How Long Does It Take For Valium To Get Out Of Your System (Page 2)
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two little blue pills

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How long did it take to get out of your system completely

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I took a couple of 5mg valium about three weeks ago, I have bad anxiety and take Pristiq and Busbar for it but they were not working at the time. I have a urine drug screen in 8 days. Is there any way possible that these will still be in my system? If so what can I do to help them work their way out quicker?

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How long does it take a 10mg valium to get out of ur system

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im on the methadone and have had been in same situation i found the best way is to count down off them if u can(for the person who flushed there Valium script)

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im on the methadone and have had been in same situation i found the best way is to count down off them if u can

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A Valium rattle/withdraws can be dangerous and needs to be treated properly. If you're doctor has cut you off valium then she could be feeling withdrawls for upto 6 months without and in some extreame cases- death. Valium withdrawls is one of the few drugs that you can die from when going through withdrawls so it needs to be dealt/treated properly for you comming off them. And may i add usually death 'usually' only happens if you have poor health/or health problems - well most the time, and withdrawls can last upto about 6 months and usually the worst of it over within 6 weeks. You should be brought down with things like Librium or something - he cant just cut you off and give you absolutely nothing! So please go see about it and if your doctor doesn't give you someonething to come down - I would advise you to change your doctor !!

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I don't take nerve but for whatever reason I took 7 5mg valiums on the 14th. I had a drug test coming up today on the 30th and thought it was no big deal. I even bought a home drug testing kit after I read on here and saw they stick around a while and passed it yesterday. Well today I drank a half a gallon of water among other things and pissed clear as water and still failed this test for valium. it was a urine test for probation and it's been 16 days since I did anything and 2 months before that. I took no more and no less then I've said. Hope this helps someone I couldn't find much about personal experiences on here

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I take 5mg Valium and I want to know how long it will be till I can pass a drug test

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I have been on 10mlg valium for 3 years at 3x a day and i flushed my script cus i wanted to get off them. I thought at the clinic they would ramp up my dose on methadone when i quit and they didn't so i am experiencing major withdrawls, can't sleep, think, or see straight, restless legs ect. i can't go up until the valium is completely out of my system. does anybody know how to speed this up and how to not make some of these terrible side affects go away. How long is this going to last?

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My son in law weighs 300 lbs goes to a pain clinic for pain meds about 6 days ago he took 4 5 mg valium and 2 10 mg has to have a pee test in 4 days will this be out of his system maybe with lots of water and juice.

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I took two 10mg valium.How long doesit take too go out of my system? I have too pass a urine test. Will it show up after 10days??

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I havent took valium in about a year . i just took 16 today and have to take a urine test in 6days . will it be out of my system by then

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take 2 5 mg of vailum every couple of months how long will it take to come out of your system

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the best way to avoid going bonkers from lack of scripts is to get a juicer and make and drink fresh juice. the enzymes will clean the blood and restore vital bodily systems to a more normal balance .. combine that with a one time coffee enema for 10-15 minutes and that will really do the job

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my sister was given Tranquility by Mt.Peaks .I contains 264 mg. of Phenibut each and the Dr. had her on 4 to 6 a day for almost 6 months. they said it wasnt addictive but when she went off it she has had terrible withdrawals for over a month now. Her depression, anxiety,and post tramatic stress has been worse.the poison center said Phenibut is like Valium.How long do you think she will have withdrawals? They want to put her on Zoloft but she is afraid it will cause more problems.Thank you for any help you can give.

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I have a ua coming up and i have been taking clonipin, how long does it take to get out of your system, and also any way to clean out your system quick??? Any factual information would be great.

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im trying to get off a two vicodin es and two soma a day for three years without having a breakdown, also my dr.cut me off 10 mg valium and now im on the low dose of xananx, will i be okay? im worried, ill lose my mind.the dam doctor gave me these pills for years and cut me off with one bottle left, now ive been on valium for 30 years

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how long does it take to get of valum

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It depends on the dosage of those pills, which I cannot tell from just the color.

However, in most cases, it takes 48 to 72 hours, for a standard urine test, but can be longer for blood or hair.


Are there any markings on the tablets or do you know the dosage?

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