How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Ur System For Me To Pass A Urine Test? (Page 13) (Top voted first)


I need to know how many days a percocet, roxicodone or oxycodone stay in ur system for a urine test?

283 Replies (15 Pages)

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I took a perk 10 and a roxycodone15 on Sat and had a US on Mon will I pass it

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It depends on the screen they do. If it's just a "straight 8 panel test" it will just show if its there or not, but if its a Lab Metab test it can show how much, how often and they can even figure out the method of administration.

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If you're not addicted why did you insufflate it??? Why wouldn't you just take the dose orally? Just wondering...

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I had to drug test tonight, roughly 68 hours since I last took a 15 mg oxycodone. The next day after I took the oxycodone I drank 4-5 beers and peed alot! Will I pass my drug test?

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I have been a week and a day clean. Then I got ahold of oxy and took three 30 mg pills, which would be 90 mg. I took them tuesday throughout the day and I have random u/a's. I just got called for one today (fri) - Will I pass?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have a urine test this morning, it will be 28hrs since I took 1, 10mg Percocet, (in place for my med), will it be out?

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Re: JoshB (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I was prescribed oxycodone and hydrocodone for about 4 months, taking 25 mg a day of each. When I ran out of the oxys, I used up the rest of my hydros, and actually had to take a drug test for a job the very next day after my very last dose. While I still had a valid but empty prescription bottle and took it with me just in case, my test came back negative.

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Re: betterdays40 (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Xanax, colonapin, Valium all benzos stay in system up to 21 days.. I do not suggest taking a benzo within 3 weeks of a test.

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If I take a perk 30 today Friday 7pm will I be good to take a urine test on Tuesday 11am for my probation officer

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Re: shepdiggler36 (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I took 90mg of a roxie on a Tuesday. Will I be able to test clean on a Thursday morning?

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no 1 is oxycodone and vics is hydrocodone -im almost 100% it will be diff if they test for specific opiate, usually itll just show opiate and not be specific. they can however opt to have you retested for a specific opiate.

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I took a xanax last popped for a piss test today...drank nothing but water for my 8 hour shift non stop...then drank a ready clean and took my test....haven't got the results back you think I will pass...

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sounds like you need to stop using roxies unless you want to send some time in jail

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I did a half of a 30mg oxygen Thursday night I've been drinking lots of water not quite a gallon a day but close to it and took some cranberry pills as well. My PO could show up anytime to drug test me this week. If she gives me a urine will I be clean? Please help me out I'm kind of scared I don't want to go back to jail.

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Hey you seem like you know your stuff. I have been taking Lorcets and Percs for about 6 months straight about 50-150mg/ day. I have a drug test in 8 days. I'm 27 and weight 210lbs. The test is at a lab and is sent off for lab testing. If i stop taking them today the 09 of Oct will I be clean by the 17 Oct?

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I actually meant I have been doing them every day up until this past Tuesday night. I haven't done any since.

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"Verwon Says:
Sunday, 2/27/2011 11:11:26 AM
Most narcotics will clear out of your system within 24 hours," - WRONG

If you take them after "bring" drug tested, they shouldn't show up in the test but I'm assuming a well placed comma and better spelling would have a slightly different meaning. You should be clear after 4 days. Most of the better lab tests will go back about 80 hours. The cheaper, instant dip stick tests may not be quite as sensitive but they are capable of differentiating between various types of opiates.

Just for giggles, do a Google search for "drug test kits." You will find scores of different types of combination and individual panels. It depends on how much the tester wants to spend.

"maddyfl Says:
Monday, 7/18/2011 9:46:29 PM
i nee to kno .does a oxy 10mg and roxy 30 mg show up on a ua probation test as oxy and opids i hav a script on the oxy 10mg but not the other will i pass my test plz help a they the same inge.....thanks"

Roxi and Oxy are essentially the same thing. Neither are the same as Hydro. If probation pulls a standard 5 strip panel with a single bar for opiates, it will simply show positive for opiates. If they have the right single strips, they can tell which one you are taking.

"Worried Says:
Tuesday, 9/27/2011 3:48:43 PM
I did 3 30mg roxy's on Monday at like 4pm and I have a drud test on Wednesday at 4:30pm. Will I pass if I drink tons of water. This is going to be a lab test."

If you try to purge your system by drinking tons of water, the lab test will show insufficient levels of Creatine, which is almost always considered an attempt to alter the test results and usually results in an automatic "fail" by probation departments.

"B-ri Says:
Monday, 10/24/2011 9:52:01 PM
I've been taking perc(roxy) 30s almost every day for a while now between 30-60 mgs a day.. I'm about to take a drug test for a new job how long will it take for it to get out of my system so I'll be able to pass the test. "

I would give it at least 80 hours... 4 days if possible.

"confused in lincolnton Says:
Monday, 10/31/2011 10:19:11 PM
im on probation and i have been clean of thc for about 8 weeks now. Passed one test that was sent off to a lab 4 weeks in. I was tested again this time they used the in house strip and they said i failed for thc, remind u i havent smoked in 8 weeks now. How can i be dirty. I havent smoked and i havent been around it."

Smoking pot is about the worst thing you can do as far as drug testing while on probation. THC is stored in the fat cells of your body. Depending on how heavy a smoker you were, it can be detected up to six months after you quit. Lots of people expect you to be clean after 28 days. Heavy smokers will never be clean in 28 days.

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I've been taking oxycodone for about six months I've stopped how long will it stay in my system.

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Absolutely right ! Most on here post to feel knowledgeable but JACKIE us by doing so!

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dogs can f***in smell anything that's why they bring them!!!

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