Itchy Skin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking simvastatin for about 4 months and have had a really bad itchy skin reaction, but nothing is relieving it. I do not see this posted as a side effect. Not using grapefruit juice, what else might it be interacting with to cause this great discomfort?

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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I've been on Pravastatin, 20 mil for at least 5 years. This is really weird because I've noticed every time I get a new refill (every 6 months) that's when I feel itchy mostly on my arms and legs. Then after few days it goes away. But just recently the itchiness lingers much longer. It itches in my neck, sides of my chin and arms. I tried to put lotion thinking its due to dry skin but it didn't work. So I googled it and found that one of the effects of the statin is an itchy skin.

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Yes....Face, scalp and forehead.Been on Simvistatin 2 months.

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I itched from head to toe. Stopped taking statins for about 6 weeks and the itching finally stopped. My doctor agreed and he still tries to prescribe statins but I refuse them. Taking zetia and Vascepa and no side effects. Just don't take more than two Vascepa at a time or you will feel very light headed.

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Was on a statin years ago. Assumed I had allergies to perfumed laundry detergent. Tried fragrance free stuff as the itchiness was just always in my trunk stomach area. and sides. VERY bothersome. Doc said my cholesterol wasnt good enough, he doubled my meds (this was generic lipitor). Days later I broke out in boils on my ears. Ceased taking this, DAYS later itch gone that I had had for YEARS. Doctor did not support my decision, didn't believe me, said I NEEDED a statin, nothing else works. Im also diabetic, and I have also found out that statins also raise your blood sugar. It is a vicious cycle. Recently switched doctors, this one is more holistic, prescribed 2000 mg fish oil. OK, I got a great kind, salmon oil, etc. taking over 2000 mg/day. Have blood work done, cholesterol and triglycerides are out of control. I have been off the lipitor for years and feeling wonderful. Old doc put me on Crestor, after 4 weeks, I have itching behind my knees, and on my stomach. It is VERY intense and wakes me up at night. Topicals do not much of anything. Maybe relief for an hour or less. I feel frustrated and that nothing will help me. I hears Zetia isnt a statin? ANyone tried this?

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I agree with you about the medicine Statin. I am a 61 year old female. I have been taking simvastatin for like 20 years now and I have so many problems. PLEASE read the side effects. I have every single side effect. Please stop the simvastatin. I feel like things are crawling on me. I feel things under my skin. I'll look to reach for it and it's not there. Sometimes it feels like ice or water is on my skin but when I touch it, it's as dry as ever. Very scary. My muscles are sore, my legs tingle, I can not remember a lot of stuff family members ask, "girl what is going on with you you don't remember that?" It saddens my heart for me not to remember beautiful memories. NOW, I have a lump on my collarbone and these doctors don't understand why? They are running several test. The lump is hard. The lump does not hurt but the area does from my head to toe. I have to have a colonoscopy to have my thyroid checked and a few other tests. I am fine until the certain part of the day. 7/22/2017

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Re: Texas Red (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I've been taking it for a long while but all of a sudden I began itching and I always take it in the evening. I eliminated everything else . First thought it was the juice I took the med with . Well I eliminated that then after no itching I thought it was that but on taking my med it returned. I know it's the simastatin 40 MG.

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I have been taking Lipitor 10 mg for about 10 years. In early August my pcp (who is a cardiologist) changed my dose to 40 mg daily. I developed a generalized itch (no rash) and did the usual process of elimination to determine the cause. Benadryl was minimally helpful. After about 2 weeks of this misery I contacted my pcp and Phenergan was ordered. Another 2 weeks, and an office visit- suggested xanax. It makes you dopey, but no relief. After multiple attempts at discussion, I stopped the Lipitor (2 days so far). I was surprised to see how many people had very similar stories. This itch is awful. All of my blood work in mid-August was normal. I would appreciate any feedback. How long after the Lipitor was stopped did the itch go away?

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I started simvastatin and after just a few weeks I started to get itchy all over. I would say the itching is head to toe. My eyes and throat even itch. I have allergies and sometimes my face itches and I would say that the all over itching feels similar after taking the simvastatin.

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I got my wife Benadryl tabs to see if the work will let you know.

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