I Need To Find A Doctor In Fort Worth Texas That Prescribes Pain Killers (Page 4)
UpdatedDoes anyone know a doctor that is good about prescribing pain killers like hydrocodens 10/325 in fort worth Texas? I am a diabetic type 1 that has a lot of pain and really in need of a good doctor that can help me out and not think i am faking pain.
I'm trying to connect to your reply about finding physician who will continue a pain management program using narcotics. I have moved from New Orleans to Fort Worth and flying home every few months to see my doctor and get my prescriptions. I have been under treatment for many years, with many doctors for multiple diseases that cause pain. I got off the pain pills per my request several years ago for two years with suboxone only to become less functional. Went back on the narcotics. It's a dead end, but I've been to numerous pain clinics with alternative treatments including spinal injections, and that's a dead end also. I just need to be able to get out of bed, tolerate the pain so I can at least hold a part time job. I sold my home, came to Texas for a job, and now I may have to return home just to get my prescriptions. Physicians got me to this place by starting me on pain pills to begin with. It's not like I started taking narcotics for fun. Now you can hardly find a doctor willing to continue the same treatment they started. If you know of any physicians that will take over my management plan from LA doctor, or an outpatient clinic to prescribe detox, I'd appreciate that. I'm facing going into withdrawals soon, and that is a serious problem. Thank You.
Help! My pain Doctor in Austin Tx, just called and said they are dropping me as a pt.I live in Abilene Tx and have been driving to Austin Tx once a month paying private pay because I have no insurance. The few pain management Dr."s here in Abilene Tx. wont take me because I have no insurance.I have an anomoley in my lower spine which effects my lower extremities if I dont Have my meds Ican"t function and hold down a job.If I can"t work I cannot provide for my family. I have been told surgery wont help.I have been taking Hydrocodone & methadone for over 10 years.At this time I"m in a panic because I only have A 30 Day supply of my medication. I need help NOW. Please someone give advice or stir me to a Dr. that can help.
So many people that have bad pain are being treated like junkies ....The State needs to stop pressuring the Doctors .
This is amazing. The dea does not care about our pain. Their funding is not based on how many people are treated legally. The problem is our society has become complacent to a broken government that takes knee jerk reactions to current issue's in order to perpetuate itself. Writing and protesting will do nothing. Until enough people are ready to do the hard ugly things this world requires to change government, it will be this way.
omg hunnny the same thing is happening to me, the same meds then after 5 years after the near paralyzing back surgery all the sudden I'm being told I have no choice but to get a pain specialist. I said what does that mean, you've been prescribing my meds 5 years now your telling me too bad start over, good god, I can't even walk and his wife is a monster money hungry evil woman that likes to talk a mill mps wow, what are we suppose to do. No good dr. will take state issued insurance. So we are disabled and barely making it now have to pay some one we don't even kno $300 to start, are they going to pick up where we were left at?
ren, more and more state Medicaids are cutting back or not paying for Pain Management Drs. Even if you find another dr, there is no guarantee that will prescribe you the same meds you've been taking.
This thread has gotten out of hand. The medical facts are that narcotics, such as hydrocodone, were never intended for the long term relief of pain. They were designed, approved and marketted as short term agents after surgery, or for acute problems. There are other treatments for long term pain, but the patient MUST be willing to listen, try, and want to succeed. If you go to a "good" doctor with the attitude that the ONLY thing that will work is drug XYZ, then you are not giving that Doctor the opportunity to help you. Maybe you need surgery, maybe other medications will help you, or other treatements may be appropriate. What is for sure is that Hydrocodone and its sisters are NOT the long term answer.
GET OVER IT, the drug of your choice has been made appropriaely harder to get hold of. Maybe you should take the hint and find an alternative approach so that you can get on with your life and not focus on finding this "remedy".
Sorry I am not a "there there my dear" kind of Doctor. I have seen too mnay patients waste their lives on this quest which never ends well.
Wish I could help you, but while you are determined to be dependant on this fools medication I do not see how I, or any reasonable practitioner, can do so.
The only time you hear a doctor say the term"drug of choice " he's already made an opinion about you and your conditions. Probably best to take such a persons advice with caution. But not to be hyper critical, advice about physical therapy is working for me. With narcotic pain reliever for days of therapy. I didn't have to doctor's shop to get them, I did have to follow my doctors treatment plan, and after trying several alternative medications, and getting several progress reports from pt stating my severe pain during therapy, I was given medication for acute pain.
Hi. I saw your thread Abput pain doctors. I need to find one that will listen to me and cut the crap and help me with my pain hAve you found any Drs you like?
Wondering what government entity TexasMD works for?? Being in TX myself I can tell you that I have found next to zero when it comes to doctors who truly give a damn about their patient's well being in their day to day lives. The cold hard fact is this...the federal government (DEA, DPS, FDA, etc) have made doctors SO fearful to treat their patient's that the vast majority have stopped. It's so much easier to push a patient off onto a specialist. In this case, pain management. However, there lies the problem. There are so few PM docs as it is anyway. Take that along with the fact that most, if not all will NOT see a cash patient (in the guise of it's too hard to track who they are seeing and can doctor "hop" though this is no longer the case thanks to the internet and pharmacies being linked via the government) and most will not accept government based insurances, the exception being Medicare, for the most part. This leaves a large part of the chronic pain population out in the cold to suffer. Clearly TexasMD has the bedside manner of a rabid jackal, saying himself that he is not a "there there" kind of doctor. I'm just curious why a busy doctor such as himself would bother himself to get on a forum such as this only to chastise those on here who have legitimate pain issues. Surely he's too busy taking care of his patients to even have the time for this, right?? I think the fact that he's on here at all probably speaks volumes about the type of doctor he is, his true bedside manner and how he really feels about patient's and their problems. The main reason the government decided to make hydrocodone a C2 requiring a triplicate script is because of all the thug drug dealers who were out on the streets making a killing off selling this drug and it's "sisters," as the good doc on here would say and there was no way Big Brother could get any money from those sales. THAT is what is at the heart of the law change.
Not the "concern" of our politicians that there have been so many overdoses related to hydrocodone in the last X amount of years. If that were truly the case and there was this "grave concern" as was quoted by a politician pro schedule change then the government could have mandated a halt to the production of hydrocodone and drugs like it. But, they knew there was NO way they could make that happen because where would that leave patient's who have surgery, serious injury, and chronic, debilitating issues which cause chronic, debilitating pain!! I find it ironic that there are many PM docs now who'd rather prescribe drugs such as Oxycodone over hydrocodone because it's a slow release drug. Well, news flash to our government...it's only a slow release, ling acting drug if the patient takes it right and I'd hazard a guess that there are as many patients who take it incorrectly in order to get quicker pain relief as there are those taking it as directed. The sad fact is this...there are SO MANY millions of chronic pain sufferers in our country who are now being made to feel ignored, unheard and uncared for! I'd be willing to bet that if there were more of those working for our government who were the key players in the schedule change that suffered from chronic pain themselves we wouldn't have seen this change. Then again, that's probably not true, at all simply because of the fact that who they are and what they do provides for certain allowances to be made to their benefit. Simply put, they and those they love will not suffer because they will not have the problem with getting the appropriate pain medications that the rest of us unimportant people will.
What I think we are going to see in the months and years ahead will be chronic pain patients who are not and will not be helped appropriately begin to take drastic measures leading to suicide versus a lifetime of misery and suffering. My question to TexasMD is this....what would be your plan of care for someone with a disease such as MS who hurts everyday yet cannot do PT but is more than willing to and does comply with all other prescribed pain relief methods yet still is in extraordinary pain?? Just say how "sorry" you are and then go on to your next patient so you can get done seeing them and onto your personal life? Or better yet, write them for the "wonder" drug that is Tramadol? That drug is ridiculous! It might give pain relief in the beginning but that stops quickly requiring the patient to take more which I'm sure you are aware is quite dangerous. Considerably more dangerous ghan taking more hydrocodone than recommended. Not to mention the threat of seizures if taken with muscle relaxers though that is the standard course for many doctors who write for both to be taken together. Not to mention the FACT that it's far more addicting than hydrocodone, esp. psychologically!! The long and short of it is this....chronic pain sufferers: there is little to nothing we can do to get the government to change things back to the way it was. We are going to suffer needlessly unless things are done the wrong way by us in order not to hurt!! There are going to be more patients who start looking into alternative ways to get their pain meds who would otherwise be straight arrow patients...and that's a fact. May God help those who suffer and those who will have to be accountable for allowing it to happen!!
Interesting and logical arguments from MandyShea. Texas MD does not work for any government agency but is in private practice. True the patients who cross my doors with a predetermined menu of items they want to leave with probably do not like me, but most who are prepared to work and make effort to reduce pain and suffering actually like my somewhat direct manner (though I have never been accused of having the bedside manner of a Jackel before!!).
MS is a very debilitating illness and, yes, there are circumstances where I will prescribe long term opiods, but I will also have high vigilence regarding depression, alcohol use, getting meds from other providers etc.
My biggest beef is the patient who is otherwise healthy but rather than try physical therapy, anti inflamatories or even get an XRay or MRI to see what is causing the pain, just want the meds.
Sorry if my bedside manner did not please you on this visit, but maybe I was able to explain my position to your satisfaction.
Drs in Texas and other states aren't afraid to treat chronic pain patients. What they don't want and should not have to tolerate are patients who think they know more than the dr. If a patient won't have diagnostic tests done to show that there is a medical reason for the pain, they are in their pain shouldn't be treated because that would not be a responsible practice of medicine. If a patient won't do the things they need to do to ensure the least amount of pain meds work, they have no one but themselves to blame. If they want to spend their drs time complaining about having to have a drug panel done and signing a pain contract, they aren't that concerned about their pain.
Patients who have medical proof that they have conditions that can cause severe pain, adjust their lifestyle so they can take the least amount of pain meds with good results, realize that having their pain treated in not a right and treat their drs and pharmacists with respect don't have a problem getting their pain managed or their rxs filled.
Thanks for your reply Texas MD, I had lung surgery 2009, it was a emergency surgery that saved my life, before the surgery i never took pain meds, but now i do, that is the only thing i get relive from the pain in my ribecage. I have done everthing the Doctors have told me to do. The last MRI that was done on me showed i have not healed from the surgery. It feels like someone has hit me in my ribecage 24-7. It is very painfull. If you have any input on this please reply. Thank you.
TexasMD and BL are exactly right about what their saying... I am a chronic pain patient with 26+ years as such. I live in Fort Worth, TX. and have seen doctors in Fort Worth as well as Dallas. I've had 2 doctors retire on me and finding a new Pain Management doctor wasn't a walk in the park. They all want to redo tons of testing I've already had done in the past and I just go ahead and do what they want me to do because I know they have to cover their butts incase there's any question about their coarse of treatment. And yes I have all of my old records in tow when seeing someone new.
This time I found a doctor who is really young so hopefully this is my last one. He repeated even the blocks on areas for Rhizotomys I've had done numerous times both cervical and lumbar in the past before he did the actual Rhizotomys on me again.
I just go along with what they want to do because it doesn't pay to argue with any doctor! You will always lose...
The one thing that I understand thoroughly is that narcotic pain relievers are a privilege to receive and not a right NO MATTER what's wrong with you! Alot of patients seem to not understand this! As time moves on their always developing new medical techniques and procedures to help people get out of pain, but some patients refuse to do said things and just want drugs. A doctor can actually fix the organic cause of the pain, but it's a proven medical/scientific fact your nerves can still fire and tell your brain you're still in pain. Narcotics are not for this and their are several drugs out there that will help with this, but the patients only want Narcotics! To me this is someone who is chemically dependent and has no organic cause of pain...
I had a bad epidural abscess after a back surgery 26 years ago. It scared my spinal cord's dural sac and the nerve sheaths at 3 levels in my lumbar both sides. The pain is phenomenal when I try to walk or bend. I have a newer generation spinal cord stimulator implant and take Oxycontin and Roxicodone. I've been on everything except morphine because I'm allergic to it. Even though I have this horrible condition, I personally don't think any doctor has to give me any Narcotics unless their comfortable doing so. Like I said, it's not a right it's a privilege. Some patients need to come off their high horses and realize doctors are under the microscope like never before. Politicians are trying to tell doctors what they can or can't do regarding narcotic pain medications, but from my own personal experiences doctors are not going to let patients suffer needlessly as long as they can justify the use of narcotic pain medications after all other avenues have been explored. In the past to many doctors were giving out Narcotics without exploring all options and it has caused a problem. Alot of people just want a quick fix because they hurt and giving out Narcotics in that situation has created more problems than it ever helped.
If people think it's hard to get narcotic pain medications now from doctors, it's only going to get worse since the politicians have gotten involved. Politicians are imbeciles, just look at this country and the rest of the world!
Danco1965, you have to get the cause of not healing diagnosed and treated. I am sure you are in a lot of pain and while you may take Meds to help you through your day you will be masking the underlying condition.
It would be irresponsible of me to speculate on the cause of the condition but go see an infectious disease MD, a good Internist, or your PCP who can hopefully do some tests and refer you to the right specialist. I wish you well in your recovery.
Texas MD ,thank you very much for your reply,i am looking for a good interalist to go to right now.That is a very good key word (good DR.) any input?i live in Fort Worth tx. Thank you again
Sorry I do not know any Internists in the Metroplex. I will make some inquiries.
thank you very much TEXAS MD,i would love to find a doctor that can help me.i am still looking for a good doctor
I live in Fort Worth and the only way I can see a pain management doctor is through my primary care doctor. I don't know of any pain management doctors that you can just walk into their office and be treated. You have to get a referral from another doctor to see a pain management doctor these days.
If you don't have a primary care doctor (general practitioner or internist) get one, they all have pain management doctors they work with or should have since the laws have all changed.
My doctor an internist, has referred me to several different pain management doctors till I found one I liked. There's some really BAD pain management doctors out there, so be aware of that! The pain management doctor I see only does orthopedic type pain management.
Alot of pain management doctors are leary of drug seekers, so you have to build a relationship with them to know they can trust you with controlled substances. Be ready to go through alot of repeated lower case drugs to get to what you need. Most aren't going to give you Norco 10/325, their going to want to use Lyrica or Neurontin for a period of time before even considering Hydrocodone.
If you've been black listed or fired by a pain management doctor you're pretty much out of luck these days.
Good luck...
Some insurance companies require referral but not all of then do. Any Dr can write a rx for hydrocodone, but most chose not to. There are no new laws that state you must see a pain management Dr for chronic pain.
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