Jadelle Contraception Side Effects (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Has anyone had the jadelle implant and had bad side effects? I got it done a weeks ago and have started light bleeding over the last few days and it wont go away as well as my skin breaking out.

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Hi there I had my jadelle went to the doctors at keilor plaza medical they hacked at my arm leaving a big scar and did not remove it. Just had mine removed in nz was cheaper to fly home and get it done as I would of had to go to a radiologists and have it surgically removed

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I have had my jadelle for around 3/4 weeks now and it has been the worst weeks of my year to date, I have turned crazy hormonal and i've been happy for ages so its pretty coincidental for this to have occured after the jadelle was inserted. My boyfriend even broke up with me because of my mood swings because i have just been overemotional, angry and extremely short-fused. No other side effects apart from that but Im considering taking it out because its just horrid. Im feeling so down.

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Were any of you told ANYTHING before the implant? Irregular bleeding is the most common symptom, and it is common for periods to cease all together, sometimes starting immediately after insertion or at any point afterwards, whether its been 1 month, 6 months, or a year. THIS DOESNT MEAN YOU ARE PREGNANT - JADELLE IS 100% EFFECTIVE (or at least close to).
Weight gain is also common, though not a hell of a lot. Dizziness, acne, headaches and nausea can also occur; this MAY just be temporary (say, first six months) and can be treated with other pills.
If you have a more severe side effects then simply have it removed. Do not believe that because you are hearing so many bad stories online that it is a bad treatment - merely that when things go wrong people seek advice so there are less reports of 'successful cases'.
Please be rational about this. Seriously. Read the pamphlet - it's even available online.
P.S. my cousin and myself are both example success cases of the Jadelle implant, we love it.

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Ace*** - of course we were told of the STANDARD SIDE EFFECTS - Pretty much covers most of the Birth control Range. What we are talking about on this site is the ones they don't tell you or don't know about. Having this site lets women express what they are going through with Jadelle. Ive been on many BC and found Jadelle the one with most side effects. Good on you and your cousin for having success with Jadelle. You're found the right contraceptive that suits your body type

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After 3 1/2 years finally got mine out cant believe how amazing i feel now lost the weight i put on no more depression or mood swings and period back to normal such a relief

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Have had Jadelle since Nov 2011. I had migraines, felt nauseous, was angry most of the time, very low libido and my my periods stopped for eight months. This was all within the first year, i was also nervous most of the time and would break out with sweat very fast. though all this was very uncomfortable to me i will still keep it because i do not want to get pregnant.

From December 2013 i started bleeding for two weeks continuously each month, i have scheduled an appointment with my doctor to find out if there is anything that can be done to stop the continuous bleeding without removing the rods.

i like Jadelle because i do not have to worry about forgetting to take the pill and getting pregnant, in the end its all about weighing the advantages against the disadvantages. And by the way the headaches and all stopped and i am in my 3rd year now with it.

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Ive had my Jadelle for almost a year and goh the changes ive been through. So i bleed lightly for one whole month a few weeks after getting my jadelle but i kept it in because i was aware of these side effects and yes the bleeding did stop and ive only have maybe two periods since which is amazing for me! I have gone through some crazy mood swings and real emotional stages that went on for months but my body has finally settled i mean at the end of the baby me and my boy friend dont want a baby just yet and with the jadelle i have nothing to worry about. It does cause a few changes with your body but everyones different

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I used norplant for 5 yrs,on removal i was inserted with jadelle to go for 3 yrs which is almost due for removal. The only side effects i has was dizziness and nausea for a few days after procedure which went away and irregular menses which i don't mind. My worry is for the last 10 days i have had light bleeding i don't know if it's normal though i have been under pressure for the same period, i don't know if it's related. Love the implants though! Great!

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I am a very active person with a healthy eating lifestyle. I go to the gym daily and eat clean healthy foods. My doctors suggested to change my contraception. Because I have put on 40 kg since jadelle inserted 8 months ago. I will keep you all in the know to see if I lose it as fast as i put it on.

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I have jadelle.i got it in 2014 so 2 years now.over those 2 years i have had alot of breakouts, pains in my arm and weight gain.total of 13kgs.i went from 67kgs in 2014 to 80.kgs to date. and now experiencing heart problems.

So i have booked an appointment with my g.p to have it removed.its really painful and not worth it at all.why i chose to stay with it for 2 years is fear of having another miscarriage.

Hope this helps in any way.

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It's been good to read other women's experiences with Jadelle, so I thought I should add my own. I've had the implant since July 2011. For the first two months my periods were regular and I was really happy about not needing to worry about taking the pill any more. However, after this, I started having spotting between periods almost like a constant light period. I was really upset about this so I went and saw my doctor and she gave me the pill and said it may help to regulate my cycle. After a few days on the pill the bleeding stopped and when I was finished with the pack I had my period as normal and then a month of no spotting, then another period that lasted a month. It has been completely chaotic to be using the Jadelle implant. I have started to think that it's use is to make you bleed ALL THE TIME so that you are put off of sex. It is now February 2012 and I cannot wait any longer for my period to regulate so I am going to see a doctor today to have it removed. If this means I have to be on the pill, I will be happy and a good pill-taker! I would not recommend the Jadelle implant to anyone, I feel like it has had a very negative impact on my life but I am happy for those of you with good experiences. :)

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i have had the jadelle for nearly a year. i got my period every two weeks for the first 6 months, then it stopped. i have not had my period since, i have found it to be very good and well worth it. only problem is that it aches every now and then,
but everyone reacts to i differntly. because some people have bad side effects it does not mean that it will be the same for you.
definetly worth a shot

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I've been on the Jadelle for just over a year now and had my period only 3x have definately had mood swings and definate weight gain of almost 10kgs, besides all that i say give it a shot, if it means not having to worry about taking pills or getting pregnant. And weight gain is nothing compared to having a child.

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To anyone that has had jadelle removed...along did it take for symptoms...side effects to subside?

Iv had chronic abdo pain and migraines the last four months...had jadelle for 16months...bloods and ultra sound came back clear so doctor wanted to remove Jadelle ( I actually quite liked it) but in an attempt to get rid of the pain and these migraines said ok...remove it...

Its been out a week and no change in pain...

just wondering how long others took?

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I've been using Jadelle for over 2 years now, Ive only ever had my period twice. First time was last year, it lasted the normal 5-8day cycle. Second time it lasted 2 weeks, 4 day break, then began again for another two weeks. This is normal, it is your body trying to get rid of old blood that has been sitting inside you for so long. If you are worried about blood loss, take some iron tablets- I did the second time.
I also gained a huge amount of weight within 2 weeks of having the implant in. I gained a whopping 8kg's. This is apparently also normal because as soon as I get off Jadelle, i will lose it all.
Everyone mustn't forget- Jadelle is a foreign object in your arm, your body doesnt realise what's hit it. Give it some time. It's made my life a heck of a lot easier

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I agree NZ needs to stop putting these harmful devices into our women. I have posted several times with my experience, maybe someone should go public I will support them.

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Hi all, I have had Jadelle in since Nov 2012 and have been experiencing side effects in the last couple of months. I have also started the Cohen's diet and was blaming that for the side effects but after reading all this I really think it's all to do with Jadelle. I have breast tenderness, bloating, wind, back ache, migraines and severe abdominal pain to the point where I am doubled over and don't want to move. I am getting my Jadelle removed next Friday and it will be interesting to see what the result is afterwards.

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Just an update since I had the Jadelle out - What a difference! No cramps, increased libido, no aches and pains, no tummy upsets (although this could also be due to getting a water filter). Feeling relieved and 100% better. Best decision I made to get it out.

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Get the JADELLE removed! No beating round the bush!! Just do it! Mood swings with Jadelle were the worse times ive ever had. I have been off it since October 2013. No mood swings, (well I get grumpy but I can snap out of it and not go on for days hating the world). No bloated tummy. Skin is much clearer. Ladies I have noticed the difference and you all need to get off it. Its bad for your body.

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WELL ACE, you must be one of the few lucky ones because the rest of us here have had really terrible experiences with Jadelle, I suffered nearly constant bleeding, terrible migrianes, acne weight gain loss of libido, feeling sick all the time and major mood changes. Jadelle is dangerous and damaging a lot of women. I've had mine out for 8 months approx, my weight has just dropped off, moods are normal, acne gone, libido returned. I wasn't old of all these side effects when I got mine it was pushed as the best invention since the pill!! Who would get it knowing all that is going to happen to your body. Ladies take it out. PS ACE didn't like they way you were treating June and using all those CAPS!!

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