How Long Does Crack Cocaine Stay In Your System For A Drug Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Its been four days since I consumed about an eight ball of cocaine, and I'm expected to take a urine screen tomorrow. will I test clean?

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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I took crack about 3 times within a week, about a quarter gram each time. Last time was a Friday because I had a UA the following Friday. I avoided caffeine, drank at least a half gallon of water each day, and took niacin the last 4 days before my text and I passed. I'm on suboxone so I know exactly when my UA's are going to be. I've done this same process a half dozen times and have passed with as little as 5 days after dosing. I'm 5'9, 150lbs with a high metabolism. Hope this helps someone.

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How long does it take for a little tiny spec of cocaine to leave saliva after being ingested orally?

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Re: crhead (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Not everything is in your system 30 days - I know from taking tests. Do not listen to this *****. 30 days is for heavy marijuana consumption. Crack cocaine or cocaine is 2-5 days or longer if you dose a lot.

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Buy some niacin and drink a ton of water. Also avoid caffeine. 5 days is really right on the line of being able to pass a test for coke especially after ingesting several grams. Good luck.

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I took a dose of coke two days ago. Is water good for flushing it out? I have a test on Friday and dosed on Tuesday. Thanks.

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I stopped taking cocaine Friday morning around 1:30 and I have a drug urine test on Monday. If I don't take any more, will I pass?

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Re: puppygirl (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Quit freaking people out!!!! If you take small amounts the metabolites should clear within 4-5 days. Stay active and drink lemon water which helps excretion.

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If I took a dose on monday night, will I be clean by thursday?

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No way sorry i know not using drugs is hard but somewhere down the line hou have to figure whats best for yourself drugs or being clean ask god for help if needed good luck my friend

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Your good all he activity and healthiness of your intake is a solid way to be good for s urinre.

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I haven't used crack in 3 months and I'm scheduled to take a hair follicle test in the next week do you think I will be able to pass for a job

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I had crack cocaine on Saturday and i have to drop on the 15th of March. Will i pass a urine test? I weigh 325lbs n i am short. I take my test at a pain clinic. I am scared i will not pass.

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Took cocaine last Friday until about 10:30 pm. Got pulled in on Wed morning for a random. Will I pass?

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Just wanna know how long does crack cocaine stay in your system?

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I took cocaine on Tuesday and I have to go take a urine test on Thursday. I took two cranberry pills for Thursday morning, drank one Redbull Wednesday night and one Thursday morning. Will my urine be clean?

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Hell no you will not pass no matter what you do, it stays in you system 30 days or longer

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