I Need Help Getting 30 Mg Oxycodones (Page 5) (Top voted first)
Updatedi just got hurt 2 weeks and i sliped 2 disk in my back i have been to 3 different doctors and they wont give me hardly anything stronger than a oxycodone 5 one doctor gave me 10s and their saying i will prolly be in pain for the rest of my life!!! but they dont seem to help a whole lot with the pain do u think its because i am only 23 that they wont give me a stronger dose or what??? plzzz help someone! or if they know a doctor that will help i live in maryland and will be willing to drive a couple hours just to see the doctor.
Re: paingot2go (# 7)
Yeah well some of us live horrible lives in pain everyday barley able to get out of bed and still have to drag myself into work... if i want to put 30mg oxys in my system that take away all my anxiety, make me a better caring understanding person and gets rid of my pain... IT SHOULD BE MY CHOICE TO PUT WHAT I WANT IN MY BODY. IF I WANT TO TAKE ENOUGH MEDICATION TO HELP ME EVERYDAY UNTIL THE DAY I DIE... THAT SHOULD BE MY DECISION AND MY DECISION ONLY...
It's my body and i should be allowed to dump what i want into it as long as I'm not hurting or stealing from anyone... which doesn't happen unless someone goes through withdrawal... if i had enough to cover me getting sick and enough to take care of my pain every day never having to worry about running out or worrying about getting shot for having to go to a street dealer than a safe doctor... that's the way it should be...
If i want to pack my liver it should be my choice and no one else... if i can make it i will but if doctors are sooooooo concerned like you say they are... they would write me what i ask for rather than let me possible kill myself with a bad batch over the clean stuff they could easily give me... ill sign paperwork taking all liability...
Not all of us have lives worth living, certainly not worth it being sober...
Re: overthetop! (# 16)
It's not them, it's government and docs deciding they rule what others can or can't put in their body... No one would have to worry about addicts if they got what they wanted... I'm in severe pain and i don't blame them why docs won't write me stronger s***... I blame the doctors who get people hooked and then cut them off pretending they are some moral guardian who gets to decide what I want to do with my body.
Look up a pain specialist in yellow pages phone book. Ask for 15 mg.x 6-8 tabs per day which would equal 3-4 doses total. Tell dr you take 2 per dose but schedule them 1-2 hrs apart so you wont get too dopey feeling.
I have a partially severed nerve in my left arm which causes extreme nerve pain in my.hand and arm especially when scar area touched in any way shape or form. It is unbearable. I can't sleep because It is next to impossible not to expose it to touch by pilllow blanket or just accidentally moving it. It feels like the most intense electrical shock surrounding from scar to tip of two numb and useless fingers. What do I say to surgeon regarding pain management. Its completely debilitating and unbearable.
Hey Buddy
I feel your pain literally. I have exact same back issue, I was doing handfulls of vicodin, it was not doing a thing, so I am not taking them at all now, just crouching on the bed.
Here is some cruel irony. When I did make the incredibly painful 3 hour trip to my doctor's and back with Rx for the 30-weight-oxy, I discovered that no drug store in the city carries it.
Here's where we can than Michael Jackson, Rush Limbaugh and others for their addictions going public.
In the mean time I have turned my bed into a work station.
I heard that this is something you can get a marijuana card legally if you are in LA
I recommend visiting a compotent chiropractor. We handle back pains, even severe cases. often with excellent results.
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