Kolopin (Top voted first)


anti anxiety

2 Replies

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I think what you mean is Klonopin. From my knowledge they are small circular yellow pills. Also from what I have heard, they are the weakest of the anti anxiety-benzo type medication. However they are addictive if used regularely. I find them to be very nice and subtly calming. It does not feel like a narcotic.

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To add some specifics…

Klonopin contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, it is a Benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

Learn more Klonopin details here.

It does have the potential to be habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

The way the tablets look can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and from dosage to dosage.

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