How Long Do I Wait After Taking Pills To Take Suboxone (Page 2)


I've been on percocets for 2 years. 5mg. 4 times a day. I know not much. now I'm down to 3. my last dose was 1230am. is now 1030. I have an 8 milligram suboxone. how long should I wait. and how much should I take. I just took a 5 milligram klonopin. on my nervousness. my legs are starting to feel a little crampy. got a little stomach pain. so please can someone tell me. how to start this. I know its not much that I did. but they say it doesn't matter. you still get the withdrawal pains. Help .

27 Replies (2 Pages)

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I've been an opiate addict for 2 years got clean when I went to jail did great for almost a year & my leg was broken I've had 4 surgeries I knew I was getting bad on pain pills & didn't wanna get back to the illicit drugs so I went to a sub Dr ....that was 9 months ago been great...until I had to have surgery on my breast & I've been on percocets for 5 days I just wd for 17 hours and I just took 4mg of suboxone waiting for it too kick it now as I'm typing this! I couldn't believe that after 5 days I was fully back into the groove of the pain pills, it's sickening! I know suboxone isn't the best but at least your living again!

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You need alot more than one sub buddy, get a script, u need a much higher dose of subs and plan to stay on it for awhile til u taper off VERY SLOWLY

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Ya good luck. No one helps and if you're not on welfare or an opiate addict you get no help here. Where I live all the Drs want money so will give you more and more pills, then when u try to stop you either loose your job and everything else or you pay them for more pills. Welcome to America.

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Man if that's all you're taking do not take the suboxone. I take 300 mg of oxycodone a day. The withdrawals cold turkey they only last a few days. u are fortunate u don't take that much. I was a cancer patient, went threw 4 very high rounds of chemotherapy so the amount of fluids in me flushed my stream so fast it took large amounts. if that's all your taking just man threw it for two or three days and that's all the physical will last and after about 20 the mental will go away. I stopped cold turkey and it took about 4 days of feeling like s***. Don't let these people get u hooked on suboxone. It's worse for your body than the drug your taking, all it is is a crutch.

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Yo if you are taking sab. For the withdrawl from perks and you.are feeling a little bad than i would cut the sab in half even though people will say not to but ive been doin it for yrs. Take it n take the other half rap it up it the sab package nice n tight than wait n see wow you feel if in bout 3 hrs you feel you need more than cut the remander in half n take it. Just take little at a time you fine. Cuz even that you were takin perks they were only 5s as long as you dnt abuse them you are ok. I promise

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Re: mickeymouse1978 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxen and methadone is very different. Methadone is no different than opiates .. you will definitely get addicted to methadone and most likely have one hell of a WD.. suboxen isn’t that bad. But honestly anything u take over the counter in some form causes a with draw. Once your body gets use to something, w out it it goes absolutely crazy

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I really hate the "If I were you response"! Because your not!

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