How Long Does Temazepam 10mg Tablet Stay In Your Urine? (Page 2)
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How long does Temazepam 10mg Tablet stay in one's urine?

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I'm on 30-40 mgms of Temazepam at night, 10-20 mgms of Valium at night. During my Temazepam highs, I still stir at night, and many a times I've dropped 10-15mgms of Stilnox.
I'm trying to break away from this all but am having no success. I have Clinical Generelized Anxiety Disorder.
Anyone help with suggestions of withdrawal. I've been doing this sh** now for the past 2 years. Help, I plead!

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You are very welcome, I'm glad I could help you!

Please have a wonderful day!

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Dear Verwon,

Your explanation is immensely appreciated.

Thank you for the information, and your time.

Warm Regards,
Help Me Please

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It really depends on how long you were taking it.

If it was just one dose, then it isn't detectable for longer than 3 to 4 days, but if you were a chronic long-term user, then it can be detected in urine for between 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your metabolism.


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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Anybody able to help? Please?

Any help appreciated :)

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