How Long Do I Wait After Taking Pills To Take Subs From Dent (Top voted first)


I have been on suboxone strip for over a yr. I had wisdom teeth pulled last Thursday and ate my last 7.5s yesterday at 12pm. When can I take my subs again

2 Replies

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Hi Eric,

Some people suggest waiting anywhere from 1-3 days in between using hydrocodone and suboxone, while others have noted that they only needed to wait 12 hours... Rumor has it that the waiting time is based on when you start to feel withdrawals from opiates before attempting to take any suboxone, so in reality the time frame may be somewhat different for everyone. However, due to the sensitive nature of the situation, I would still encourage you to seek confirmation with your prescribing doctor and/or dentist just to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps! Does anyone else have feedback/advice from personal experience?

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Just had surgery took oxycodone with my regular suboxone - had no problem.
Rumor has it you can take pain meds on top of suboxone- can’t do the opposite : take suboxone on top
Of pain meds.
My question is what’s the difference betwer Hydrocodone and oxycodone - my Dr prescribed it for when the pain isn’t as bad? Can I take it the same as I did the oxycodone?

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