How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone After Vicodin


Ive been on one mill sub for two years went a day without it took two vikes that were prescribed. Theyre not working. I feel like Icrap can I take my sub now ? Dont want to go in to withdrawl

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Hi Desi! I would wait until u start feeling some withdrawals before you take the suboxone. If you feel like crap now, then you can take it now.

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Cats68, I'm a heavy methadone user, recently cut off, and prescribed Suboxone. Haven't had methadone for 8 days but some opiates 2 days ago to help and I tried sub last night but went into that horrific detox mode. I took 7 or 8 5mg vics that got the detox to stop. This was 24 hrs ago. Can I try taking sub again? Feel horribly sick.

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Searching for a dr. Who prescribes methadone in INDIANAPOLIS any help appreciated.

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I took 2 Vicodin ( total 15 mg) about 9pm last night! It's 12 hours later, can I take a sub at this point? Please help

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You will be fine to tale it as soon as you want. I had the same situation a few months ago and was fine taking it within a few hours. My uncle takes both for pain and takes them sometimes 2 hours apart.

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Here's the deal. If you take Subs (buprenorphine with or without naxalone) regularly and take 2 days off, take some opiates, then you do not have to wait a very long time (to be safe 6-8 hours). This is because Bupe has such a high affinity to bind to the Mu receptors, it's stimulating them whether you 'feel' it or not. It most likely blocked out those opiates you took (some/most) of it because Bupe tends to latch on better than anything to those Mu's. You DO NOT have to be in WD's to take Bupe if you are a regular Bupe patient who took a couple/three days off to take another opiate.

However, methodone's half life is around 36 hours and can hang around stimulating those receptors as well. So just know if you took days off to take methodone, that Bupe is going to knock out that methadone quickly. And if that had u feeling good at all, then that will end. The only thing you will be feeling is the bupe, and if that wasn't as strong a feeling as the methadone, then you will feel crappier. Vicodin, hydrocodone, lorcet, quicker acting opiates don't stay long binded to the MU receptors.

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I've been on methadone for the last 7years straight n my last side was Friday at30mgs . I'm feeling very crappy right now cz it's been almost 19 hours n the only thing I have to take is a 4 mg Sub . I'm so scared of going in to withdrawls from taking it but I read u have to be in some withdrawls .. I've been detoxing down the last 90 days now n I'm at 30mgs I don't want to stay on the methadone n want off so I start Monday the sub program . but I'm sick now is it safe to take the sub strip now?

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Cats68 (# 24 plenty of time unless you have been doing opiats for acouple of days .

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