still walking on eggshells, worried about an allergic reaction... It might be worth looking into Ascend for yourself, as well? I am just glad you don't seem to have horrible (withdrawal) symptoms from not taking it, not being able to take it out of fear is bad enough!

Thank you Barbie as well, combined with what LMac has said I may look at Ascend instead, because if I have to take as much as I do now, or even up it, then I really need a cheaper variation!

I really wish that the doctors would complain, if they're actually noticing people returning with recurring symptoms after being given River's Edge. I hate that it's still out there.

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HEB tells me this month Ascend Pharmaceticals has quit making generic Librax. Now they only have being Oceanside that would cost me +/- $350.00 for 240 pills and the other would cost much more. So what is everybody else able to buy?

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I was so grateful to find this site. I knew something was terribly wrong when my pharmacy switced to Rivers Edge from Breckenridge. I too contacted Breckenridge only to find out they'd discontinued production. It was a miracle generic only in comparision with the name brand Librax. I took myself off the Rivers Edge because of the
syptoms I knew weren't right. I originally began on the the name brand Librax over 20 years ago. I've had these
syptoms since I was a child and my parents use to rush me to the hospital never knowing what was wrong or ever finding out what it was. When I was finally diagonised in my twenties, I began taking Librax and it
truly was a miracle. After this I was switched to Breckenridge and found it to be quite comparable. I'm so frustrated also. I did try Oceanside but found that it
helps somewhat but not as good of course as Breckenridge. My Walgreens pharamacy has now said they offer a generic brand Acella. Anyone have any
information on this? I'll be picking it up tonight and
let you know how it's working. I agree so much with everyone on this site. It's extremely scary when they change medications and it can have effects that are really frightening! I was becoming depressed and extremely angry at small things, never happend before. At least we all know what we should be experiencing and can let others know and our doctors that the Rivers Edge brand is something no one should be taking.

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Sandi, I too am glad you found your way to this forum. I do wish that River's Edge would just be shut down and this could be a forgotten problem, but I am glad that this forum at least allows people to figure out what's going on.

I am always especially intrigued by people like yourself, who have had experience with the name brand version of the drug. I have never experienced the Acella version of the pill but very much hope you will share your experience. I have continued taking the Oceanside version but I am taking 3x what I had to take of Breckenridge and still experience recurrences of my original symptoms as well as frequent "withdrawal" like symptoms that I remember from my original switch from Breckenridge to River's Edge. It seems the longer I take it the less effective it's becoming. Which is normal for any benzodiazepine, I suppose, but so very frustrating since I was extremely careful to stay on a low dose when I started because of that and now I'm taking my full dose and it's nowhere near enough. My doctor doesn't appear to understand at all and offered to try switching me to a different medication, but I see no solution in that as nothing else had worked previously and I have no desire to watch my problems escalate while trying to get away from the Librax.

I wish you a lot of luck with the Acella generic and hope that you will come back soon to say that you have found something that works for you!! Good luck and best of health to you!!

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