How Long Does Suboxone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 4)
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i just need to know how long untill i take a drug test it wont show up in my urine

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Yea, I agree, there is a ton of misinformation and disinformation all over the web - not just here. what sucks is this dynamic makes it impossible for those of us who do know what the hell we're talking about to convince information seekers that what we're saying is correct. Sometimes I think web forums should have a feedback score associated with each user that indicates how knowledgeable.

For what it's worth, the couple of people above who described how a chemical's half-life works were absolutely correct.

What I want to know is this: what is minimum amount of bupe that can be detected. i.e. Ill just assume that I metabolize at the high end of the half-life range, which is 72 hours. So if I waited 30 days after my 8mg dose of bupe before my drug test, will the test detect that amount? Every 3 days the dose gets dived in half, so after 30 days the math indicates that I would have 0.007 mg of bupe left in my system. Is that enough to be detected as a trace amount in my urine. I know I sound paranoid and I know that's not the amount that's necessarily in my urine, but can that be detected?

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There is a dangerous amount of misinformation being given out as fact on this subject. People claiming its out of their system in three days because they were able to pass their piss test after such a short amount of time simply did not have buprenorphine (its the opioid in suboxone) on the panel of drugs they were being tested for. The amount of time it will take to clear out of your system enough to pass a test that is actually looking for it is highly variable but its MUCH longer than with almost any of the normal opiates and opiods they look for. It depends on personal metabolism and the doses taken but given that buprenorphine has an incredibly long half life, a person with a slower than average metabolism who took a big dose could end up failing a drug test looking for it several weeks later.

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Finely someone with facts but can't find noone with an right answer how long it stays in your system I have heard days hours I just don't know

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You guys are all wrong and stupid. Thanks.

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It is funny to see justs how much confusion there is pertaining to this question... How long does suboxone stay in our urine.
Here is the truth, and it is accurate. I speak from lots of experience, and study (attempts, failures and successes).
The most important factor, and there are many, is the half life. This has been addressed on this forum, but misinformed. The actual half life, based on an average persons metabolism, is 35 hours.
My personal metabolism is speedy, so I think I've pinpointed it down somewhere in the mid 20's. What this means is that every 25 hours after I stop taking it my levels drop by 50%. So if I take an 8 mg film today, tomorrow I would still have levels equalling 4 mg, and the following day the levels would be 2 mg, and then the next day down to 1 mg. etc etc.
So basically, it sticks with you for a while! Particullarly if your last dose was high.
And remember the average person is going to be 50% slower than that. So if it takes me 4 days to clean out an 8 mg film it would take someone else up to 6 days.

There are things you can do to speed up the process if you are in a crunch for time.
Eat healthily foods
Limit fat intake
Drink lots of water
Steer away from taking vitamin supplements as some of them restrict your bodies natural ability to filter toxins.

It is worth noting that every situation and person are different. I know a guy who despite taking three films a day, 24 mg's, can pee clean after 3 days.

But the more time the better! There are also isolated stories about guys failing after 16 days.... But I'm skeptical that they really stopped taking the sub.

Anyway, I hope there was some useful info in there.

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Okay, here's the deal with Suboxone.Yes, is has a very, very small amount of opiate in it, and will NOT show up on an opiate "stick" test. Lab test...don't know. But IF...and only if they use an actual Suboxone Stick test, it will show up. It has a 72 hour HALF life. which means that in 72 hours, half of what you used will be gone. 72 more hours later, half of what is left will be gone, 72 hours later, half of what was left is STILL there. So, there is no definitive answer. It hugely depends on how much and how often. If I were to make a hypothesis, I would say that it will show anywhere from 10 to 30 days. Good Luck.

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it is an opioid** and is very expensive to test for. most standard drug tests do NOT detect suboxone. it is an extremely expensive tests.. pain management doctors will test for it.. or suboxone plan doctors like the doctor i go to will obviously test for it expecting a fail to ensure you are not selling them. They have small amounts of opioid in them which is bascially a synthetic opiate just to fill in ur receptors so you dont get such harsh cravings. it is a opiate blocker.. it blocks all effects of opiates but also blocks the cravings by giving the body a small amount of what its craving. however... no it will not show up on standard drug test..

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are you being serious? suboxone is an opiate deterrent as well as a blocker all though it has similar characteristics and generation of euphoria this IS NOT AN OPIATE it will only come up in a test should you be specifically tested for it it will not pop as percocet roxacet oxi or heroin thats the international prison and halfway house drug because we can all get away with it cant stand people who think they kno s*** from what others tell them pop a suboxone and go piss in a cup and tell me if u pop hot for opiates and get back to me

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I TAKE ONE TA TWO A DAY AN THE NEXT DAY I WAke up an do painkillers an have been for years!!!

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i took 1 strip of suboxone in a 5 day period and was tested at my pain managment 48 hrs after i took a eigth, will it show up on my urine test

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suboxone is tested at pain mgt because they make shure u do not take any the additional sub test is 1.75 and we test patients all the time even for court and an everyday user will need to wait 37 hours or more if taking more then 8 mg it may be longer

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Don't listen to the people saying it will show up as an opiate. They need to be specifically testing for it. Beware this is becoming more common however. Also, subs have a long half life. If you don't usually take it, you'd probably be fine (after taking a SMALL AMOUNT) in 48-72 hours. Larger amounts or prolonged usage could be a LOT longer.

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Dude get the facts!

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you'll be fine brother. takes 3 days if what your saying is true. This is first hand info not just B.S.

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suboxone is not an opiate and you need to take a specific test to have it show up! Depending on the dose taken depends on the amount you take per day. Example if you take 1 a day it generally takes 3 to 6 days. If you take two a day it can take up to two weeks. I know this because of 1st hand experience not rumor!

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I get tested by the Probation Office and it is specially marked as BUP to be tested for the suboxone. It will NOT show up as opiates, they have to specially test for it. I have never taken the suboxone but I would like to know the length it stays in someones system. I read up to 72 hours but then I read a 16 mg dose can be in your system 9 to 12 days. Does anyone know for sure about this?

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what else could show up as sub on a urin drug test

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These replies are FALSE! except for the first guy who said it doesnt show unless specifically testing for it.
I get tested bi-monthly and will lose job if anything is detected and have NOT tested positive in a year!YOU people giving advice need a clue,seriously.

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how long does suboxone stay in someones system. i took a little bit on the 28th of june. i have to go to court on july 6th. will it be in my system still or no?

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