Is Vitamin D3 50000 Iu Medicine Or Food Supplement?
Updatedfor Vitamin D3 50000 IU can be classified as medicine or as food supplement? for all vitamins is there is concentration or limits to consider the product medicine or food supplement?
1 Reply
Hi Judy,
I'm not sure what your question actually is. Vitamin D is not a 'medicine', but a vitamin supplement. If you are concerned about the DOSE, that is not anything to worry about, as you would need to take HUGE amounts before you would overdose. Please see my page on Vitamin D overdose here.
What you might be more interested in, is that Prescription Vitamin D is NOT the correct form of Vitamin D to be taking, however. Vitamin D3, the kind that you can get over the counter at any health food store, is the only vitamin d form that anyone should be taking.
Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States
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