Just Started Neurontin (Top voted first)


II am a diabetic and having some neuopathy in my legs. After reading the comments I may have to think twice about taking. I sing and surely dont need a voice change. getting ready to make a cd project ! Someone told me that it can cause you to have suicide thoughts and i dont need that. Seems we take for one problem and creates another. linda f.

4 Replies

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I have been diagnosed with a nerve root compression at L5. My Pain Dr prescribed liqid nuerontin first 6mls a day for 3 days, then that amount twice a day for 3 days, then that amount 3 times a day from that point on.

After I have read some about it I am almost afraid of takeing it. Is it safe for a 62 year old man. I am currently on Methadone 60 mg a day and some other medications. I was in a severe car accident when I was around 20 and have ben taking Pain Meds since and had multiple surgeries. I also lost my left leg eventually from the accident. Am I being too scared of this nuerontin? If I start and get to 18mls a day like the prescription calls for, how long would it take me to get off of it if I wanted too. Thjanks so much for your awnser and help.

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It did not cause any voice changes for me, which is something I was also concerned about. The suicidal thoughts, and mood changes can be side effects, but they are very rare. Other more common side effects may include nausea, dizziness, weight changes, and dry mouth.

lonesomedove1951, a lot of it really depends on you, and how long you take it, before you stop, but a slow taper is always the safest thing to do, to avoid the withdrawal risk of seizures. Have you started taking it, yet?

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Never worked at all for my neuropathy pain. Just put me straight to sleep in 15 to 20 minutes.

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Re: lonesomedove1951 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Never worked at all for my neuropathy pain. Just put me straight to sleep in 15 to 20 minutes.A friend took it and was charged with DUI following an accident.

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