How Long Does Lyrica Stay In Your System (Page 7) (Top voted first)


how long does it take for lyrica to leave your system?

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I have been on lyrica for over 2 years now...about 2 months ago my pain clinic discharged me for rescheduling twice n only giving them 24hrs notice instead of 48hrs n then was 5 mins late to my last appt. they gave me a taper prescription but I also still had a refill on my script prior to getting discharged. So I filled my refill first n then a 32 days later I went to turn in my paper script for my taper n they told me it was expired cuz it was more than 30 days mind u, no one from the pain clinic reiterated to me that they go bad within 30days so I had no friggin clue! so the pharmacy told me to just call them n get a new script...when I called I told them what happened n that I still had the paper script as proof I wasn't trying to pull anything n they refused to write a new one!! So now I literally have 2 left that I thank god held onto but by the time I had realized the taper script was expired I had taken all but 4 of my pills from my last script so now I'm sicker than I've ever been in my life not to mention how much pain I'm in! I have a job n I'm a single mom with a 2 yr old! So I guess my question is... Can they really do this to me?! I mean is this even legal? It's sure as s*** not ethical but my god how can they do this to someone?! N I've already tried to get my primary to write me a taper script n that useless b**** told me "she doesn't believe in prescribing lyrica" so no she will not write it for me either!

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wow that's something else I wonder if it's the cause of my not sleeping I'm still taking 150mg twice a day and would it cause a person to have erectile dysfunction ? or numbness in your privates ? thank you

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Hi thanghead!
Can you tell me what instructions did your Dr give you on Ho to step down from Lyrica, been on for short time having side effects want to stop.

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Hi I am taking 450mg of Lyrica 150mg 3 times a day for phantom pain for I'm a Bilateral above the knee well now I have a new problem which is that all of a sudden I have E.D. I feel very numb my urologist gave me 100 mg of Viagra and it had not affect, I believe it may be due to the Lyrica I would like to know if there's another pill that I can take with the Lyrica to return me to my normal self. Please any help Appreciated thank you

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I have been on Lyrica for about 8 years. I started having a lot of swelling a few years ago and thought it was due to going through the change but it was Lyrica and it's been terrible at times. So bad my feet would burn like the skin was tearing. Propping my feet above my heart and using ice packs was the only thing that helped.

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Does lyrics help you lose weight? I've lost 38 lbs since starting in hospital 3 days ago?

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I have only been on lurica for 3 days and had to completly stop ir. I am experiencing anger, everything angers me and i just cant stand being in my own skin. While the taking it I couldnt breath, headaches and my feet hurt so bad I wanted to cut them off. This is NOT a good medication for me anyway.

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Was on Lyrica 13 yrs., for migraines from a complete hysterectomy in 2001 and then 2003 the migraines came out. Over the years it got to the point where the side effects are worse than a migraine. This past February 2016 I started tapering off the Larricha every three weeks I went down 10% it took me nine months to taper off completely. My last dose was October 26, 2016. I have been going through withdrawal mail for 10 weeks, insomnia, burning and tingling skin, anxiety and nervousness. My sleep pattern is back finally, and the burning and tingling are starting to taper off I was burning and tingling every day constantly and then it slowed down to every other day and now I'm going probably about six days and then I have a day and a half to two days of bad nine. Although I still have some light tingling. Because I was only for so long that is why it's taking time to get over the withdrawals.

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I was given Lyrica August 2011 for severe headaches due to nerve damage when I had a maxillectomy for cancer. It lessened the headaches instantly and over the next months they increased me from 75 mg to 150 mg 3 times a day. Way to much. Caused what I called my left eye to wig out on me. Just go blurry all of a sudden. Increased appetite is putting it mildly. Made me ravenous. Loss of short term memory. I had been increased to 5 75mg a day and finally I had enough of the side effects. I started taking 4 a day for a week and then 3 for a week then two and then one for a week. I just stopped completly yesterday. This is my second day without anything. When I went back to Dr first week of April he lowered it for me to 50 mg twice a day. So after that for a week is when i went down to one. I really haven't noticed any withdrawal symptoms doing it slowly like that. The headaches haven't come back and the nerve pain in my face is minimal and i'd rather have that than the disoriented feeling and loss of memory and yes i'm vain enough not to have liked that 40lbs I gained. Now if I started having those horrendous headaches nonstop again I wouldn't hesitate to get back on it because it did work for me. But if I don't need it, I don't want it. It's always a good idea to talk to your Dr first. I was lucky I didn't have any problems. I told him after the fact i was down to two a day instead of the prescribed 5. They don't want to over medicate us so we have to tell them if it's not working for us for them to be able to help. Don't just stop cold turkey form what i've researched it can throw you into a tail spin. Take care and God bless

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I took a 300mg lyrica and im high as f***. Feels like im kinda drunk and high off xanax. No side effect. Just a great high and it lasts like 5 hours. Thats the truth.

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I don't know if this will help, but have you considered going to the er for withdrawal? They could wow you a script to help. They won't give you a script for lyrica, but likely will give you something to help with the withdrawal. In on month 2 of lyrica, and am constantly fighting migraines. Just sharing. Hope that goes away!

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My wife took one and the last 75mg Lyrica at1:00 pm today and is experiencing uncomfortable side effects. How long before this will get out of her system?

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I have been off Lyrica for 6 weeks now and I am only just starting to feel better. I have been waking up every hour. Cold and shivery, trembley legs, feeling sick , lethargic . Irritable , not enjoying anything. Had hypnotherapy , didn't helpat all. Couldn't go to work. Still off sick.only wake up once in the night now.

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Oh thank you so much. I had crazy side effects. Like you I can't sleep. I'm crazy hot, just like when I was on it. My moods are terrible and I can't breath properly, nauseous, nervous, so tired, overall I don't feel like myself and I feel horrible. I'm in a fibromyalgia flare and out of remission with chrons and ulcerative colitis so I am in pain everywhere :-(. So thank you so much for the helpful information. I am greatful. I you ever want to chat email me {edited for privacy}... Take care

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I can definitely relate. I was stepped up to 450mg a day in 3 150mg pills. I'm down to 1 every other day and I can already feel what you're talkin about. I had the painful nerves in my back cauterized and didn't need Lyrica anymore, unfortunately I think it still needs me.

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You obviously have some other medical condition.dont blame it on a drug u took months ago, its impossible to still have side effects from the lyrica this long afer.not to mention scaring people away from a drug tjat is working wonders fors people who have been stuck on addictive narcotics and can now take lyrica witch has almost no addictive behaviors associated with keep your pissy non educated opinions to yourself.

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That's wrong. Tell u from experience it's gonna be in your system at least 10days n that's just takin 1 here n there sporadically.

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i have taken 300mg per day for 3 moths. how long will it show in the lyrica test ?

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I am taking 25mg of Lyrica with my evening meal, and then 50mg at bedtime for fibromyalgia, which was up diagnosed for many years. The Lyrica has been a miracle drug for me. However, if a miss the bedtime dose, my pain returns the next morning. I am thinking the drug is no longer in my system after 12 hours. Is this right?

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I also have just come off lyrica after about 6 months on it at one point I was on 300mg twice a day , I have reduced it over 4 weeks to none it is a very harmful drug the side affect coming off it are horrible but so glad I'm off it .
Still in a lot of pain due to a slipped disc causing sciatica

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