How Long Does It Take To Get Contrave Out Of Your System (Page 2)
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I need to reduce my intake of Contrave because of side affects. I'm cutting back from 4 pills to 3. How long does it take for Contrave to reduce in my system so that I don't have the severe symptoms?

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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I was on 3 days one pill and stopped it. Had such foggy head like when on pain pills, hot flashes, stomach pains, diarrhea, it was horrible

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Headache, nausea, sever stomach pain, sever constipation, sore throat, extreme fatigue .

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I've been on Contrave for 9 days at 1 pill away and have this weird kind of "floating" feeling which I think is probably anxiety...and nausea...dry I'm thinking of going off already unless someone can give me some advice or help. Does these systems ever go away??

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I've only been taking contrave for a week and only taking 1 a day. I'm stopping it due to massive headaches and severe diarrhea. How long before it's out of my system. I want to go back on my prescription sleeping pill. I'm done not being able to sleep through the night as well

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I saw my doctor yesterday. We have reduced my dosage to 2 pills a day to see if that helps. If not than next week I'll go down to 1 a day. My worst symptoms out of several are hot flashes & nausea.

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Hello, Penni! How are you feeling? Has there been any improvement, yet?

What side effects have you been experiencing?

When it comes to this medication, it depends on which ingredient is causing the symptoms. The Naltrexone in it only takes about a day, but the Bupropion may take about a week, based on the FDA listed half-lives.

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