How Long Does It Take For Clindamycin To Leave Your System
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I was taking this drug for 4 teeth that was extracted. For about a week the dentist put me on 150 mg cap of clindamycin and that next week about mid early morning I took real I'll headaches, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and itching. I went to work and could not work the rest of the hours I was weak and sweating really bad. I had to go to the ER. I stop taking the drug completely. I started with a cough as well. I couldn't eat solid foods I'm slowly trying to tolerate solid foods as of today I have be on a soft good diet jello, pudding, broth and clear Gatorade. When I try to start eating solid foods I have a little diarrhea not much I guess it is almost over my system is trying to get back normal. I lost some weight in the process of this. I hope this information will be helpful.

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I was taking clindamycin 150mg for an infection. It was too strong. I am a very small person. The doctor cut it to 75mg. I already have anxiety. This medicine made it worse. I took it for 6 days and I had to stop. Now I am weak. Is this normal? And when will this medicine be out of my body?

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Those can be normal side effects of most antibiotics, according to FDA reports. Has there been any improvement, yet? It usually takes a week, or so, for them to all clear up and go away.

As to the itching, did you also have hives, or just general skin itching? If you had hives, it could mean that you are allergic to this antibiotic and may have to avoid taking it, in the future.

Are you on any other medications?

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