Hydrocodone - Impossible To Get In The Uk...? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am currently on an oxycodone m/r script, and find that it certainly does not last for the claimed twelve hours per tablet. No matter what, my doctor refuses to prescribe anything for this 'breakthrough' pain, not even a 20mg OxyNorm to carry me over. I have heard, however that a DIFFERENT analgesic is best in this situation. Since most drug information sites and forums are American, the drug which keeps cropping up and is most highly recommended to me is hydrocodone. This is NOT available in the UK, and despite many attempts, I can find no place to access it. The only other country which uses hydrocodone, in a much better pure form, is Germany, where it is available under the brand DICODID by Knoll, 10mg per tablet. Unfortunately I have had just as little success in tracing a source for this as for the US version, which is ALWAYS adulterated with paracetamol, usually 325mg/tab.

Does anyone have any idea where I could obtain a supply for these dreadful times when the OxyContin doesn't work? Dicodod would obviously be the preference but I HAVE tried the US hydro a few times and found that by far the best I have tried is Mallinckrodt's 'M367' 10mg/325mg tablet, in a dosage of 30-40mg.

This is a matter of access though, so if anybody can suggest any way that I can manage to get a stock of this most useful drug, then please post. There is a gap between dihydrocodeine and morphine in the UK which has nothing of in-between strength to fill it. In he US you have hydro and meperidine and hydromorphone in 4mg and 8mg strengths, instant release. All I want is relief from those bad times. Under-prescribing and refusal to prescribe for such occasions is becoming almost an obsession with me, and I really need something of this order to help.

Thanks for any replies.

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Hey Eddy,
Yes, I have thought of ordering on-line, however, I am hesitant to do so, unless it is recommended by someone (like yourself). If you have experienced ordering and receiving the correct medication from them, I would appreciate the contact.
Eveyone in the UK seems to be on :
1) Co-codamol - Normally drink 2 together, but unless you keep on taking it so the codeine doesn't get a chance to get out your system, it may work along with Voltaren (Diclofenac) or Celebrax (Please.... Naproxen...nope nor Meloxicam)
2) Tramadol - Drink two together also with Antiflamatories, but then I get a little 'down' if I stop.
3) Oxycodone - it says take 1 but I take 2 when needed (with AntiFlam) and it is supposed to have rapid relief. It does work but I only take it if the pain is a matter of life or death, coz, I get spikey and irritable afterwards (my husband says - and I know I don't feel good.
4) Oramorph (makes me VERY nauseas and I suffer with terrible nausea as it is (yes, I take Cyclizine for it)
So yes, the Co-codamol (prescription strength) - I rather stick to.
But still, some Hydrocodone and Celebrex will be MOST welcome!
Everyone who is on these medicines - I'm sure you're also on Amnitriptyline? My husband and I eventually told our Doc we would like to come off the stuff, coz we don't actually see the point (for us). Because we were given them to sort out 'all' our problems in the beginning (3 years now), we were a little irritable, but are OFF them!!! Still don't know how they were supposed to help with our pain - that is what is written on our reports.
Anyhow - thanx so much, if you could let me have your contact.
Keep smiling ;-)

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My mother in law suffers from A rare disease that is incurable. Her doctor prescribes her oxycodone 10 375. We have a friend of the family who gave her someting to try called butal acetamin caff. 50-325-40. Her pains are gone she looks completely better. But the drug has a side effect like most drugs. So she wont be able to take that pain med. For 2 long. Hopefully her doctor will increase her medication to 30m oxycondone. I cant stand to see her on the bed suffering like that knowing We can do something about it.

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yes please, Eddy

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It is now almost six years since my first post which started this thread and I thought it time to bring you all up to date. Verwon I have no illusions that you will miss this - you are BOUND to find it sooner rather than later! Now Mark I had NO intention of that being seen as RUDE whatsoever, but I apologise most sincerely if you took it that way. I was only trying to EMPHASISE the problem at hand and may have used a way of writing that could be CONSTRUED as rude but I assure you was meant in the entirely opposite way! I was in fact trying to just ensure that you had properly understood the issues involved that were not said straight out as such but hinted at and more or less understood in the scheme of things. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

Well it is a whole lot of time gone by and my pain levels are far higher now than then, yet still I am only on 40mg OxyContin twice daily, which lasts an average of six hours (says 12 on the box) and NO rescue, breakthrough or tail-end medications. I have seen TWO Pain Management specialists (NHS) who were worse than useless. I have undergone more CBT and other alternative therapies, excepting hypnotherapy which is just too expensive for me, surviving as I do (you could hardly call it "living") on only disability benefits, which have been drastically reduced by this Government of Cameron (Never thought I would ever say WORSE THAN THATCHER but this mob are, and here in Scotland his Party is a lunatic fringe party (Conservative) who have less MPs than we have Giant pandas!) They are attacking the least able to survive on the pittance given; Old Age pensioners and the Disabled, whilst giving huge tax breaks to the rich and Corporations. The NHS has deteriorated to the extent that countries like Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and Belgium, all around the same population as Scotland but with fewer natural resources and lower GDPs are able to provide a far better patient choice, and doctors who are more willing and more sympathetic towards chronic pain patients.
Carisoprodol has been withdrawn meaning that I must obtain it semi-legally from either India (cheap) or Argentina (expensive but where the best brand in the world, Finadiet LISTAFLEX 350mg is made; happily they are also the producers of the best alprazolam 2mg as well, Gador's ALPLAX and the excellent green oval generic tablets by Denver Farma. I would rather get it from there than from India, whose Carisoma, same brand as formerly available here on NHS but somehow weaker and less effective requiring me to take 500-700mg where Listaflex 350mg is more than sufficient. It has in fact been more or less banned everywhere in the world bar Argentina, India, USA (where it remains the 4th MOST PRESCRIBED medication!) South Africa and I believe Canada. All countries, except India, where there are legal issues surrounding its export or import into UK. No US website will ship to the UK any more. At all. There are some operating from a town called San Ysidro (wherever that is) which are basically Mexican pharmacies charging crazy prices for meds which are difficult to get prescribed regularly in the US but none of this will ship to auk either and I would, in the winter when i am at my worst, consider seriously getting their Dilaudid and IR Opana, Hydrocodone and the 30mg TABLETTED oxycodone (everywhere else in the world IR Oxy is CAPSULED, cutting out binders which inhibit bioavailability, and many people say that 30mg tablets are less effective than brand name Oxynorm 20mg capsules.

DICONAL (dipipanone HCl 10mg/cyclizine 30mg, dosage three prn) has been withdrawn leaving one generic which looks identical, imprint 'F3A' on pink tablet) as has dextromoramide (brand name PALFIUM, same strength as dipipanone therefore same dosage, without antiemetic as it does not cause the nausea associated with dipipanone or morphine - the most used morphine in the UK is CYCLIMORPH which contains cyclizine. We can still get H Hydrochloride in tablet form, one strength, 10mg, requiring 40mg/dose due to the low bioavailability orally, and in vials of Powder for Reconstitution supplied with Water for inj. use. BP in 5/10/30/60/100/500mg strengths and the patient is given an explanation of how to inj. it intramuscularly though many use it IV which is far more effective and faster acting. I believe that diamorphine is not used in the US at all, which explains the statistic that you are three times more likely to die from heart attach in the USA because diamorphine, unlike the US treatment for the pain of myocardial infarction, straight morphine sulphate inj., does NOT cause any interference with the electrical activity of the heart and morphine DOES. It is considered an essential medicine here but under Sch 1 of the US CSA it is said to have 'no clinical value'. What? Diamorphine hydrochloride has no clinical use or value? They are joking and misleading the US public! It IS essential and is in fact one of the safest and most benign drugs of the narcotic analgesic class, if not THE safest given in correct dosage. My friend with pancreatic cancer receives two boxes of five x 500mg vials weekly and I know of people with non terminal conditions of around the same pain level as myself who are prescribed the 100mg strength, but my doc will not Rx for me. My insomnia issues have worsened too and they are STILL prescribing as first line the '' drugs, even though they have now been proven to be many times more toxic and with many more nasty side effects than either benzodiazepine hypnotics or the short to medium barbiturates secobarbital Na and Sodium Amytal. The combination TUINAL, formerly the MST effective for me, has ceased production by both companies producing it, Flynn Pharma and Eli Lilly. I have to get the two in proportion 3:5 (100mg Seconal caps and 60mg Sodium Amytal caps) and weigh out so ai have 100mg each then re capsule in empty capsules obtained from medical supply stores. I have to travel to Belgium or Netherlands for the very cheap but incredibly good flunitrazepam (Roche Rohypnol 1mg and Hypnocalm or Centrafarm generic 2mg). Have recently found out that QUAZEPAM which is only sold in Spain under brand QUIEDORM (Fermon Pharma Barcelona), 2 x 15mg nightly, is the only sedative-hypnotic proven to give S4 REM sleep, all others with the exception of the sleep INDUCERS triazolam (Upjohn 17, HALCION brand) and brotizolam (Lendormin brand), both in dosage one or two x 0.25mg nightly so you can see how strong they are (!) are just KO pills which do not give that refreshing REM sleep. Chloral Hydrate is useful; clomethiazole (Heminevrin), currently advised only in the elderly but when taken in dosage 4 x 192mg caps I find them superb; Dalmane/DALMADORM (flurazepam) are only on a private prescription now and the 30mg capsules very expensive so can only be used occasionally when I am flush; midazolam is wonderful for providing almost exactly eight hours' sleep every IME (FLORMIDAL by Galenika is vastly superior and much cheaper than Roche's DORMICUM. It is also first line sedation at dentists and before hospital procedures when muscle relaxation and a level of amnesia is required, given IV. That is branded by Roche HYPNOVEL, and in the US, VERSED.)

So cut long story short, my conditions are now covered by FEWER meds and doctors are actually getting MORE opiophobia, even with patients like myself who have been on the like of OxyContin and Oxynorm for over 12 years. And still will not prescribe rescue meds. According to the tables, hydromorphone is the best rescue med for those taking oxycodone MR tablets, but the range of dosages is very wide dependent on the individual patient, their opioid tolerance, and other factors. I am told that I need between 10 and 16mg per dose, but as we do not have high dosage tablets, it means taking five or six x 2.6mg PALLADONE IR caps per dose. If oxymorphone were available - and ai am ACTIVELY seeking ENDO & TEVA USA IR tablets (if anybody can provide me with comparison of these IR brands please do so, ai hear that the new Teva US generic is actually pretty good - pink ovoid crabs imprinted '93O2' 10mg and '93O1' blue 5mg, my dosage again between wide parameters but recommended at 15-20mg per dosage. These are supposed to be given at a maximum of three daily rescue doses. Actiq fentanyl lozenges in 800mcg, 1.2mg and 1.6mg are available but I would have to try the lower strength 800mcg first to determine the correct dosage. All these have in common a short duration of action. I am told Sevredol, the Napp IR morphine sulphate, lasts two hours and more LONGER than any of the others I have mentioned, and oxymorphone only 2.5-3.5 hours. Otherwise they all have a 4hr action. I have been getting some IR morphine from India, Vermor 60mg, the strongest IR morphine tablet made in the world and equivalent to only 20mg of dipipanone, diamorphine or dextromoramide or 10-15mg oxymorphone. They must have inhibitory excipients though because a 50mg SEVREDOL is subjectively twice as analgesic as the 60mg Vermor!

So you see I have been educating myself on all possibilities but the problems of acquisition re,main. Surely I can find a doc to give me regular diamorphine tablets (box of 100 x 10mg giving 20 doses costs only £19.99) or vials (boxes of five x 100mg or 500mg are the SAME PRICE of £63) and generic dipipanone/cyclizine tabs, as well as an EU RX form for dispense in Holland for PALFIUM, 90 day supply of 810 tablets, increased to the round thousand to account for the time spent in Netherlands and travelling, covering so many days when NHS meds not available to me. I could return with enough 2mg Xanax, 12mg Lexotan (or the Teva Belgium generic which is only half the Roche price, €7.99 for 50 x 12mg, reduced to about a Euro with my EHIC card. Rohypnol and Hypnocalm, if prescribed on basis of need for 3mg nightly would cover more than 90 days and cost me only €40 for 180 days. Then a detour to Spain for Quiedorm and KAINEVER, a dry called ESTAZOLAM which is extremely rare but sold in 2mg tabs and said to be a good hypnotic. In the US it is available and known as proSom, and Quazepam is called DORAL, also in 15mg tablets.

The Toquilone Compositum tablets were withdrawn as well (Methaqualone 250mg, diphenhydramine 25mg,mthe same composition as the old MANDRAX tablets. I think it is still sold as a single drug, Methaqualone 350mg, which was known in the US as QUAALUDE. However it is limited to Switzerland and classed as a very ow potency drug as one only gets three tablets per gram of API.

The final question remains as it has not yet been answered. WHERE CAN I GET US ONLY-LICENCED MEDICATIONS? I have thought that perhaps US Military facilities in the UK may be the best way around that. Find a serviceman or several who each require one or the other or in any case enough people to be able to get monthly prescriptions from the US pharmacies on those bases and get them to get prescribed on my behalf. If I had a American social Security number and could pretend to be American but living in the UK for almost my whole life then i may even be able to access the base doctor and these elusive meds - there is now a Pur Hydrocodone bitartrate called ZOHYDRO SR in 50mg strength which would be the perfect dosage when broken down and made into an immediate release medication, I found that when you could get DICODID 10mg, now deleted too, the best dose was 60mg (it was sold only as an antitussive for which dosage was a flat rate 10mg) for pain. The synergistic action of the addition of acetaminophen has been overstated. In fact unless an antipyretic is really needed then Hydrocodone actually works just fine on its own as an analgesic. We have been lied to yet again. I can not understand why so many tablets contain up to 750mg apap, a REALLY dangerous dose. Acetaminophen is responsible for more drug deaths annually than any other drug except alcohol! The biggest single cause of death amongst females aged 12 to 18 in the past 30 years is acetaminophen poisoning. The worst of all was the thankfully now-banned combination of 32.5, 50 or 65mg dextropropoxyphene with 500mg acetaminophen, as both were equally hepatotoxic and if not caught and removed from stomach within 8-12 hours, any dose above 6 tablets was a killer but meant as a 'cry do for help' . The thinking was that if these were freely available they could not be terribly dangerous. It is still a total shock to me to find that you can get large amounts of acetaminophen in stores and supermarkets. Boxes of 500 tablets can be bought without any control. In the UK they have limited it to either 12 or 16 tablets, forgotten which, but that is still ridiculous.Due to its status as the most dangerous drug available whether Rx or POM or OTC, I believe that acetaminophen deserves to be at Least Sch 3 Controlled Drug. How many agree? It is a KILLER pure and simple.
I now know that TWO BENZODIAZEPINES are not Sch 4 drugs but Sch 3 CDs. Temazepam and midazolam. Every other benzo is a Sch 4 drug. Those two just happen to have the highest a use potential. Can I get real US made RESTORIL or liquid filled gelcaps from we anyone in the US? We can get 10mg/5mL oral solution here and in 15-20 millilitre dose is superb.

And I still need my 2mg alprazolam, getting 2.5mg lorazepam four times daily as substitute but it really does not work so well, is more sedating and interferes with my mental processes too so Gador Alplax must be acquired if I can not get to Belgium for the brand name Xanax 2mg bars, and also Pfizer now make Lysanxia and have deleted the 40mg strength forcing me to use FOUR 20mg tabs per dose at far higher costs always happens when Pfizer take over a company. Clozan is double the old pride and does not seem as good. All the old Wyeth products are more expensive. Equanil 400mg, Ativan 2.5mg and Loramet 1 and 2mg being the biggest offenders. Thank God for NHS Metwest generic 2..5mg lorazepam for which I do not pay! And the quality of their MP61 pink 2.5s is superb, better than Ativan but not up to Temesta standard. They have also removed branded oxazepam and we can only get generic Actavis or Teva 15mg, no more 30mg (equivalent to 10mg diazepam, dose needed three tablets!) or Seresta Forte 50mg,mwhich is more of a realistic oxazepam dose.

I apologise for this post being so long but I feel it is necessary to underline just how bad things are now. I spend almost 60% of my income on medicines now and this can not continue, I need to access cheap US generics, Mallinckrodt are brilliant, underrated and high quality but above all CHEAP. Teva USA are also a lot cheaper than brands, but it is hit and miss whether you get a good effective drug. I wish ai could include my email address here for people to write directly to me but the privacy clause on medschat prevents that and automatically deletes any email address posted. So that is where i am at, much worse and not even as well medicated as six years ago! And without a single suggestion that has ever come to anything. I NEED STRONG ANALGESIA. That is simple and true and yet i can not get any. What i CAN get is overpriced or under dosed if coming from Asia. HELP HELP HELP!!!

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Hi there I too am in the UK have had spine surgery twice and three years later still in excruciating pain I walk doubled over and can only take small steps I wear a morphine patch and am on pregablin and oxycodene nothing touches the pain I am so sick of this now and cannot cope with it any longer I have been in hospital 19 times in the last year they put me on a morphine drip paracetamol drip and give rectal diazepam and diclofenac rectally then send me home for my daughter to care for me I need something to take this pain even for a short while

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Hi Michael - I am also in Scotland and struggling horrendously with my pain meds :( put on oxycodone 5 years ago for the dreaded "c" word chronic pain...now in a bad place where GP has me down as a drug seeker, I feel like screaming - of course I'm "seeking" MEDICINE , I'm in agony and have exhausted every other avenue ...tens, exercise , relaxing, physiology, nerve block s etc etc my big mistake was getting so fed up that I missed a few appointments not realisingat the time that would go against me so badly, I won't lie, I am clearly addicted to the oxy but after 5 years on it wouldn't most people? It has changed me horribly, I am now very unsociable and Spend 24/7 obsessing about them ...sadly these days if my house was on fire its no longer photos or precious items I'd run and save - it'd be those damn tablets :( even sadder - I don't want to stop taking them, I just wish there was some way to buy them or dihydrocodeine which also helps, can you get pain meds privately? I'm sorry for this random post, please don't judge/lecture - I am well aware that this isn't a good way to be...thank you for any advice xxx

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Dont you guys get over the counter codeine? I have tried canada codeine though and it works not even close to as good as usa prescription codeine but it does work. Maybe try that or go to usa doctor but here alot of doctors wont prescribe pain medication because they are put on a federal watch list to make sure they are not over prescribing. Which I think a lot of them dont over prescribe but all it takes is one bad egg to ruin it for everyone. Here in usa pain medication is one of the highest street drugs sold. One guy told me he makes more selling that than coke now. Best of luck by time our government is done cold medication will be prescription only. :(

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does anyone know if canada's codeine is the same as the usa because i got some co-camadol dont know if i spelt it right but it is nothing like my prescription codeine. my prescription codeine helps right away and the canada stuff dont help at all even though it says 8 mg of codeine and my usa prescription is 7.5 codeine?

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I so wished I could find somewhere online to order from. Any advice? Thanks

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Co-codamol is the recognised international name (INN) for a combination of codeine and paracetamol. Available OTC in any dosage less than 10mg but Rx required for 30mg. All contain 500mg paracetamol (acetaminophen) per tablet, so advise CWE. Co-Dydramol is the INN for the combo of dihydrocodeine tartrate and paracetamol. Again 500mg of liver-f*** per tab and maximum OTC dihydrocodeine is 10mg (more usually seen as 7.5mg). Remedeine Forte is 30/500mg and Rx only. Can obtain both codeine phosphate and dihydrocodeine tartrate PURE in up to 30mg strength through a web-based pharmacy which does not require a personal visit. Pricing largely down to the cost of the private prescription, maximum of 224 tabs monthly.

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Eddy, Hi again, sorry taken so long to answer - have relocated (within the UK tho) and its been a difficult move - winter, raining, flu, moving, finances, etc. etc.
Anyway, nearly settled, besides all the PAPERWORK in the UK!!!
If you have a tried and tested trustworthy web-based pharmacy that I can just get hydrocodone from, and if lucky, some librax (because I'm not going to have the colon op - dont want to land up with a bag - no sir!!!) - I will really appreciate having the contact details. How do I get the details from you? Please let me know. And, thank you for taking the time for coming back to me.

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which pharmacy? can you just post the info? {edited for privacy}.

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Mino...ty now I'm going to try to ummm decode lol I'm a blonde so it may take me awhile lol
Thank you

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Although the active ingredient is said and supposed to be the same - the different generics can be differently effective than the actual Brand, with each individual patient. This is a fact. The GP's know this, the Pharmacy's know this, and all it takes is if you try a Brand in different Generic makes, and see for yourself. And again, this is knowing obviously, that the active ingredient is supposed to be the same - but it's the refined quality of the make. That is why, even on the Medical Pages, you will see that it clearly states 'some patients may need to be prescribed the actual Brand'. Why?????
Through MY own experience, I know which works and does not work so well for me and people I have spoken to, agree. Only people who do not know, or do not read up on medication, know any difference.
It's also a VERY good idea to broaden your knowledge on medication, because on three occassions, I have been given incorrect medication with my name on (something that could be construed as just another 'generic name') and I have ALSO been given medication with incorrect dosages and incorrect strengths!!!
To top and confirm what I am saying - I was in a hospital once (shared a room with someone else) - thankfully I ALWAYS read my charts and I know ALL my medicines past and present. I'm saying this, because I was given my room-patient's medication, and she was given mine. I saw that immediately - well obviously, the nurse was suspended and whatever else follows. So I KNOW my facts.

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Hi there - if you know someone - that'll be great.
I don't agree with what the 'pharmacies' say -
Tablets you got in Africa were not as 'refined' as in the UK and USA.
And the different 'generics' have different effects. It's not the actual 'active ingredient, it's the process. And I had a lot of Medical Practitioners who agreed on this arguement.
The codeine in the UK does nothing compared to what we got in Africa for instance.
And, we used to get Plain Codeine Tablets in Zim over the counter. Here, you have to be dying to get one.
I'm just 'talking' to you. Hope you don't mind.
If you have a good site, I'd appreciate it. I have found a site that only supplies 4 calming/sleeping tablets - no pain killers.
You have a great day :-)

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Well, my facts are also in line with Medical Personnel I have come across over the years. Active Ingredients are the same - but it's the refinement of them - that is why some have different reactions on patients. I know quite a bit about medication.
So please don't tell me to get my facts straight - that's just rude.

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Are you still stuck? If so let me know and also what part of uk are you?

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Sorry, this is an old post but I had to correct the 20% error. This isn't and never has been a legal allowance in the US for generic drugs. They must be EQUIVALENT in strength and active ingredients, no exceptions. A 20% difference could kill somone with certain drugs with narrow therapeutic and toxicity ranges. 20% is a HUGE difference...for 10 mg it changes the strength to 8 mg. If you need further info on this, check it out: fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/Transparency/Basics/UCM226568.pdf

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J, YES, I am still stuck. I received Greenstone alprazolam 2mg bars, 10mg brand ADDERALL, 10mg Mallinckrodt DEXTROSTAT, 15mg DEXEDRINE SPANSULES, & (NEW) VICODIN 10/300mg [15] but no PURE hydrocodone, ZOHYDRO 50mg capsules... As it was, I found that 40mg Vicodin HP (NEW) was only about the potency of 3 x 40mg DF118 and not enough for the more euphoric/anxiolytic effect of hydrocodone to break through.

P.S. My doctor still refuses to change me onto the 120mg OC tablets or to prescribe any rescue meds, which I get on a UK Private Rx (dipipanone) and NL Rx (PALFIUM dextromoramide tartrate - IMO the best IR analgesics available to me.) I would love also to have a prescription of Endo OPANA 10mg - which I am reliably told is the only oxymorphone brand, except ER 40mg by GLOBAL PHARMA, orange 'G74's, apart from maybe Mallinckrodt's '1001' pink 10mg. I have been warned against Roxane's version with code beginning '54', and that Teva's are utter garbage. So yes, I know it's a year since I got a notification about this thread, but there is your post and it would be churlish to ignore it! Apparently of all hydro/apap combos, the New Vicodin HP (10/300mg) is head and shoulders above the rest, though a friend, sadly now deceased, loved Mallinckrodt M367, containing 325mg apap.

I hear also that FIORICET with or without codeine, and the IDENTICAL Watson generic, made on the same production line, unknown here, is the best headache tablet one can possibly be prescribed - something to do with the effect of butalbital on brain blood vessels... dihydrocodeine or combo thereof are virtually as useless as acetaminophen.

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I don't know where you live but in Florida all pain mgmt doctors prescribe breakthrough pain meds. Are You seeing a pain specialist or just the family doctor? There is a big difference between the two especially in the limits they can prescribe.

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