How Long Does Klonopin Stay In Your System (Page 16)
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I took 6 mg of klonopin on friday, how long before it's out of my system. I weigh 230lbs.

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When you take a drug test they will ask you which medicines you are on and my ask for the name of the doctor whom prescribed. Klonopin is a benzo so it WILL show up in a drug test. However, if you have a valid script for it, the doctor will review the results, verify the prescirption, and give you a negative result. (in otherwards, you will pass) I'm a nurse who routinely does drug screens. Hope this helps.

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I am prescribed clonazepam and I had to take drug screens twice for jobs while on it. Both times, I was told that if anything showed up, the lab would contact me for more information (prescription, dr note, etc.) Neither time did I get contacted and in both instances I was being prescribed 1mg/daily and taking it as such. I had taken it the day of both screens. I have read that the generic sometimes do not show up and I would like to say that I can vouch for that, but I do not know for a fact that either screen tested for benzo's, although I would think it would be highly unlikely that that both tests, at different testing facilities did not. Especially since the second test I did showed the hydrocodone I was being prescribed at the time and I had to get a letter from my doctor on that one. Anyway, I can't promise that it won't be in your system, but I know I haven't had it show up in mine for two drug tests.

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I just took 4 milligrams of kolonipin when will I be able to pass a piss test ?

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i have taken bout 10/ 2 mg klonopin and i have to take a drug test on monday because im on" suboxone for opiat addiction.if i drink a lot of water i should be fine .what do you think?

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With all due respect, why would you take that many Klonopin at a time honey? Please talk to your doctor or another doctor about this so that they can explain the risk of damage to your organs if you take too much Klonopin in one day. Please know that I am by no means attacking you about this, I am just concerned. There is such a risk of this doing damage to you if you only do this once...if you do it often then damage is almost certain.

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i have to go take a drug test and i took a clonazpam on sunday it is now wed will i pass the drug test

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would klonopin show on urine test one hour after taken

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I am bipolar and have been taking 1 ml of klonopin for sleep as prescribed by my phyce doc for 3 years. I want to get my cdl and need to pass a drug test. i weigh 130 lbs and am 5 foot 9 inches. How long should I wait to take drug test. My family is depending on this ,so please any one with knowledge respond, Thank You

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Klonapin (clonazapam) Can stay in your system for how long? I take it for sleep disorder hypnogogia, and it works well !!!
I had hallutionations everytime I slept and thought I was awake, so i got afraid to sleep after years of taking antipsychotics eventhough they stopped the hypnogogia, they made me extremely tired and I found out they would cut 25 yr off my life.

I got in touch with a caring doc who said that I don't have symptoms of schizophrenia! I told him my symptoms that I had before and he suggested a sleep study-he found out that I was having periodic limb movments kicking over a hundred times in my sleep of 4 hrs. That I did not go into all stages of sleep which accounted for the being tired eventhough ususally I slept essesive amounts of time compared to other people.

I tapered off of the clozaril over a period of one year, the last part of the taper i had flu symptoms. I have been off of antipsychotics close to two year!

During and after the taper I took vitamins B-12, Folic acid, inisitol, l-tyrosine, niacin and others in large doses.. Even though I did not show low on b-12 and folic acid my Mean corpsular volume(mcv) and Mean corpsular hemoglobin (MCH)was high every time I had a complete blood count (CBC) in the Red blood test group suggested Vitamin b deficency.

I am doing extremly well. I like one semester getting my associate degree. Since I started Ritalin to help with energy. I was able to go to school and the vitamins also helped me with energy!

Can you give me any detailed info on anything that science is doing to help others who have been improperly diagnosed? and if they are not will you suggest that all docs have to notice mch, mcv and other factors that would suggest something else could be wrong and always have a psych patient do a sleep study at a reputable sleep disorder clinic!! All types of

Alot of psych patients have been failed by physicians they do not get enough research done on them to find out if they do have this or another underlying cause that can mimic psychiatric disorders.. PLEASE HELP AND GOD BLESS YOU :) HAVE A GREAT DAY

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go to the hospital and tell them your having a panic attack and ask for something to help untill you can see your doctor there probably give you ativan which shows the same as qualadin problem solved show the drugtest people your ativan script it will clear you of all benzoes it kept me out of trouble

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as far as i know it stays in the urine for 72 hours i would try to go a weak if possible

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i took 2 mgs on friday at 5pm and was givig a drug test monday morning at 5am and my test came back negative . just go to an emerengy room and tell them your having trouble breathing and that panic attacks run in your family . they will give you ativan or valium which show up the same as benzoes and you wont have to worry about clean urine because your have all the paper work you will need.

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This depends how fast your body metabolizes it? I would exercise daily and drink lots of water to help the kidneys excrete it. And post pone the drug test as long as you can.

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yes, half life is 35 hours (avg., which means in 35 hours 1/2 of it will be gone and then in 35 more hours another 1/2 of the first 1/2 (1/4) will be gone and so on

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I have been taking MS CONTIN 60 mg for chronic pain. I have been taking it for two weeks now. I would like to know how long will it take to get it out of my system for a blood or urinalysis test?

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did you pass your drug test? i ask because i have a similar situation!

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I took 30 Klonopin in 3 days how long will it show up in a a urine test

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My daughter took 2 .5 mg of clonazepam. Within 1 hour of taking it, she was pulled out of school for drug test bc she fell asleep in class. Does it show up that quickly in a urine test? She only took it 1x ever and has not taken any other drugs.

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I took 20 mg of kpins in to days I have a probation test jan 11 will i pass if o stop taking them now

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i took 3mg of klonipin over 3 days starting Nov. 3rd and smoked 3 joints of marijuana on Nov. 1st. I took a UDS on Dec. 15th. What are the chances of not passing the UDS?

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