Hydralazine In My System How Long?


How long does hydralazine last in your system?

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Hello, Kd! How are you?

Hydralazine is classified as a vasodilator that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, increased urination, headache and hypotension.

It's generally life span is anywhere from 10 to 48 hours.

Did you suffer adverse effects from it?

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I took this med and experienced redness in my face. Do not use this medicine. It should be banned. I took it for three years. It almost shut my system down. How long does it take to get out of my system?

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Spirinoloctone and endenoprone. Terrible drugs. Spiro i gained 20 lbs most in breasts and butt and kegsn endeniprone potassium sky rocket and went to hospital my blood pressure rose and my creatine went up. I had heart palps like crazy

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If I wean off hydralazine slowly, will my headache go away? My Dr said to take 2 a day for 3 days, then 1 a day for 3 days, then stop.

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I'm taking a blood pressure medicine called Hydralazine (25mg) twice a day. When I went to the bathroom and wiped myself I saw blood. What should I do?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Made me very weak,lathargic..im alergic to sulfa and i read if you are you shouldnt take this bp med

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I just came back from my doctor and he took me off of this HYDRAZALINE after spending 5 hours and multiple tests in the ER a few days ago due to heart palpitations and high BP along with chills,shakes and headache and other unusual feelings. He has scheduled me for a heart echogram because he today found erratic heartbeat and pulse. It may be fine for others, but if you take it and you start feeling out of sorts, notify your doctor or go to the hospital. I am 66 yrs old, not overweight and only had high blood pressure problems before taking this medication.

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Re: fhlogg (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

fhlogg (# I was on hydrazaline for about 6 months, I got to the point where I thought I was going to die, I got paranoid, so weak I couldn’t get off the couch, lost weight,eyes watered so bad they hurt, runny nose, I have always loved iced tea, got to where I couldn’t stand it anymore, I didn’t eat, food tasted funny. My Dr is weaning me off of it now and it’s been about 3 weeks and I am just about back to normal, I was taking 200mg a day

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Re: Marlene (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I took hydrazaline 200 mg a day for almost 6 months, I have never suffered so much in my life, it affected every part of my body, take time to look up the side effects and let me tell you I had them all. I went to my Dr and told him I couldn’t do it anymore, he started weining me off of it, now I’m better, still feeling lousy but don’t feel like I’m dieing anymore. It should be taken off the market.

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