Jadelle Contraception Side Effects (Page 4)


Has anyone had the jadelle implant and had bad side effects? I got it done a weeks ago and have started light bleeding over the last few days and it wont go away as well as my skin breaking out.

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Hi, checking whether you got the jadelle removed since i find myself having a bloating stomach too. i have been on jadelle for 9months and people see me and think i am really pregnant.

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Binta,I had my jadelle the very first day of my circle and so far no any spotting,but I am always checking for it to save myself the embarrasment of stain on my clothes, when will the spotting start?

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hi ive been on it over 6 months ive gained 20kgs lost all confidence and got worse skin getting it removed this month i dont suggest it. i had my period every week and a half get off i say

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i have been using jadelle for the past 4 years,it was a little bit annoying with the spotting.bloating,weight that couldnt go away.anxiety attacks and the mother of all devils..low libido..it really affected my relationship but once i got read of it i got very bad back pain,prolonged bleedind -2 months continious-headaches.acne,i decided to get it inserted again and worked very well for me...i would rather deal with the weight and low sex drive than a killing back ache,bleeding and migranes...i think its a good option for characters like me who are not so into being a slave to the pill...

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maybe you just ate too much .mcds

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can you still get pregnant while having the jadelle? I have it inserted but im putting on weight and feeling sick

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i know 3 people who were on jadelle bt had pregnancy

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I have also had the jadelle implant and have noticed a huge weight gaine i used to be a size eight after having the implant for about 2 months i started noticing a change now after having it for about 7 months im now a size 14 also noticed that i hardly ever get my period and its very light when i do and only lasts for a day, and i have had bad break outs on my face its horrible!

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so had Jadelle inserted Feb 2011, had 1 small light period shortly after and then nothing. I lost my extra weight from Depo Provera within a month of insertion and didnt suffer any side effects. 13 months later, I started bleeding for 5/7 days. 1-2 of these days bleeding was heavy other than that i wouldnt even fill a pad or tampon so it was basically annoying. Other than this irregular bleeding no other complaints. No skin problems, still active sexually with hubby and no acne. Now it has been about 18 days with no bleeding and honestly i'm finding myself easily annoyed and fustrated with people which isn't like me. I also have really sore breasts so I'm over it. The implant itself in my arm is quite noticable (sticks out). one rod is bent and at times its not super painfull just uncomfortable with certain movements. I hav appt this Monday to have it taken out! I cant understand how i'm getting bad side effects after a long period of no effects? I'm not prepared to risk havn mood swings (especially at work), nor risk experiencing any further side effects! I agree with the many above where it is a case of try it and see how your body deals with it but draw the line where u feel necessary

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Hi all, I'm 25 yr old with 3 kids. I've had jadelle implants in for about 3.5yrs. And now I've been told it only lasts 3 yrs, so I'm getting them removed, and new ones putincalled NXT. I'm nervous about the new ones as I haven't been told much about them, as in side effects.

While I've had jadelle, I've had bad acne breakouts and no bleeding, and within the last month, I've notice my skin seems to be a lot better. So im just hoping the new implants are going to be fine with my body, I really don'twant the acne breakouts anymore.h

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So had Jadelle removed, it has been a week and I feel my body returning back to normal. Bit of bruising on my arm but nothing major. Have decided to go all natural and give my body a rest from contraceptive options. Most importantly..... I HAVE STOPPED BLEEDING!!!!!

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Hi I've been on jadelle for 6 months now. I have had 1 normal period but with all the rest of my periods the bleeding seems to come back under a week later and its always more bright red and has little chunks of my uterus lining in it and it always comes back heavy. m quite over it

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And those bleeding episodes usually stick around for another week and then it comes back again for another couple of days and then i will get that month break and then it starts all over again

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Can anybody tel me what they mean when they get anxiety from jadelle what kind of anxiety? Is it towards any aspect of life? Because I noticed lately that I get easily anxious about things and when I saw that anxiety was a side affect of jadelle ( I've had jadelle for 6 months now) I wondered if it was because of jadelle

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Thank god thanks for this...I was abit worried that jadelle was going to be no good for my body...I guess its just my bodies way of keeping itself healthy while the jadelle is in there

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I have been going through the opinions of different guys on this site. am grateful for this site.

My wife and I decided to go for the Jadelle Last year, most of the side effects she experiences we were aware of and we don't have a problem with that. My question is.........Since last year after the implant, she began to complain about some pain in her ankle, could this be part of the side effect, especially when she walks for a short distant. Please help.


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So pleased to read the comments on here I've been on Jadelle for nearly 2 years and sooooooooo over the irregular and heavy bleeding. Its coming out!

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hi i have had the jadelle rods for nearly a year and i started with getting my perion normaly then it went to every second week to every second day to not getting it at all but i get alot of headaches tummy cramps mood swings etc.......
i have asked if they can remove it but i was told you have to have a good reason.......
you might experience erugular periods for the next 6 months

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congradulations on getting your jadelle out goh i cant wait to get mine out and get a regular pediod to be honest man i get alot of pain when i miss my periods and i havent had it for just over 4 months

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Well I'd like to thank you all for posting in here. I'm a 49yr old mother of a young girl who I was going to get the Jaydelle implants in. I've changed my mind tonight reading all of your experiences. Certainly sounds like it's not the best choice of contraception available with the least side effects. Maybe the good old Pill will suffice for now.

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