Is Tramadol Habit Fornming If I Take 2 50 Mg A Day (Top voted first)
13 Replies
The answer is YES. I'm a recent 'Victim of Tramadol'. I took it for maybe 60 days at low, therapeutic doses. Seems safe...but...if I miss a dose, or go say 12 hours without taking one, I become VERY sick. For perspective: I'd been on long-term oxycontin, hydrocodone, other therapy in the past. Never had a problem discontinuing them (other than maybe a runny nose). But this Tramadol is something else. The doctor doesn't know what to do about it, either, except to keep giving me more. Otherwise I'd be so ill that I couldn't go to work. Yeah - it's that bad.
Exact symptoms that I experience: Horrible aches all over, in places that I didn't even know COULD ache, and *extreme* akathesia (impossible to lay or sit still - very scary & uncomfortable). And, believe it or not, taking a different opioid or even Valium will NOT stop the syndrome. Only another Tramadol dose will.
Please don't learn the hard way like I have.
Effexor & Tramadol are almost identical, if you look at their chemical structures. The hospital staff was correct. -- Well, except that the risk of Seratonin Syndrome is grossly over-stated with Tramadol, as it's alleged risk of seizures.
For example, the literature says to not take Tramadol alongside an anti-depressant. But 99% of people actually can, with zero problems. The risk is grossly exaggerated, like I said, but the tiny risk is still there nonetheless. Very tiny risk, actually.
My beef with Tramadol is that it's incredibly physicaly addiciting, even in the absence of drug abuse. I've found this out the hard way.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I’m going to say the withdrawal from tramadol is NOT minimal. It was horrible. First 72 hours you get extremely sick. But that wasn’t the worst. Even 3 weeks after stopping I had major anxiety, couldn’t think straight and was only sleeping 1-2 hours a night. I tried vitamins recommended, dr gave me Ativan which is also addictive and I ended up going to a dr who specialized in dependency after a month. Didn’t even know they exsisted but this was the 5th dr I had been pushed to. He had me try a nasal spray called BR+\NAD. It worked wonders. Within 3 days I was back to normal. It’s expensive but to me worth every penny ($91 7ml). I was told tramadol had no risk of dependency. I found out the hard way when I just quit. I don’t think there is enough research done on these meds before they are put out there.
Hello, Kay! How are you?
They can be habit forming, but I think you're confusing dependence with addiction. It's dependence that occurs, when you take something regularly for a long period of time, because your body gets used to it. If you took them for a long time, then suddenly stopped, you'd experience some minor withdrawal effects.
Addiction, however, occurs when someone abuses something, because they like the way it makes them feel. But since the way they feel is just due to the side effects, which wear off after awhile, they have to keep taking more and more to feel that way, again. In these cases, sudden withdrawal would cause severe withdrawal effects and could be dangerous.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
I hope that clears it up for you. Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you for your reply. I believe that answers my questions about Tramadol
Tramadol is extremely habit forming and can be misleading. It's an SSRI, which means it's an anti-depressant and a narcotic which makes coming off with not only physical withdraw but emotional withdraw. Tramadol withdrawl is about the worst pain I've ever suffered in my life! (Even twin pregnancy was easier). Take the flu times it by ten and add restless legs and emotion hell and that sums up coming off this drug. I wouldn't recommend taking this drug more than 14 days. At a month on the meds you will start having major problems.
Tramadol is not an SSRI. It is an opioid analgesic.
Information on its classification can be found on the NIH website, as well as many others that provide medication details.
I'm sorry that your withdrawals were so horrible, though. That's awful.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
I'm confused because I've heard that it's an SSRI (hospital staff) and acts as an SSRI. I was on Effexor and was told not to take them together. I noticed when I was going through withdraws if I took Effexor the depression part didn't effect me. Can you explain the connection?
Thank you, Working Man! You're input and knowledge are greatly appreciated!
My doctor doesn't know what to do either. She gave me more and said something like, cut out as much as you can & this is going to be a long process.
I have Tarlov Cysts eroding my tail bone which is why I was given this drug. I explained to her I've had 10 surgeries and have never had a problem going off any higher order pain med like Tramadol, which is supposed to be the lowest addictive pain med according to the pain med index.
I have three young kids to care for and a husband who travels for business. I CAN'T continue to be on this drug but I can't have the withdrawal either. It's baffling.
Thank you soooo much for recognizing the difference between medically dependant and an abuser.
The government wants to use the nasty word ADDICT when talking about pain meds/opiates. It makes it difficult for the real patient who is medically dependant to get the meds they need. The doctors are scared to death about losing their license. And the cancer patient be damned.
Re: David (# 11)
I was a runner and blew both of my knees. I can hardly walk stairs. I have been taking tramadol for about 5 years and I was told it was not a narcotic and non-addicting. I know I am wrong now but it was medical misinformation. I just classify it now as a narcotic, and it is very difficult to wean off the medication without severe withdrawals. I have pain everyday since I lowered the dose. Does anyone know of any pain drug that might be helpful with pain. Lyrica and Effexor have problems with addiction also. I keep asking if there is any new pain reliever that has no addictive qualities. Ibuprofen has put a hole in my stomach lining, and tylenol and Excedrin do not really work. Help! I am still too young for knee replacements.
Hi, Notram!
Are you sure you're not thinking of Trazodone?
Because it is an antidepressant that works as a serotonin agonist and reuptake inhibitor. They are quite often confused.
Combining it with others that act on serotonin creates the risk of serotonin syndrome, which could be fatal.
Typical side effects to Trazodone may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and weight gain.
And any type of withdrawal would have an effect on brain chemicals, including serotonin, so taking a medication, such as Effexor would help with that aspect of it.
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