How Long Does Crack Cocaine Stay In Your System For A Drug Test (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Its been four days since I consumed about an eight ball of cocaine, and I'm expected to take a urine screen tomorrow. will I test clean?

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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I had crack on Sun 5am to Sun 5pm and have a drug test 5 days later on Friday. Will i test negative?

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I have to take a drug test tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. and I used crack Friday night about 10:30 p.m. so today is Tuesday will be Wednesday tomorrow will crack be out of my system for a UA by tomorrow morning

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it first showing in urine is 7 hrs after last use and depending on your metabolism it could be out in as early as 3 days after last us if not regular user or as long as 14 days if used more then 3 times a week

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I know that it will be out in four days so you good

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Thanks, I did a UA after 5 days, actually on the fifth day and I passed! I had crack on Friday and passed on Wednesday morning! Thank God!!

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Dude, it takes about 3 to 7 days.

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I did crack cocaine last weds and am having a urine test this Friday. Will I pass the urine test?

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1 to 4 days tops on cocaine of any kind.

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It does not stay in your system for 30 days! Do your research if you don't believe me. It stays in your system 3-4 days for urine unless your a heavy user, then it could be 10 days. Hair - last for months to even a year. And it only last 7 hours in your blood stream.

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You will be fine 100 percent. At most 5 days for the coke.

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I did some crack a week ado friday. Got to take a d rup test this wednesday. will i be good

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I took crack sunday and I have to take a urine test thursday. Will I be clean? I don't eat, weigh 110lbs. All I drink is water and when I sleep I sweat.

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i scrude up once in 2 months with crack didnt do much will it show up if i took a quest testing

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Forsure it is out of ur system if u partyed for 4 whole days and I have9 day befor I have to take a 12 panel drug test

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If a person been smoking crack for over a month and have to test on 11 days will it show I'm their urine and blood test

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I seriously doubt it. That is not long enough I am wondering if six or seven days is long enough but i know one or two is not. Trust me Ive tried that before.

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How long does cocaine stay in your system for a 160 pound person?

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If I had crack last Sunday and it's been a week since, will I be clean?

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Free based cocaine every 2 days. I am aware that water, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruit will readily excrete toxins from the body. Plethora amount water u recommend before my drug test in the next 3 days. Greatly concerned can one recommend any other suggestion to rid the body of toxin within three days from the metabolite benoylzecoginine and B.E? I'm not sure about this byproduct. Any logical suggestion will be greatly appreciative, although one will completely stop I enjoy my FAITHFAITH' Sinner.

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I dis a gram on Friday night and I have piss this Monday coming up.. Will it show on my test?

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