Iron Infusion Injectafer
UpdatedI had my first infusion on Friday. I am having another one this coming Friday. My blood pressure has been very high and I feel awful especially in the mornings. As the day progresses, I seem to start to feel better. How long until all of these side effects stop? I also have a lot of pressure in my head at times. Not a full headache but just pressure. I wonder if it is all worth it. My ferritin level was only 5 so it was necessary.
4 Replies
Hello, Sharon! How are you feeling?
These infusions usually cause low blood pressure, not high. How high has it been? You should have it checked out. It is especially concerning, with the pressure you're feeling in your head.
The FDA lists the infusions normal side effects as possibly including dizziness, faintness, bloating and chest pain.
I was given a steroid and Benadryl. The doctor seems to think that the combination made my blood pressure go up. He is reducing the dose for this Friday. Thanks for the concern.
Verwon, I checked the FDA guidelines and they show hypertension as a side effect. 3.8% of the 1000 suffered from it. We will see what happen tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed
I had 3 treatments of iron therapy and now 2 months after my first treatment, I am having chest pain discomfort along with no appetite, pressure in my head most days. I still have an unwell feeling most days despite raising my iron back to normal. How long does it take to feel back to normal?
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