How Long Do I Wait To Take My Roxy After Takin Two Sub For Only Days
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How long do I have to wait to take my roxy after only taken two subs got two days

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I have done this several times in the past, I narrowed it down to 12 hours since you took your last suboxone, at the time I was splitting my strip in two and taking it twice a day, but they gave me terrace headaches, so I tried to take a hydro every once in awhile. The only time I took it earlier than 12 hours was when I took it 10 hours after my last suboxone and it to didn't have any affect at all, not for the pain or any high or either. My friend had taken a hydro about three hours after his suboxone and he threw up so I wouldn't suggest taking it before the 12 hour mark.

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Based on feedback I've seen in other related discussion threads, it's probably a good idea to wait at least a few days until the suboxone is out of your body and you're in a state of withdrawals. This is because if you were to take the roxy (oxycodone) too soon, chances are that you may not even feel its effects.

I know everyone is different though when it comes to these meds and a few days is really just a rough estimate.. So if you're able to I'd still encourage you to talk with your doctor about this first.

Does anyone else have advice to add from personal experience?

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