I Need Help Getting 30 Mg Oxycodones
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i just got hurt 2 weeks and i sliped 2 disk in my back i have been to 3 different doctors and they wont give me hardly anything stronger than a oxycodone 5 one doctor gave me 10s and their saying i will prolly be in pain for the rest of my life!!! but they dont seem to help a whole lot with the pain do u think its because i am only 23 that they wont give me a stronger dose or what??? plzzz help someone! or if they know a doctor that will help i live in maryland and will be willing to drive a couple hours just to see the doctor.
Re: overthetop! (# 16)
It's not them, it's government and docs deciding they rule what others can or can't put in their body... No one would have to worry about addicts if they got what they wanted... I'm in severe pain and i don't blame them why docs won't write me stronger s***... I blame the doctors who get people hooked and then cut them off pretending they are some moral guardian who gets to decide what I want to do with my body.
Re: paingot2go (# 7)
Yeah well some of us live horrible lives in pain everyday barley able to get out of bed and still have to drag myself into work... if i want to put 30mg oxys in my system that take away all my anxiety, make me a better caring understanding person and gets rid of my pain... IT SHOULD BE MY CHOICE TO PUT WHAT I WANT IN MY BODY. IF I WANT TO TAKE ENOUGH MEDICATION TO HELP ME EVERYDAY UNTIL THE DAY I DIE... THAT SHOULD BE MY DECISION AND MY DECISION ONLY...
It's my body and i should be allowed to dump what i want into it as long as I'm not hurting or stealing from anyone... which doesn't happen unless someone goes through withdrawal... if i had enough to cover me getting sick and enough to take care of my pain every day never having to worry about running out or worrying about getting shot for having to go to a street dealer than a safe doctor... that's the way it should be...
If i want to pack my liver it should be my choice and no one else... if i can make it i will but if doctors are sooooooo concerned like you say they are... they would write me what i ask for rather than let me possible kill myself with a bad batch over the clean stuff they could easily give me... ill sign paperwork taking all liability...
Not all of us have lives worth living, certainly not worth it being sober...
My name is William. My phone number is {edited for privacy}. I had a cronied pain on my hip and on my spine and also had a back problems. I had a surgery on all of them but they are still hurting. I have been taking 30 mgs of oxycodone for my pain and they want me to find another pain doctor because my primary care doctor can't prescribe my medicine anymore. Please help me.
MAC, yes I could certainly use your help. I've been looking for a reasonable PM doc in the area since a car accident outside the Horseshoe Casino this summer. This accident has primarily affect my cervical spine, though I'd already been suffering for years from chronic T-spine pain, chalked up by docs to an arthritic condition brought on by years and years of running 90-100 mile weeks. MRIs so far have only shown narrowing of the spine so getting a doc to help me out has been a fruitless endeavor to put it mildly.
MAC, very interested. Having trouble finding a reasonable PM doc after a car accident in July (which had been preceded by chronic thoracic pain from an arthritic condition caused by years of running 90-100 mile weeks). Please let me know how you can help
yes it very well could be your age I started getting migraines at age 19-20 and my doctor went for 20 years sending me to everything possible to see if there was a reason I was getting them and I said that's fine but I can't take this pain because after a few years they became daily severe daily migraines it here I understand when you say you were ready to take your life because I was only I had a child by this time and there was no way I could leave him anyway...
If I were you I would either try different meds there are other long-acting medications such as a fentanyl patch long-acting morphine etc those both work for me but there are more or if your doctor just won't try anything else you're going to have to find a pain management doctor who understands pain and pain medication..
I wished I had before I spent 20 years taking way too much excedrin and now have a ruined stomach on top of the migraines...
thankfully 17 years ago I found a wonderful pain doctor who put me on the long-acting meds with short acting for breakthrough pain he saved my life I was no longer in screaming pain daily and my life isn't perfect but it's much better now I'm just working on my stomach and that kind of thing but yeah that's what I would suggest you do... if you don't know where to start go to google and type in your area State pain management doctor and read up about all of them... good luck and I hope you find relief!
What clinic do u go to an what doc do u see? Name an address of clinic. If u get back to me asap u will be literally be saving my life. I can't take it much longer!
I can answer this one for you. I have been on oxy 30mg for over a year now and my dr is now wanting me to see pain management and the 2 places I have been to they do not want to put me on the oxy 30s. So even if they did get a referral from their current dr that is prescribing them the oxy 30s the pain management Dr's don't have to continue you on them they can put you on whatever they want to so that's why you see so many people on here asking about good pain management Dr's that will keep prescribing them the oxy 30s just like i am looking for the dr that will keep me on them. Just because you see people asking about pain mamagment Dr's who will prescribe them does not mean they are junkies they want the medication that's actually been working for them.
Help in MD,
I am interested in the names of doctors you mentioned, Passing a drug panel is not a problem. I have even gone as far as having a neurostimulator surgically placed in my back for the pain. Nothing has really helped and the PA at my current doctor blames my weight for the pain. Its annoying and upsetting when my issues prevent me from functioning because addicts have made pain medication so hard to get. Thanks for your help.
would your doctor prescribe morphine or dilaudid
I take 270 milligrams of long acting morphine
& 8 .mgs of Dilaudid for breakthrough pain...
@ Trav are you still around? Where in NC is this Dr. Im in Eastern NC
Who is your Doctor for the 10mgand where is he located?
My old doctor just left his practice and I am having trouble with the new young doctor
Thank you so much
Thx and i am sorry for your struggle. However it is a blessing that you are able to share your knowledge like you have. Amazing. Currently taking oxys and changing to morph er anyways how can i keep those three brain receptors active n functioning properly? Even w the meds????
People are looking for doctors who will prescribe the medication they are "currently" using without going through the office visit, then to find out that the doctor doesn't prescribe any of the tried and true pain medication. If they can afford it, they could possibly go through many doctors before they find one who will prescribe them what they "want'. Also then they would be accused of "doctor shopping" which is exactly what they would be doing.
The doctors office will not tell you what the doctor will and won't prescribe, without seeing you first and evaluating your medical condition. It's easier to know in advance if a doctor is anti narcotic, and only prescribes the new "designer drugs" for pain.
That's why they are asking. To save themselves the trouble of "doctor shopping".
Hope this is some insight into why so many people are asking.
I'm really confused.
It seems that everyone has just recently moved from X to Y, and are in desperate need to find a good "pain mgmt. doc".
So, essentially there is an epidemic of people who are in terrible pain, are moving, and can't locate a doctor through referral from their old doc, or by looking through the yellow pages. I see tons of pain mgmt. doctors in all the areas that have been mentioned.
And a few of you are desperate because your current script is going to run out. This does not sound legit in any way to me. If you actually did move and your chronic pain is so bad you can barely move, why wouldn't finding a doctor be the first thing on your list before moving? And why couldn't you get a referral from your old pain doctor, the one you claim was so amazing?
This is b.s. Just sayin'.
Red flag.
You wrote, "What do I say to the pain management?".
Umm, how about the truth? The fact that you need to skulk around pain med boards looking for the best thing to tell a doctor leaves me to believe you aren't in as much pain as you proclaim, but that you just want to find out what to say in order to get the doctor to prescribe you pain meds.
Before you start freaking out and yelling at everyone, why don't you chill out and listen. You aren't the only person on the planet that is in impossible amounts of pain. I have MS, and one of the symptoms I have is trigeminal neuralgia. Look it up -- the most painful condition known to man, also called 'suicide disease'. I don't doubt that you are hurting, but you don't need to play the victim here. How do you know his back pain is not legit? And why are you lurking around? Is it just to pounce on people that you have deemed unworthy of pain medication? Please. Even though I have "legit" pain, I would never lord it over people or think that gives me the authority to decide who should or should not receive meds. Lighten up.
Wow...,how do you get a doctor to prescribe that much? I've had 7 stomach surgery's for reoccurimg absesses.after a hernia surgery....++± many more problems! ¡ to many to share....
What's your email OC? Are you in the MD, DC area?
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