Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 3) (Top voted first)


my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

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Also, Baclofen is NOT a generic for Skelaxin OR Soma. All three are completely different drugs.

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If you are being charged $300 for your script that is outrageous! You can get it a much lower price by going to Costco (no membership required for the pharmacy). You can also use an RX Savings Card. My insurance will not cover the cost. I pay $15.84 at Savon's. There was only a 42 cent difference from Savon's and Costco. Please do not be taken advantage of by these pharmacies who make 1000% over the cost for medication. My doctors to always want me to try a new muscle relaxer. I tried Balcofen and I said, I would only try it if I she would switch me back if I did not like it! So it didn't work so I went directly back for my Soma. Use the generic it is absolutely the same. All meds have what they call Trade and generic names! So don't be fooled if it's called Carispordol. If your doctor is not listening to you, it's time to find a new doctor! Take care and Positive healing.

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Well put <3. Best wishes in feeling better! I too was prescribed soma, and NEVER did I feel withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes I felt yucky at the thought of taking it. However, it has been the only pill that helps out of the few I have tried. It doesn't make me feel drowsy after sleeping (I used at night) and that is very important to me. I am too drowsy on a normal day without any medicine in my body..
I stopped taking them years ago, and on my own will. I have been thinking about asking my Dr for them again, but because of the drug addiction issues these days, I don't even bother asking for fear of being judged because of the specific pill request. I like lortab 7.5 and I was prescribed them as well as the soma after a disc fusion. I don't take anything for my long list of disabilities from my brain to my feet the problems never go.. even with pain meds. I deal with it and some days, like today are harder than others but I manage.
It has been 5 yrs since I was prescribed my prescriptions. And I think I am to a point of needing some relief, but again, because of the judgement that gets passed on to those who are not addicts, I don't bother asking. I am not interested in anything different, I know what works best for me and my chemistry make up.
I wish everyone out there dealing with their own health problems a miracle in recovery. Best regards to all.

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No Baclofen & Soma are different. Carisoprodol aka Soma IMO works better & is a stronger muscle relaxant.
However Soma (even though not a narcotic) has a greater abuse potential.
Which is why Dr.'s are moving us off them to something (Baclofen) that doesn't help at all, especially after being on Soma for any length of time.

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To the woman who said that the other woman was only seeking Soma and that she was addicted to it is ridiculous. I was given Soma at the Massachusetts General Hospital I have multiple sclerosis but the minute I saw another doctor a neurologist he switched me to backofen but in order to get real baclofen you have to go to a compound agency to mix it because it is not the same Baclofen a minor ologist wants me to go to a compound agency to get it made but I cannot because Medicare Medicaid won't pay for that. I am not on the Soma but I used to have a pulling in my legs and I did text Soma at night and it did help better than they backofen so to say that this woman is addicted to it it depends if you are really in pain and something works why change it. Also back of sandwich I have studied can cause ovarian cysts and the only reason that doctors are prescribing it is because it is not a narcotic drug but it has a lot of side effects. So to the woman who was Downing The Other Woman for wanting to have her Soma back you really need to understand if a person is in pain they have a right to have the right medication and maybe you should do your own studying before you open your mouth and voice your opinion on something you know nothing about

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I don't know if all these messages were for me or not. I just stated that a woman should not judge somebody else and call them an addict because they want Soma which helped in their pain. Baclofen can cause ovarian cysts and that is all that I stated. I did not like the woman's comment that another woman acted like she was a drug addict to get Soma. And back oven does not work as well as Soma if you have medical condition and something is working just because some people abused it doesn't mean everyone does that is all that I was commenting that to the woman who was bashing someone else for wanting to have her Soma back. I have multiple sclerosis and baclofen does not help and my neurologist suggested going to a compounding agency to get the real Baclofen evidently it has to be mixed. I know that a lot of people who do abused drugs has caused it very difficult for people who do need a certain drug for their pain and to be on a message board Downing somebody that said that the doctor wouldn't pay for their Soma or give them their Soma is not right. and to the woman who was lashing out at another woman calling her a drug addict for wanting her Soma you are totally incorrect. Maybe you should try going without medication for your pain sounds to me as if you do not have the type of pain that this woman has don't judge other people if you like baclofen well then take it but because someone else doesn't care for it doesn't make them a bad person and it does call cause ovarian cyst taking over a long period of time. I certainly would trust a neurologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital if they prescribe Soma to me years ago that there was a good reason that they did and not backofen so everybody is different and everybody's body is different so all I stated in the post was to the woman who was bashing another woman saying you're acting like a drug addict because you want Soma

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I can't move and have not been able to since September. I am in constant excruciating pain. I have been in and out of the hospital in the past month and have a visiting nurse who administers medication. I feel like the newest poster with lupus. I don't want drugs. I want my life back. I went from working full time, rock climbing, & playing rugby to be incapacitated by pain. I can't sleep more than a doze when I'm so exhausted. I can't walk but I can't sit either without severe, acute sciatic pain. I never said I wasn't in pain you did with your ridiculous asterics. I AM in pain. Horrible pain that leaves me in tears praying for relief for just a few minutes. So you can take your opinions on me and my diagnosis and do with it what you will because it is of no use to me. Simply put, I have had a lot of time to research the health care system and pain control because I can't do anything. I read as a way to try I distract myself from the pain I'm in. I thought the article was interesting. I hope the individual with the migraines and lupus finds relief soon. I know how unbearable sciatic pain can be. I have been thinking about asking about neurontin, as it seems to be a pain blocker that is helpful with nerve pain. Thus far nothing I have tried has been helpful. And as for the asterisk, your opinions on my medical condition is of no concern to me. Although maybe you know more than The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. In that case, thank you for your input.

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Funny, who are u to tell someone else that they're being judgmental, when u flat out called someone else a addict and drug seeker? Ur seriously rude.

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Undoubtedly u are young and ignorant of pain issues especially in people over 40 that have actually had to work for a living, or have been in an accident. I have a daughter that is just as ignorant as u about pain and addiction, I told her the same thing I told u, if she never calls again then it suits me just fine; unless she has a new attitude about other peoples suffering. If not may u both end up in the shape other people r in and have to learn this the hard way!

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You are very judgmental!! Even if this person is drug seeking, who are you to BASH them in such a manner? If you are a recovering addict I would think you would be a little more compassionate and understanding. Maybe word things a little different. Just sayin' , Oh and I have been on alprazolam for 18 years so I suppose I am a drug addict too??!!! Never mind the fact that the medication works for me like it was designed to, one of the reasons they manufacture and prescribe it. Stop being so harsh and cruel, you would not have liked to have been treated like that. Just sayin.

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Nobody needs to hear all that!

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Thank you. I used to work for a neurosurgeon who would say "nobody ever died from pain"...that infuriated me having had 2 back surgeries & live with pain. Most doctors don't care & think everybody is a drug seeker & addict. I know my meds & I like the relief when it gets bad but due to the i****s they are letting into & out of med school who can't think for themselves, don't bother to get to know their patients, we have to suffer! My answer to him about no one die from pain was... Unless they blow their brains out!

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Don't be so judgmental. They may be in serious pain and just looking for something a little stronger.

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SK8TR read this and stop hating.

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You might want to just hush about all these things you know nothing about.

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Wow remember where you came from. U have 7 years but your what I'd called a dry drunk. You have no recovery and no sympathy for the addict who still suffers. If he's an addict then wish him recovery pray whatever. But degradation gets u know where. I have 5 and a half years clean and sober but I do have a chronic illness and I know what works for me. I came to thus thread to read about this new med my doc is promoting for my spina bifida amongst other spinal iissues, etc... I'm sorry that anyone had to read that horrid post.

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my for an addict you sure judge another person quickly guess ya miss yur fix

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i agree if you are addicted on pain meds but it is for the real reason and controled by you and the doctor what is the big fricking deal pain is pain and quality of living is just that.

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I'm guessing the 800 was Skelaxin. It's the only relaxed I know that comes in that kind if dosage. And a tic-tac is basically stronger!

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