How Long Does It Take For Clonazepam To Leave Your System (Page 3)
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How long do you have to quit taking clonazepam to pass a drug test?

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If your are going through genuine benzo withdrawals you need to talk to doctor and let them taper you off. I taper to fast and had withdrawal from hell. I thought i was going to die but had good support system including a phych hospital. its been a while better but still withdrawing i am 52 so medications and withdrawals are slower.There is a light at the end of tunnel and as you get to the tail end of withdrawals they will come like waves you will feel fine and here they come again.

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I take clozapam 1mg a day propinol 40 mg respridone 0.5 mg in a day about in 10 month

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I been on clonazepam for 2 years August 24th of 2014 would be 3 years I been on Paxil for 3 months today. I would like to know how can I get off this horrible drug (clonazepam) how long would it take?

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Because you are pregnant he wants you off all drugs that will affect your child, but call him and tell him and ask him to tappier you off quickly. Still there will be WD but not what you experence now. Also when you stop breast feeding you can put back on it.

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I would say your chances are very good but everybody is different

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I meant klonapin

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I took 4monoamine on a Thursday and have a urine on Monday will it show up I don't take them on a regular.

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i was in hosptial on sat thanks to my scik dr who told me o your on a low does yes stop it yea right .omg i thought it was the end and the dr there said you have to go slow so i have to start all over again .for a week i would love to sue him foe this .ill so glad when this over .this is the second time of this s*** withdrawls .and i have only been on it sence oct the 15
i am haveing a realy hard time getting of this stuff this is only thing i take .05mg 1 in the moring and 1 at night thats it thats all

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I HAD to go in a hospital I had " quit" twice and it's totally hell. I never knew this drug COULD take over everything I was taking like 30 mgs a day. I still take them but I take VERYsmall doses at a time only as needed

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My issue is I have not been sleeping for the past month. I became shaky, and started to have brain fog as well as blurry vision. I have been looking for a job going on two years now since they did cut backs and my position was one that was deleted. We got the "your a great worker but it's out of our hands speech". So I don't have insurance.” If I hear over qualified one more time I’m going to scream!!"

A friend gave me a half of a Clonazepam 0.5 last night But told me it was a sleeping pill. She know I try not to take meds, I prefer herbs. She told me the truth after the fact.

Problem is that I just received a interview request. I know they will require a drug test if I do well on the interview. They sent the request by E-mail. So I think they will want me to come in sometime this week, or Monday at the latest.

So my question is" If I took a half of Clonazepam 0.5 last night at 11:00pm. if they test me Thus , Fri. or Monday at the latest. Would I pass the drug test?

And other than drinking allot of water. What else should I do? any Ideas.

I would hate to pass up this job chance, because I have been looking so long. And this is the first real response in 2yrs. I could kick my friends butt. I don’t drink or smoke or do drugs.. so this has me worried. The pill did help. I calmed down and got some sleep. the shakiness, but still have a little brain fog and blurry eyes. I'm sure it will clear with rest.

I will not be taking anymore, because addiction scares the piss out of me. no thanks. I'm silly enuff without drugs.

So other than drinking allot of water. What else should I do? any Ideas.

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i have been on it for 4 months. i was having alot of heart promblems from this s*** stuff so now my dr is reducing it too half in the morning and half at nite i was taking .05 twice a day . only thing i have so far is a realy bad headache

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Hey peeps....I posted last march.....wish I can say I'm good but not really.....I have a anxiety problem 4 years's the worst ..I was on klonopin 1mg at night felt niccccccceeee....yea well that didn't last the effects went away I knew I needed to take more but I didn't....moved to another state the new doctor wouldn't prescribe me any klonopin says she don't believe in it.....she wouldn't give me my anxiety meds until I was clean( like I was a drug addict) I just sat there in my house with no meds thinking I was superman saying f it I don't need I went through withdrawals suicidal thoughts heart pounding among other it's a year later still have anxiety more frequent than I find Xanax off the streets I take 1 mg a day..I'm still messed I wanna ween off of everything because I rather have a anxiety once in awhile than taking meds and still having it ....doctors don't know everything and everyone is different be careful what you take even if a doctor prescribed it........oh and yea ofcourse I would feel better taking more but it ends up being 1 a day before you know it your taking ten sticks a day to feel is what it careful what you take...not doing it.......

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I was clean for 8 months then I started taking xanax an klonopin for like 3 weeks an I got a drug test in 11 days will this be out of my system if I drink water the whole 11 days I'm so scared an nervous

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I took Four klonapon an six xanx an the next day I took seven xanx my Dr spontaneous ment is the 2 NEXT MONTH.HOW LONG WILL THAM TO TACK TO BE OUT OVE MY SISTEM.

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And I dont take much of clonazepam 1mg.just once in a while I do

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I took 3 clonazepam 1mg will I be fine before the 19th cuz I go to my pain doc by the cuz I have a swollen spine just take it for sleep but want to know if it will be out of my system by then

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I have been on taking it for a while now I don't think it has even been a year. I have ask to come off cause I did not see where it helped I still have a foggy head. It seen likes what ever they put me on the foggy head stays. I am taking a 1/2 of a 0.5mg pill at night and half in the morning. I just stated Prozac. I too would like to know how long it should take for the Colnazepam will leave my body

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I been taking klopin I mg 3x a day now I am down to I 1/2 a day I go down .05mg every 6 days till im off this drug I do not like it at all yes it stopped my attacks but I needed more and getting off it I know its the right thing to do... but the chills and sweats and omg these head aches r killing me I hope this stop when I am off this long will the head aches last?? I cant take them and its hard to sleep is this normal???

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I just got off of a 25-45mg a day habit after 4 years on the drug, 2 1/2 at the high end. I'm back down to 2mg per day. It took almost a full two weeks of not taking them, cold turkey, for them not to show up on a home, urine test. If you're young like me, under say 200lbs, and took 5 mg per day for 5 days, by the end of the third day, 90% chance it will be gone. Fluid intake, body fat %, amount taken and time taken can effect it. I can give you a solid answer if you give those details. Hope its not too late!

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