Levetiraceta Interaction
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I am 79 yrs old & had been in excellent health until a heart attack in January 2014 requiring 3 stints. Then in early April I had a mild stroke & 1 week later had 2 seizures-wherein I fractured a vertabrae & had kyphoplasty. I take atorvastatin 20mg (1 daily)clopidogrel 75 MG (1 daily) metformin 500 mg, Lisinopril 10 mg (1 daily) and just started Levetirecta 500 mg- twice daily. I have begun to have excruciating stomach aches. Stomach Xray & ultra sound revealed no internal organ issues. Are these drugs interacting or is that an too high dosage of Levetirecta?
2 Replies
if I am taking phenytoin extended caps 100mg 6oomg/day and go off atorvastatin 40mg can that cause sezure
Hello, Jerry! How are you feeling? I am very sorry about the problem that you're having.
Several of the medications that you're taking carry the risk of causing gastritis, so that could be what's causing this. Only your doctor can help you pinpoint which medication might be doing it.
What have you tried to ease the stomach ache? Have you tried any antacids?
The reason I'm asking is because this is what happened to me a few years ago and I had no idea what was wrong with my stomach.
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