How Long Does Zubsolv Block Opiates (Page 2)
UpdatedI took a zubsolv at 6:00am this morning, how long will it block opiates
Lol you know nothing about this.
14 hours at least if it was a short life opiate 19 - 24 if it was a long lasting or slow release opiate . I have done 12 hours before. It is risky, this depends on your body size& metabolism,
Zubsolve is pretty much the same as a suboxen not subutex.. I also got free coupon from the Dr.. Always Ask! Anyway.. Diliuden is my thing 8mg 2× a day the Dr gave me 5.7mg sub I've been taking One week... I left my meds can't get them till Monday so I got my Ds waited till I woke up .. Did Less than half n Definitely went into withdrawal.. Its been 24 hrs and I can just barley feel the D. However before in my addiction before maintance I done both A Daliuden first and then the Zubsolve in 4 hours of each other.. about 8 hrs later did another D and was good! So I think the the nox has to build up..
Please don't refer to addicts being addicts as i****s. It makes you look like you have no idea of what addicts do and are. Subs are really just a legal substitution for a lot of junkies just unable to go through long painful withdrawl and unable to figure out how to work a program. I have been on either bup or methadone for 20 yrs and I'm trying so hard to leave opiates and get on zubsolv but still feel like such s*** after waiting 25hrs clean that I just pick up the opiates again. Stay legal and safe and if you can feel good.....awesome. One love.
I've been a addict for 16yrs. I don't only have the disease "addiction" anymore. I just got diagnosed with cirrhosis this year. Its a sad thing that this diagnosis is what opend my eyes.I have 2 wonderful children, a fiance that has stuck by my side for 9yrs and a wonderful family and ready to fight the devil. So instead of going away from my family to rehab I'm doing out-patient therapy with Subzolv. I'm on day 2 and it's wonderful. I've had NO CRAVINGS what so ever.
This is the thing.... everyone is being "honest." See the miss-spelled words? See "peace," instead of "piece?" Not everyone on here, is a Harvard grad. I have a BS in Biology, please listen. You jokers... "100 mg of "perk" a day!" ......... I would take 22x perc 10's and feel nothing. I ate 10.65 (100 mcg) Fentanyl Patches like Cherries. You are addicted to PEANUTS. No one, on UNDER 300 mg of oxycodone a day (no little "i take two oc 80's a day!!!" .... Buprenorphine is for ADDICTS, not house wives who took 6 percs a day for a year and have a tummy ache.) Can you read? According to Dr. Ashton, and the USA's analysis on Opiates, ONE 8mg Sub (ANY brand, it's the same. ANY buprenorphine. The Naloxone doesn't block S***, it's there because when taken intravenously, it's enough to block. It doesn't block S***, the buprenorphine ITSELF stops you from "getting off," on your percs.... But, seeing as ONE sub is FIFTY FOUR Percocet 10's, instead it only last 30 hours instead of 30 minutes, who the f*** is taking a sub, then 100 mg oxycodone? I'd have to take 1 GRAM oxycodone to equal a sub. You can't feel it, because those drugs are soo, sooo, f***ing weak. Buprenorphine is stronger than fentanyl.
I've had little loricet do-boys tell me "it's fake," "it's not working," after 30 f***ing minutes, only to call me back in an hour, arrested, having crashed into a parked car SO high. I know *****es who get 160 oxy a month, take them, then wanna take a sub when they run out. GUESS WHAT???? IT DOESN'T ****ING WORK!!!!! No one is "lying." You just have a bunch of *****s. You need to have a good relationship with your doctor, or have the degree yourself. You aren't getting PROPER info from Jimmy the Junky, sorry. Also, I was force-fed SL morphine by my Doctor Mother at age 4. I broke 26 bones, had 3 adenoids surgeries, a tonsils, severe face reconstruction..... I've been BADLY addicted to opiates. I've been on subs for 6 years..... I just take it, NO cravings, NO problems, NO escalation. My new doctor is a piece of s***, telling me "he'll watch to see if my surgeon (he's chopping up my ****ing face) prescribes me oxycodone! Don't be taking your 20x oxy 10's that equal 2 mg of sub, when you have sub!!!". A sub can last 20 days. How long can 200 percs last? 3 days? 200 subs last several years. You *****s wanna feel that HIGH, that RUSH, that "energy." You are NOT satisfied with not withdrawing, and that's why you are failures that abuse your pills and argue over which is "better." Shame. We have this little thing called the FDA, and ALL buprenorphine must be EQUAL and PURE before sale.
This isn't "breaking bad," where one guy has cut s*** and the other has blue magic. It's ALL 100 PERCENT PHARM GRADE!!! 5.7 SUBZOLV IS NOT "AS STRONG AS 8 MG SUB, BUT LONGER." IT'S ****ING EQUAL TO 5.7 OF SUBSOLV, ACTAVIS, SUBOXONE, BUPREHNOPHRINE, AND THE NEW BRAND I JUST MADE CALLED "IT'S ALL THE SAME ****ING THING, TALK TO A SCIENCE BACHELOR." I've never posted on something like this. Get a clue, people. I just tried a 5721 93. It did SEEM to be worse than others to me. Why? Probably was stored too hot, probably got moisture. You know how I know? There is NO LEGAL WAY that the 8 mg of 5721/93 can be ANY weaker/stronger than an N8 Sub, or an 8 tex, or anything else. Buprenorphine is Buprenorphine.... It's like arguing over 20 different Oxycodone Generics, Percodan, and Percocet. They are all the same ****ing things. The generics and Percocet have Tylenol, Percodan has aspirin. All the SAME exact oxycodone, any difference equals prison for the company.
When I run out, I have to lay in the bathtub because I'm always ****ting and puking, down my body. If i'm out for 7 days, I could die, because I don't take water. I have gone over 2 weeks without eating. I bet when you don't have your ****ing PERCOCET, you can eat. ****ing whiners. Taking Suboxone last ME 6 hours. If you aren't a lifelong, "i can take a pure GRAM of oxycodone and stand still," type of addict, suboxone will last you DAYS, during which, i'm sorry, but you can't "get off," on your 100 mg of oxycodone that wouldn't stop my toe pain. Those are the FACTS, you won't get the FACTS talking to addicts. Some of these people, like me, have degrees, families and such, and are good sources of THEIR personal experiences. I've taken sub, turned around and taken fentanyl, and felt its effects. I was taking methadone for a year, and it took TWO WEEKS of nonstop 3 subs (and halfway W/D's) for the sub to work. One the 22nd day, I had like 90 subs, 66 were gone (now 66 last me a year,) and they just wouldn't work. I was SURE they were fake, even in my first year of Biology.
On that 22nd day, I took ONE sub and it was 20x as powerful as the days before where I took 3. If you are an addict to other drugs, they've just got to be.... GONE before sub. I know people who take sub for 2 weeks, then random opiates. They are NEVER satisfied. The opiates cancel the sub, the sub cancels the opiates. They WILL NOT LISTEN. I got the one whore on subs after years of percs, she was SO happy. I ran out, now she spends $50 on 3 hours of Oxy, instead of on a week of subs. If you can't understand Agonist, Antagonist, And partial agonist.... you never will. If you need to ask other addicts about it, you are a loser and likely do not HAVE a spouse, children, or a career that you NEED to be clean for. I must take massive opiates, or die. Withdrawal will kill me, so much pain, so much depression, ongoing horrible surgery. I can take the sub and live life... play with my children. If they give me 30 subs, I'll take 1 a day for a month, NO cravings, no buggery, no drug seeking. If they gave me 900 fentanyl kilo's, i'd kill myself. Sub just get's you not sick, and leaves you there. It's miraculous. I am a loser who would die.... now I shall have children and a happy family.
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My doctor gave me the coupon as well along with a discount card with up to $225 dollars off my future prescriptions. You might be able to contact the manufacturer of zubsolv for the one or both of those.
I have been using high dose opiates for the better part of two decades. I suffer from chronic back and shoulder pain. I am regularly prescribed hydrocodone and oxycodone depending on severity or additional trauma. I also use various other opiates/opioids when those run out due to my tolerance, preference, and addiction. I alternate Zubsolv or Suboxone when necessary. I have found that an 8mg Suboxone or Zub equivalent only requires 24 hours before other opiates will again be effective. I, however, only use Zub/Sub occasionally compared to my DOC. My sister has been prescribed Suboxone (8mg) for three years. The residual naloxone requires that she wait 48 hours for any euphoric effects from opiates to return. I also experienced nausea associated with buprenorphine. This, however, stopped after the third day of a 7 day dosing. Even after 7 days at 8mg per day, 20mg oxycodone was effective if somewhat muted. Lower doses of Zub/Sub (4mg or less) used as an occasional stopgap require only a 12 hour wait before returning to opiates in my experience. Everyone's metabolism is different. I make no recommendations to anyone regarding substance use. My usage is my choice.
I agree with you. I see so many ppl posting that they took a Vicodin or Percocet and then took Suboxone or Zubsolv. You CAN'T do that!! They both contain naloxone (narcan), which is what we give ppl who o.d. on an opiate. Subutex doesn't contain naloxone. If a person needs to take long tern pain meds, like I do, you need to choose one or the other. You can't have it both ways. If you take a Vicodin and then 4 hrs later a Zubsolv, the naloxone will take away the "feel-good or high" an addict is looking for. Also, talking about withdrawal symptoms..try coming off of Zubsolv..20 times worse than coming off of Vicodin!!
So I took one and a half zubsolv yesterday and half of another at 10 this morning. It is now 10 at night I took half a pill of an opioid pain killer and feel it but not as I normally would with absolutely no relief.
Zubsolv detox is a fully similar medication to Suboxone. Zubsolv is a medication for opiate dependence, it contains the same ingredients as Suboxone.
I'm on suboxone and love opana when i can get them prescribed. I've taken an opana the same day as the sub. They work just fine. The problem with sub is it's so much stronger than the pills, I need a 40mg opana now. If i would have known subs were so strong i would have never started taking them. I'm now on zubsolv, it's better then suboxone for some reason. There's really no need to wait, you wont get sick. The naloxone doesn't get absorbed into your body. The purpose of naloxone is so people who try to abuse it get sick. But I've seen people abusing all forms of suboxone. So apparently the naloxone doesnt even do what it's suppose to.
Doctor gave me mine. Its from manufacturing company. Up to 30 pills free.
you have to completely stop taking pain killers, that's what the zubsolv is for, to take care of your horrid withdrawal symptoms. it's not so you can still take pain killers, as well. if you are still taking other narcotics, taking the zubsolv or other medications like it is pointless.
Depends on what you want to do. Do you want to stop taking narcotics? if not, then don't bother with the zubsolv. that med is supposed to help you with narcotic withdrawals. it is a pain killer blocker. i have been on zubsolv for 2 weeks now, quit vicodin cold turkey with it. i feel fine.
I'm on Zubsolv 8.6 / 2.1 the equivalent to Suboxone 12/3mg x2. I am and have been in and out of hospital..had over 30 surgeries since 2007... I take my dose of bup/nal. the morning b4 surgery...during these surgeries I'm given fentanyl. Immediately after surgery I'm given IV Dilaudid and Fentanyl.. and once I'm discharged I'm always sent home with Oral Dilaudid tabs. Not sure if you're familiar with Dilaudid but it's one of the most potent opioid analgesic pain killers around, next to fentanyl. And I can assure you that once I run out of the Dilaudid and have to go back to the Zubsolv, there's no reason to wait for the other potent opioids to get out my system. The very next day I'm on my high dose Zubsolv and have never had any negative side effects at all. Also I've asked my surgeon about this..he says the nalaxone is only there in case someone decides to administer the stuff intravenously. It doesn't effect you otherwise except for shallow breathing. Hope this helps.
Hi my name is Mike. Im currently taking zubsolv 5.7 for opiate withdrawals. A half a pill every 11 hours. Ive been on it for 3 days and i was wondering if would withdrawal off the zubsolv if i stopped taking it and do you think its been long enough for the percosets too? The last perc i took was Tuesday and tomorrow will be Saturday. Thanks
This soon and you will withdraw from both meds making it even worse and possible shock from it. Zubsolv is supposed to be done over months it takes 3 months for your body to fully stop neededing the perks. SO until that time is up you will need Zub's.
You are so have to have the...WILL TO...
Nickster, Well that's something to be proud off. Rather than using the system that some folks would kill to have a shot at let's just abuse it then proudly proclaim that people are lying. lol wtf what an oxymoron, pun intended.
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