Levothyroxine Synthroid Discontinue? (Top voted first)


I have been taking 25mg of this crap for almost a year. Im 28 over weight and wondering if stoping this med suddenly with my docs concent is dangerous. Im gaining weight and not feeling any better. I also take colonzipam for anxiety metroprol for high bp and Norco for back pain im a smoker and weigh 290 before I only weigh ed 260 me and my doc are exploring the fact that I may not need this med at all or i need a different kind. So he said to stop for 2 months should i be worried about this decession?

6 Replies

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First get some blood tests done. Get T4, T3 and TSH measured at least. If they are normal, reduce the medication and repeat the test after about one month. If you begin to feel bad after 2 weeks (because T4 has a half life of about 7 days) repeat the blood tests to see how the medicine WAS affecting you, if at all. Read as much as you can for yourself about Hypo/Hyper Thyroidism. But get those basic blood tests done. If you do not need that medication, get off it as soon as possible - I agree with you, it is crap. If you do have a thyroid problem, get a natural desiccated thyroid like Armour thyroid, you will not have as many problems with that over a synthetic.

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I agree switched to amour much better I would not take levo if it was lasted on earth horrible stuff

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Congratulations glo, you did good! All those terrible things happened to me on Levo (for 2 1/2 years). Armour fixed 95% of them within 1/2 hour! I don't know what to tell you about the weight gain, that is my current project, get rid of the 35lbs I put on in the first three months of the catastrophic Levo years. I am exercising like crazy and reducing my food intake as much as I can but progress is very, very slow. I think we need to get a better indepth understanding of what any form of external thyroid replacement (i.e. the hormone in pill form) has on the metabolic system. If I succeed, I will post what I learn or do, here.

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No, it is nothing to worry about. Your doctor isn't trying to steer you wrong.

What have the test shown for your TSH results? That is what would let you know whether or not you need such a medication.

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Have your t3 and t4 tested you need to get on Armour. Levo is horrible. It also pulls calcium from your bones.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Bull crap. TSH can be normal and free T3 and free T4 can be off. AND what about the antiperoxidase antibody? Why do doctors say this med we can never stop or it could be fatal? So if doc says stop, we won’t die? But if we say we want to stop then doc says it’s dangerous? This is bull crap we line pockets in hope to find someone who genuinely cares whether we feel better or feel sick. You drive your Mercedes while I’m poisoned on whatever heavy handed practitioner (practice-er) rx's me.

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