Is This Working?


Hi. My Dr gave me the lower lose and the first day I had 3 bm's but nothing has happened in the three days after that. I'm discouraged. Is this normal?

3 Replies

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Hello Ekt! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you've had.

It seems to do that to many people, it works well at first, then just stops, but I'm not sure why. You may need to try the higher dosage.

Are you making sure to take it on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before a meal? Are you on any other medications that might affect it?

Side effects may include stomach pain, gas and bloating.

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I take it in the morning but not always 30 minutes before eating or drinking. My bottle just said take each morning. What might this cause. My only other med is wellbutrin 300 mg.

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Some medications don't work as well, if there is also food on your stomach, at the same time you take it.

Thus, I'd suggest taking it 30 minutes away from meals and see if that helps.

The Wellbutrin shouldn't cause a problem with it, from what I can find, but it would be best to double check that, too.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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