How Long Does It Take Suboxone To Get Out Of The Bloodstream (Top voted first)


My friend is currently pregnant and has been on suboxone for almost a year now..illegally. . She is winging herself off and wants to know how long it will be in her bloodstream or the babys bloodstream

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we are wanting to know how long suboxone remains in the blood stream...

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Hi, Neina! How is she doing?

Your friend should really not be trying to get off of this medication without medical help. It is far too risky for both her and the baby. Doing it too fast could cause severe withdrawal symptoms that could put both of their lives in danger.

And if she stays on it, there is a risk of the baby being born addicted.

She really needs to tell her doctor and get help.

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Hi. I work for an ob/gyn & I agree w Verwon 100%. If she starts "weening off" too fast it could cause her & the fetus serious problems. In fact, we recommend to our pts to NOT "ween off". We have found that it is safer for a pt on suboxone or methadone to remain on the medication until after they give birth. Will the baby be born addicted? Yes, that is a great possibility but our hospitals where I live do a great job of detoxing newborns. The fact, however, that ur friend is taking the suboxone illegally leaves room for many other concerns. She needs to seek medical attention ASAP! Again, where I am from our suboxone & methadone clinics take patients immediately if they are pregnant. In my opinion, the only safe option is to seek out help NOW!

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I took a 1/4 of a sub I go to doc in a week in a half to get my narcotic will the sub be out of my system by then?

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Hi! If a patient comes in for the first time.. and maybe tests positive for suboxone but is no longer taking it nor prescribed it any longer, like within the last week.. is she red flagged and her baby can be taken!!!???

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Ok no. This is all circumstantial. Subutex and suboxone are different. if you work at an obgyn and deal with this or have any experience with this then you and I both know the only correct thing to say is, a person should not self medicate and share their medication use with the dr. Not freak out the readers. People, there are risks but look at the facts and statistics of buprenorphine as well as medications containing bupronex and or naloxone of any type before taking any advice. Been in this field for a long time to not remark here. Just opinion here. Speak with your dr but try to keep the stress down too. Good luck and put these babies 1st.

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