How Long Does Suboxone Stay In System (Page 3)
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How long before suboxone wears off? I have been on a maintenance dose for 2 months. 16mg a day. My last does was thursday of 12mg and today is monday still can't feel the opiates I have been taking since then????? how long before this stuff wears off??

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PLEASE HELP!!!. I've been on fetnyal patches and oxycodone for years do to a back injury. Im actually looking for a surgeon. From being on this stuff so long ive had people steal my meds for their pleasure. And in the end it screws me because I run short. I got so depressed this past week and didn't give a damn about anything. I was getting so sick that my cousin gave me this 8mg strip on Wednesday, which was suboxen. And that was my first ever taking it.. I have to pick up my meds friday, today. and I found out my doc wants to do lab work. . I took the sub Wednesday at 6pm. I have to be at my doc around 4:45pm to drop. Is there a way that I can make sure its out of my system? PLEASE HELP!!!!! I know it was stupid but I couldnt handle the withdrawals and my pain was so imberrible

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So in drug court all drug tests are sent to a lab. So my question is how long does suboxone stay in your urine?A few days after taking the suboxone, the home test came up positive for opiates and benzos. it is possible that it was positive for opiates from using heroin. But it had been four days since I last used to that. and I surely have never taken any benzo's. so with that, my main question is, does anyone know how far back the DRUG COURT (specifically) lab test can screen for suboxone your urine? Cuz I know the probation tests are crap. a person that isn't in drug court could pass a test for probation for opiates and the same person, if in drug court would fail it because the parole & probation test tests for opiates with a cut off of 2000ng/ml, but drug court lab test tests for opiates with a cut off of 300. that's just an example tho. I really hope someone can help answer my question about how long suboxone stays in your urine so I can finally take it, so I can get better and finally off the "H" ....thanks!

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I've been on Suboxone for 7 years after detoxing from being on pain meds for 5 years for a back injury. My doctor has NEVER drug tested me --- not once! I didn't even know people on Suboxone/Buprenorphine were routinely drug tested by their doctors until I went in for a dr.'s apptmt. a few months ago nurse came and got me to do a drug test!!! OMG! I thought I was in some kind of trouble or I had done something wrong. Why were they drug testing me?? That's when I found out that people taking these meds are supposed to be tested by their drs. regularly. Why had my doctor NEVER drug tested me before? I was first put on 8mg Suboxone per day and then I went down to 1/2 per day. I HATE taking this medication and I will go as long as I possibly can before actually taking it. I wait till I feel the w/d's coming before I take it and that can be anywhere from 3 to 6 days after the last dose. One of my questions is: HOW CAN I GO SO LONG W/OUT DOSING BEFORE I FEEL W/D'S? My other question is: HAVING BEEN ON SUB/BUPRENORPHINE (what I'm on now) FOR SO MANY YEARS, WILL IT TAKE LONGER FOR IT TO GET OUT OF MY SYSTEM AND NOT SHOW UP ON A URINE TEST? Your probably wondering WHY I want it out of my system if its being prescribed by my Dr.?? Well, this is why: I have not been to see my dr. for several months because he's out of my area and I have no transportation AND I had enough sub stashed away (from not taking it everyday) to hold me over until I could get someone to take me to see him. Problem is, he's going to drug test me and find it in my urine. I'm afraid he won't like the fact that I had all that suboxone stashed away cause I kept taking the scripts he gave me every month. OR, if I don't dose and he doesn't find it in my urine, then he might think I'm one of these people who gets the scripts to SELL THEM!!! I say this because I found out from a neighbor who is also on sub who told me his dr. released him because he thought he was selling his Sub because he works the rigs out of town and sometimes couldn't keep his dr. aptmt. so he would get Sub on the street when he ran out to hold him over. When he got to his dr. apptmt., he didn't have any in his system and the doctor accused him of not needing the medication and was just taking the scripts to sell them and RELEASED him with nothing! Now, he can't find a Sub doctor to take him as a patient. I sure don't want my dr. to think that about me. So, I don't know whether to go in WITH sub in my system OR go in W/OUT sub in my system. Can anyone out there help me with this? Thank you in advance.

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hi. I had to call the cops on my bf for hitting me. and adult protective services showed up today and cps will be here sometime this week i take about 2mils a day sometimes 4 but not often i try to keep a low tolerance b/c i cant afford the doctor bills so i just keep enough to be okay. how long do you think 2mils will take to not show up in my urine.

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I was jus put on suboxen 8/2 a day. I was on oxy 30 an morphine pills an fentyl patch plus 2 mg zanax let me tell u it will ruin ur life iv lost everythng i had workd for for 20 years. My husband left me my kids got addictd to pills by stealn mine. I was so messd up on pills i didnt care abt nothn jus numb everyday. No im n treatment an its tuff but! If u make ur mindup uv had enuff an wen u hit rock bottom ur mind will eithr shutdown or u will fite the addiction. I will say suboxone has stoppd my cravn an the terrible withdrswals. But i know that bein an addict that u can become addictd to anything. Im gna take these subs til i know that n my heart that the urge to use is gone. Its the hardest thing iv evr gone thru except seeing my son steal an get lockd up to buy pills. Please if anyone is readn this if u have kids keep this stuff lockd up out of ther site. It will ruin ur life an theres. Its so embarrasn an pathetic that i let my life get this messd up but thats drugs for u. They make u not give a crap abt nthn. Please seek help an only take suboxone as dr prescribes can u can abuse anything cs ur an addict. I prsy for all of you an wish u an awesome recovery an take your life back from this terrible disease. Keep fightn an dnt ever giveup hope theres always programs an good drs not quacks that do care an want to help u. Also if u cant afford the treatment go to ur local health department there are free programs that are available. I know cs i had to. Keep ur head up an dont look back. Jus dnt abuse wat has been offered to help u get ur life bacj if u do ur not serious bot gettn clean. If u need to b monitored walk n your er were they cant refuse u an tell them u are an addict an they are by law there to help you. Dont give up cs there will b this voice n your head that will b there telling u that u cant do this but yes u can if i did you can. Keep the faith an determination that its a btr life out there than poppin or snortn a pill everyday. Trt to get a family member or friend to talk to an to support you that will help u so much knowing that someone has faith n u an know that ur life is worth fightn for. I hope the best for u all cs i can definitely relate. Keep ur mind busy so u can stop focusn on ur cravings at least try. Im in such a btr place now an i pray for u guys that u will beat this terrible disease. Keep fightn the fight i promise u itz well worth fightn for.

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f*** it and just get high.....

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Lessing,I have been on saboxen for 2and a half years,I'm taking 32mg a day.I finely decided to get off the saboxen,cold turky im on my 9 day and I'm dying! So think about that. It takes awhile to get out of your system!

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yes they're definitely is a test I was just tested Wednesday and failed for suboxin

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i am wondering the same thing if im not taking everyday how long do the opiate receptors remain blocked???

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72 hours

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@ kk forever. Actually, bc subs and tex r getting sold on the street to so many addicts most county drug testing offices test for them. It isn't a new thing tho ppl! They have been testing for them for years, u just may not have known bc the Subs/Tex weren't really a big thing in ur area. And now that everyone has been finding out about them, they ARE big.. but I promise u, they have in house testing for them just like they do for heroin/morphine/weed. They MIGHT have to send the test away IF the drug testing office isn't up to date yet. Just depends on the city, county, and state ur in.

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Btw, congrats jessiejester! I kno first hand, opiates r no joke. U either live and rule ur own life Orrr ur living just to let it rule ur life
Stay strong! And don't forget to keep smiling :-D

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Austen, first of all METHADONE IS AN OPIATE and SUBOXONE (or Subutex) is ALSO an opiate. And, BOTH VALIUM AND XANAX ARE BENZO'S. Ugh, u really REALLY need to research what it is EXACTLY that ur taking....
Also, suboxone and subutex r basically the same thing. Exceptions r if u take suboxone less than 8-12 hours after u have already taken any other opiates (i.e. morphine, dones, norc's, vic's, oxy's, or roxy's) u will get thrown in to being a dopesick that is WORSE than any dopesickness u've EVER had b4! So b VERY CAREFUL!! Also, because it is made to attach to ur receptors if u take any pills After u have taken suboxone it could also make u dopesick. But usually u will just not b able to "get the high". But with Subutex, u can take it then in a couple of hours take pills, with the high. U can also take subutex about 2 hours after any pills and not get sick. It's because they leave out one ingredient that the suboxone has in it. BUUUT, I can NOT understand y someone that has already made the choice to get clean in the first place is wanting to take anything else with it. I'm not.judging at all, believe me when I say I'm an addict, and have been since I first tried a drug @ the age of 11. I am turning 31 in a couple mths. And I am DEFINITELY still an addict. And I will always be one. Im just CHOOSING to stay clean. I prefer to b clean, not sober. Goodluck to everyone on here! And CONGRATS to everyone that is succeeding @ STAYING CLEAN!. If any1 has a ? Pls reply to this post, ill get bk to u asap. :-D

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well that is just simply not true. Most places will not test for subs because it has to be sent away for a special test because it is only a partial antagonist and does not show up on a regular opiate testing.

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iv been on suboxone for 2yrs best thing ever hapnd to me i had lost everything ovet roxys. i will disagree w u buph is NOTHING like methdone at all methdone makes u nod out od very easly.these drs that dnt understand wat it is are ignorant wen it comes to puttin in ckass with methdone.iv never had or heard of any1 dyin from suboxone over dose almost impossible my drs were addict and took it they no about it.if u want get off opiates plz find suboxone clinic 1st wk hard u hv stay away from others that use to suceed.i also do na classes.methdone offers no help just a place to kill addicts!!!

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I took 8 mg of suboxone by accident. I had some left over from when I asked to be taken off pain pills during 6 surgeries I had to have. I was told to stay on the suboxone for a year but after 2 weeks I told the doctor I didn't need them. I soon forgot about them. Later discovered the bottle and without looking I put them in with other meds that looked alike. Sunday 9/30 I took 8 mg thinking it was my other medication. I suddenly became so out of it. I got sick, dizzy, nauseated, my heart was racing and kept wanting to pass out. I had no idea what was going on until the next day when I was up for 24 hrs I retraced my steps and realized what I had done.Since then, I haven't been sleeping well then other times I fall asleep for 10 to 20 mins. It is now Fri and my symptoms are still present but have calmed down a lot. My pupils are still very tiny. When will I return to normal. I read on the Internet it will take at least a week. It is now almost day 6 can anyone shed some light? I'm embarrassed to explain my mistake to a doctor nor do I have insurance can anyone shed some light? I'm kinda scared.

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I am on Suboxone and I go to the doctor in a couple weeks. She is going to test me for Suboxone and the regular drug test. I smoked pot and I want to try and flush out the pot by using the usual methods (water, water pills, vitamins, etc.) but I don't want the Suboxone flushed out. Will doing these things flush out the Suboxone?

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that is correct.My work said the same. But they are trying to get one

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me too, but i took a test for fccs and 4 times tested positive and i take about 1.5 mgs a day alot more people r testing for bupe. and trust me it does show up. I now have to complete a drug treatment program because they weren't prescribed to me

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Good news: the suboxone was out of my system in 2 days. (48 hours). i took oxy's and they worked! woohoo now i'm back on the subs. i won't go back to how i was before (the oxys ruled my life) and even tho i slipped up i havent been obsessing about em. woohoo!

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