Jadelle Contraception Side Effects (Page 18) (Top voted first)


Has anyone had the jadelle implant and had bad side effects? I got it done a weeks ago and have started light bleeding over the last few days and it wont go away as well as my skin breaking out.

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I was on jadelle for about a year and two months
Since I had it I started experiencing all that the others described, weight gain,bloated stomach,feelings in my stomach like a baby was kicking,break outs it was horrible then finally I decided to have it removed dec 2012 the procedure was horrible and really painful. The first procedure he couldn't find the second one so he had to stitch me up and wait for it to heal. Then I went back in jan 2013 to have it done again to remove the other one it was much painful and now I have a scar. My recommendation, don't use jadelle it's horrible and will ruin ur life.

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Wow I wish I read all of this before I had this thing put in! I had mine put in six weeks after I had my son so it has been just about a year now. I was diagnosed with PND but to be honest I think the Jadelle has contributed to that. I have had non stop bleeding for this past year with maybe two weeks out of that not bleeding. I get those phantom kicks ( I thought was just from missing being pregnant lol). I look like I did at 5 months pregnant, extremely bloated and Im a size 6 (nz). Have the worse skin I have had in my life and Im nearly 25! My skin was better when I was 16. Have terrible mood swings and that is on top of taking antidepressants for PND. I am unmotivated and have no sex drive at all and sex actually hurts but Im not sure if thats still recovering from a difficult birth. Im ringing the dos first thing on monday and getting this stupid thing removed!

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i have had the jadelle for a little over a year now ,take it out asap the bleeding DOES NOT stop ,and you wont need it since no one would want t o go near you !!!!

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Its 8 months now and the bleeding is still continiously there giving me 2-3 days break only. Got it removed 14th Oct wana try IUCD method, don't know if that will work for me

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Why can't you just write some good proper english for people to understand you instead of those annoying short cuts? sorry though

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Me too I have jadelle for 2years now and I have been spotting non stop for 3 months now and at times its dark red and has a weird smell... I am worried

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l had jadelle since 2012 and l have no side effects or complications. The only problem l had was weight gain. l gained weight no matter how much l worked out or how healthy l ate... Now l want to put it in for the second time. Will l gain more weight the second time around? l tried taking weight loss pills but they didn't help... Are there any weight loss pills that others would recommend? Can someone help me? l love jadelle but the weight gain is too much to bear.

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I am 23 years old and have had jadelle implant for 18 months now, at the beginning it helped my acne a lot (i suffer of acne because of excesive production of Androgenous hormons). I was under Roaccutane treatment for a year and before that I did another two treatments that didn't work.
After 18 months with the implant and no oral treatment for almost a year now, my face is breaking out horrible , it itches and no topical treatment seems to help. I haven't had a regular period since i got the implant, i can be without my period for 4-6 months and then have it for an entire month.
This is really worrying me and i am starting to believe I should get it out asap.

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hi there, im having the same symptioms and cant find any1 but you that has the same problem!! sum1 help us please =]

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Have had jadelle for just over a year now. Went straight from depo onto it. Haven't really had a period for years cause of the depo. But in the last 3 weeks I've had light bleeding that just doesn't seem to stop. Is there anything i can do about it? Or should i get it removed?

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Heyyyyyy ! I have had my jadelle in for two years and I didn't get a period for over a year just light spotting once in a blue moon , hardly ever had break outs and rarely had tummy pains . Recently I have had my period for nine days and it has gone but other than that I have kept my hormones at a homeostasis level and eat clean and train at the gym to keep myself healthy mentally and physically . Hope this helps someone

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Hey this is normal for any contraception because the body is getting used to having its hormones controlled by something foreign. Your hormone levels have been
Upset therefore the cause of break out and light bleeding

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Hey ive had the jadelle in for almost 2 years now and just like you i gained 20kgs since being on the jadelle!! I am honestly so angry that i put on this much weight i wish i read all this before getting it done. I was just wondering since getting your jadelle removed have you gone back to your weight before jadelle? Im definitly getting mine removed!! I do hope i drop all this weight. Thanks

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Yes I also have started using it since February this year and I get exact symptoms u ve listed . I also have a pain in my left feet close to my uncle .mow wen I sit or sleep and am getting up I feel south pain in my left feet and I am only menstruated ones in July but since no menstruation again

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I've had Jadelle for a year and haven't been on my period since. I've lost so much and now I'm experiencing palpitations, anxiety and depression.

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Hi there, im the opposite of that ive had the jadelle for 18 months i have not got my period for the 1st 17 months i started getting smears of blood an tummy aches help plzzzz

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I can bet they do, i had mine inserted eight months ago, am loosing a lot of weight am contemplating removing it.

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I've had the jadelle for two years and have no period till recently with random spotting that lasts like two days and comes back within the next week also bleeding while having intercourse occurred for about a month. I now have very tender breasts which has lasted about two months and my body has been itchy all up my legs are covered with scares from itching in my sleep and I used to get acne as a teenager and it's come back with big boil like things on my face though I had no problems up until now it seems to have all come at once I'm considering getting them out. So good to hear other people experiencing the same things as I was afraid I was pregnant.

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I have been using jadelle since 12/2011now I have been blbleeding, headaches and blurring vision since June does it mean it's time to take it out.

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