Ifanorex Anfepramona (Top voted first)
UpdatedLight Blue Round pill
Long dark blue pill
Light Green pill
hi...is there anyone that can get it for me?? and mail it to me...i live in texas
Hey Kathie I live close to you and I wanted to know: how much it is? do i need a prescription from a dr. in las flores? and any other information you have from it. I would really appreciate it!
im taking ifa-norex anfepramona50mg,but i suffer from anxiety is there a way i could take half a pill insteard of the whole since it has to much energy for me
i now where to find redotex contact me
I live about 10min away from Progeso Mx and I just bought Ifa Norex...I will try it out to see if I can loose some of this baby weight still hanging around
looking to buy ifanorex..can i please have someone email to contact
I have been getting them frim a cousin but have a feeling she is ripping me off. She send me 14 ifa norex and 14 axcion and charges me 160 dllrs. She tell me just to take half a pill a day and that is months supply but I really feel thats not accurate. So far results are awesome since i suffer from very low energy and lbs are coming off like butter. Would love to find an honest person that could get these for me I am happy to pay a little extra for the favor but really sending me half and charging me full price isnt very correct in my opinion. Wish I had known about these when I lived in Mexico.
Interested in getting Norex anfepramona, can you tell me how to get it.
yes u kn take less my i take 1/4 every day
i tried the ifanorex, i lost 10 pounds in a month
I have taken ifanorex and it has worked great for me I lost 16 pounds & 2 sizes of pants in one month.
I am looking for some Redotex. I have searched everywhere for it and have not been successful. Please let me know if you have any and I will send you my email so we can discuss. Thank you!
I used to take ifa norex consistently. I've never known them to be pink or blue...the ones I would take are green. I just purchased them this weekend, since i live by the border, and they are green. It's been 5 years since I've taken them, so I hope to ser results again.
Sorry, this appears to be an herbal supplement for weight loss, which is not available in the U.S. and I cannot find any information on it, or what it contains.
IFA-Norex Anfeprmona is a diet pill, it supresse appretitate and gives a burst of enery. It's available in Mexico but is a controlled medication - requires a Dr. prescription. I first tried it 4yrs ago and lost an avg. of 5 lbs a wk. I still take it but I take breaks in between.
Well.. I was able to go to TJ and Get some.. the first two weeks I lost 20 pounds but no more and I took the pill for two months. Now I'm taking redotex and I'm on my 4th day. I have a good diet and excersise every day. I will let you guys know it works. I have 100 lbs I have to loose..I was hoping Ifanorex would do it..but it did not. I was taking 1.5 pills of ifanorex 75mg and one phintormine. But nothing I did not feel any energy or anything in my body... my niece took ifanorex and she felt as if she was high..I have a big tolorence and aprarantly she does not.
you can get the phentermine here at
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [spam link removed] dot webs dot com It is reliable and legit.
Has anyone taken ifa-norex(anfepramona) and ifa-diety a.p(fenproporex) together? I have a friend who purchased these two pills for me and says I should take one in the morning and one after lunch. One should be a fat burner and other an appetite supressant. To me, they're both same. Unless I'm missing something??
you dont a prescription in tijuana. the pills are either pink or blue. 30 pills for $40. not all pharmacies have them
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