I Need To Find A Doctor In Fort Worth Texas That Prescribes Pain Killers (Page 9)
UpdatedDoes anyone know a doctor that is good about prescribing pain killers like hydrocodens 10/325 in fort worth Texas? I am a diabetic type 1 that has a lot of pain and really in need of a good doctor that can help me out and not think i am faking pain.
The previous message is a lie. The Feds cannot stop a doctor from prescribing long term pain meds. Who ever stated this has not read the DEA And FDA limitations.
I have several things wrong with me that causes me to have pain constantly. Yet my doctor seems to think antidepressants and exercise works for everything. So I need to find one that will give me what I know would work...pain pills. Which doctor can I go to for pain meds in east texas?
Great doctor. I want to know his name so I do not use him.
If he addicted you, he is obligated to slowly reduce your meds. I recommend Tylenol 4. Much less addictive, but just a little less effective against real pain.
You can be off it in 4-7 days; and back in pain.
Keep in mind that if the doctor does not care if you are in level 8-10 pain, fire him! It is your right. He has violated his hipocratic oath and does not deserve the "Doctor" title.
One of these days soon people should quit putting up with this crap and start filing complaints with the State Med Board. Or, just sue the Dr. if you end up having a stroke or loss of functions; suing is your right.
Ask your doctor if he was in level 8 pain; what would he do? Go to a doctor that has some empathy; go to a doctor that believes the FDAs BS; or self medicate. My bet is the latter.
There are 14,000 over dose per year. Most from non-prescription meds. There were 480,000 deaths from tobacco last year. The FDA is focusing on prescription meds due to politics and funding. The FDA will never go after Big Tobbaco; they are cowards. Congressmen like Joe Barton (R-TX) would protect tobbaco. And Tobbaco would out spend the FDA for a defense.
And just like opiates, they would end up blaming the users.
Can get better care from a vet now days. What you need is an old school doctor who don't give a s*** about either FDA or DEA. They all snowflakes now. Partly because they're scared and people suck.
Dr. Felipe Garcia is a great doctor. He's off Oleander St in Fort Worth close to Baylor All Saints.
I am moving to fort worth, texas and I have been on oxycodone for several years. I'm looking for a cash doctor that will prescribe my usual medication that is oxycodone 30mg (one every 4hrs). Can anyone help me?
There is a lot of misinformation and propaganda on opiates and the rate of overdose, etc. For example, if you take the FDA's and CDC's statistics, they lie by putting at least 10 years of deaths together to justify their actions.
While 183,000 seems like a lot of deaths, the figure is for 10 or 11 years, depending if they include all the years. This 183,000 comes from the FDA website. So, the death rate is actually 15,000 per year if you read down on the page.
Compare that to the following:
Drunk Driving: 16,000 per year
Alcohol Overdose/Live Failure: 88,000 per year
Tobacco related deaths: 480,000 last year. Over 400,000 per year.
So, what this proves is the FDA, CDC, and even the DEA cannot count. The campaign against legal use of opiates, is pretentious and even unethical.
Those of us with real pain know those facts.
Taking high dose NSAIDs is actually more risky. They will stop your kidneys. Most elderly renal failures are from excessive use of Advil. If you doctor is honest, he will tell you these facts.
I have Lupus and Transverserse Mylitis and in severe pain and see a rheumatologist and they dont prescribe pain meds. I am home bound and can not go to lots of dr. a month. Who is your rheumatologist? I hate going to pain management. Also hate being treated like the scum of the earth because I consume marijuana that helps with my pain.
Well said. I too have type 2 pain in my feet and have been taking hydro for five years and it WORKS. I have not gotten addicted and have had the same dosage for five years. As an atty i dont understand how someone's political agenda takes preference over my painful feet. I am wilking to get togethet with others similarly situated to fight the suits that are preventing people from functioning. All becausr some jerk kids abuse their folks script i have to suffet? What a country-we must be the dumbest people on the planet. Europeans take care of their people wr do not. Tell your representative enough. But im sure nothing will happen until a representativerepresentative's family member needs it then and only then does anything happen. Im embarrasded to be an anerican these days.
BL, you r not a kawyet, I am and i say if ur creative u can find a wsy to nail these so called doctors who reguse to properly treat a patient. Start by filing complaints on every single one who regusrs to prescribe the drugs u have previously tolerated well and worked. File with the state licensing agency in austin. If enough of us complain something will get done.
We as americans kill more american far more than opiate OD's. Check the stats. Are we gonna ban guns too? I think not. I redt my case.
We as americans kill more american far more than opiate OD's. Check the stats. Are we gonna ban guns too? I think not. I rest my case.
Lawyer. Sorry i am really mad about this because people are hurting and the svumbag politicians are preventing good peoplr from functioning.
Yeah, there is a guy named Willie down on the corner. That is the only place your going to get relief.
Jack, there are no state or federal laws that state a doctor has to prescribe a particular medication to a patient. It is up to each doctor and their professional opinion what they do and don't prescribe patients. A state licensing board can suspend a doctor's medical license if the doctor does not consistently keep required medical records when prescribing opiates. Or if a doctor prescribes opiates in an unprofessional and irresponsible manner. But, no licensing board is going to do anything if a doctor won't prescribe opiates to a patient.
Anyone can file a complaint. But, there is no way a patient or anyone else can make a doctor prescribe a particular medication at a particular dosage if a doctor doesn't want to. The patient needs to be aware the doctor may dismiss them if they file a complaint. If this happens, the patient may find it difficult to impossible to find another doctor to prescribe for them. They will be labeled as a drug seeker.
Go to border town in Mexico ,you can get anything.
I feel your pain (no pun intended)....it boils down to this; once you find your doctor who will prescribe you what you need to make life easier on a daily basis, hold on to them cause it's so difficult to find a pain management doctor who will prescribe the narcotic meds! In short, I've had 2 major back surgeries which did help but not 100% which I'm sure if you've had them you now what I'm talking about! Still in pain and the narcotic meds are the only way of "taking the edge off"! I live in TX and have to travel monthly to GA to see my pain doctor, why should I have to skirt every law, ordinance just to get what I need to enjoy life? Yeah, it does cost me a flight or a drive but I have to anyway cause of work so it generally works out! Visits cost me $155 with U/A's every 90 days but no worries as I don't smoke or drink or take any other illegal drugs!
I have been doing this for a couple of years now and nothing has been said about where I live, why are they filled in GA etc...guess I'm lucky? Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is to stick with your regular doctor even if it you have to go about doing it a different way cause it will be worth it in the future!
What I'm currently prescribed is; Hydrocodone 10/325 - #150 & Oxy 10-30 12 hour release-#120...every 28 days, so I am thankful every single day!
is it illegal to do that? i live in ft. worth tx, what boarder town is better? and do you see dr? and is it on U.S side? and cost?
I have had chronic migraines for 12 years. I have a great dr in dallas who prescribes stadol katamine and demorol injections. His nam is dr krusz at the anodyne clinic but he does not take insurance
Re: TexasMD (# 84)
Actually, there are no long-term studies done on opioids...the longest done was twelve weeks, and the fact is, for many of us, nothing works as well and allows us to continue working or having some semblance of a life. Opioids are not dangerous drugs for the most part. You can use them for years without damage to your organs. The only real danger is an overdose, and even this can be managed by a gradual increase in dosages for tolerance, then slowly decreasing amounts to maintain tolerance levels.
You are not helping...drugs are there to be used and provide relief, and if managed well can restore people's lives to them. The lovely poppy should be celebrated as much as marijuana, also a profound provider of pain relief, as many states are starting to recognize, as well as a host of other health benefits.
We are going backwards as far as providing adequate pain relief. We seem to be returning to the days of "just suffer thru it", when it is totally unnecessary as we have the means to address both pain and addiction problems. And now that people are aware that these remedies are available, people are going to insist their pain is treated. They are right to do so. And if they can't get them thru a doctor, they will go to the street. This is why we are seeing the rise of illicit drugs now...too many people cannot get the prescription for pain relief...so they are self-treating. So by withdrawing prescription opioids, they are making the death toll rise by the illegal use of illicit drugs, which are often cut with fentanyl.
Doctors, those that are supposed to "first, do no harm", are causing immense harm to their patients now. They should have stood up to the states and federal government when they decided to place these drugs into a different class. They should have stood up for their patients. That they did not will be a stain on the medical field for ages to come.
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