Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 8) (Top voted first)


my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

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It's not you that I was referring to about attitude. Sorry if I clicked on the wrong name. It was poppin4pills that has the attitude. I agree with you to a large degree.

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It's not attitude- it's information & Information concerning the rise in abuse of drugs like Soma by middle aged women. Say what you want about me, & my recovery (It doesn't bother me in the least) but the statistics say it all. It's not kids and ravers who are abusing, doctor shopping, overdosing, and dying from the over use of drugs like Soma. This is one example of thousands of articles about the rise in deaths of middle aged women and prescription drug deaths. And that was from a year ago. It continues to rise and will until people stop to question what they're putting in their bodies and why. I have finally found a reason for all the pain I've been in and why I haven't been able to walk since September. I have a malignant tumor in my left sacral ala and degenerative disk disease at 42. I'm currently seeing a neurosurgeon and oncologist but am declining pain meds. This may change with the circumstances but for now, I do not want to simply take a pill to make things better. I'm not ignorant. There may be a time when I have to do just that. So I'll just nip that in the bud. This has gone from what I thought was a simple back injury & severe lumbosacral arthritis & spinal stenosis to lymphoma - the details of which I don't understand when the doctor explained it to me. There are numerous flaws in our medical system from the prescribing of drugs to the diagnosing of a medical problem. It's not about attitude, it's about being informed.

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Can you take baclofen & Soma @ the same time ?

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Actually "ravers" do not abuse soma. If you were informed from the searing the underground as you put it, you would know that their are more deaths of 20 something's at raves from drugs like Molly mixed with alcohol, red bull and lack of proper fluids than from soma. I've never seen, read or heard any news report on ravers abusing soma. I have, however read many reports of middle aged folks abusing controlled substances and it being on of the contributing factors to doctors cracking down on the prescribing of soma. As far as the last part of your comment it's not even a a cohesive or coherent thought. My agenda is to point out that laying blame on doctors or "ravers" for not being able to obtain from doctors what you alledge is the only pill in all the pills manufactures in this world that works for you seems like a load of cr*p. And fyi doctors don't just hand out oxycodone like candy. You are grossly misinformed.

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You sound like an addict, just wanting your soma. baclofen is overall a stronger muscle relaxer. Your fixation on lot only the milligrams of the new script but not even caring enough to know the non-generic name is such a a neon sign for a budding,if not full blown drug seeking behavior. It's sickening. I've been there & now have been clean for over 7 years. Get it together. I am coming to this conclusion merely on how desperately worded your post was composed. So if you don't want people thinking your're drug seeking- compose a better structured, intelligent question, where you actually know the name of the medicine you're prescribed. FYI - Lioresal is also a name for baclofen. Not sure where you're getting this "s" thing. My suggestion find the root of our pain & deal with it. Don't just pop pills.
L-5 S-1 disk herniation / Spinal stenosis/ severe lubmbosacral arthritis & SI joint subluxation - 3 IV's/facet joint IV's. This happened on Sept 9,2013. I have not been able to lay down to sleep since Septwmber. I've lost my job because I was hurt & had just had to take 5 weeks off work due to a torn meniscus knee injury rock climbing. Having an RFA consult on next Friday the 21st & hopefully the RFA the following week. I need this constant pain to end. I want my life back. Sounds like you just want Soma...or you need to ask an actual well put together question!

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