Ive Had 2 Failed Back Surgerys But In The Last Week Been Suffering With Hip Pain
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Sorry about that typing on my phone. OK, 2 failed back surgery, this past week suffering with severe hip pain pulsing down my leg. This morning, I demanded X-Rays, they told me the report would faxed to Doc and to check with them In a few hours. I called and explained i was in severe pain and would like to be called as soon as possible. I told the Lady (not the regular front desk Gal) I was not calling for more meds, just last week, I got my 22 days of meds and di mot need more until regular appointment. I take several meds, a nerve pill, Gabad something, a muscle relaxer and for pain, 5 Roxicodene daily.The Roxy's are helping some, but I need to know why this new pain, can I have an epidural or something ? The pain is so intense, i' m getting sick to my stomach every time I stand. I can't be on my feet more than 5 minutes, the SERIOUS pain comes. Any information on what or why this is happening. Thanks

2 Replies

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Hello, Jan! How are you?

If you're problem is due to pinched nerves in your back, which I'm highly suspicious of give your prior surgeries, then an x-ray wouldn't really show what's going on, since it only shows the bones and not any of the soft tissue which could be inflamed and compressing the nerves. You'd need an MRI to show that, so it might be worth seeing your doctor as soon as possible to see if they might order one for you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Well, the Doctors office said my XRay showed nothing to be alarmed about, I could come in for a $125. office visit to discuss it with Doc, then return a week later for another $125. office visit to get my prescriptions. I just don't get it, I can't be on my feet longer than 30 minutes without SERIOUS Pain in hip and leg. With my meds, sitting I am at level 3 with my pain, which is the lowest I've been able to go the last 3 years.Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this new pain has come on and what to do ? Thanks for any replies.

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