How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone After Taking 40mgs Of Norco
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I took 40 mg of norco 5 hours ago I'm not an everyday user so I don't go thru withdraw how long do I have to wait to take a suboxone

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Re: Chrissy (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry but that is dead wrong! Precipitated withdrawal is dam sure real! It's the absolute worst thing I've ever been through! Stop passing false info cause u will be the cause of someone getting hurt!

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I've taken suboxone before waiting 24hrs and I was so f****d up. I had a real bad reaction. I crashed my car and got fired all in a few hours. It was a nightmare. The light was messing me up. It happened twice to me because I didn't wait, so be careful. Everyone is different. Now I'm waiting to take one after I took an 80mg oxycodone. It's been weeks and I'm still going through withdrawal, I can't believe it. I've kicked in 3-4 days many times but this is the longest I've ever gone through still sneezing and aches, no energy. That's why I took oxycodone just to get a day of relief.

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I agree 100% on the 24 hr rule being complete horse crap.. I suboxone anywhere from a quarter to a half a day.. there's is always 4-5 days at the end of the month where I have to wait for more suboxone so I use small pain pills to help me get thru that week. I can take a roxy 15 turn around an hour later and take half a sub and it doesn't send me into violent withdrawals and won't unless of course switching from methadone. Of course I'm not a doctor and you should always consult one for you and them will know what's best for you.. but if your taking any of the following (hydros, percocets, roxy, any pills like that) I'd say at 30 mgs or lower you shouldn't have any issues switching over to suboxone. For everyone who's addicted not using it for actual pain management I suggest a new shot they have called Vivotal (think that's right). It's a shot and you take it 1 time every 6 months after your initial withdrawals off opiates 3-5 days usually depending of course on metabolism, weight, how many mgs per day and for how long you took it. But the ViVital shot blocks the withdrawal symptoms but doesn't give you the euphoric feeling that methadone and suboxone does and the kicker for the shot is no matter if you take an opiate after the shot you feel nothing, just wastes your money and is active for so much longer than some or subs For anyone wanting to kick opiates if you have the will power and are up for it I can get you more information on how to get in a program for the vivital shot. I battle addiction and every day after vivital it's all mental. As long as you have a good support group I believe it's the best way. Addiction is a never ending cycle that can be stopped dead in it's tracks with will power and mental toughness.. I'm sorry if I didn't help anyone but if I just get to 1 person that's one more person maybe I saved from having a hard life of not being able to function properly at work, home with loved ones, or friends and all suffer as much as we do. We owe them to at least try, right?

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Waiting that one day if your ONLY taking an opioid such as perc, should be fine!! Here's the BIG BUT, if your on METHADONE you best wait till your in a total withdrawal. I was on Methodone treatment to get off opioids, great idea right, worst drug to get off Methodone!! I went into rehab waited till 4th day feeling like total crap they started suboxone 2mg believe it or not, it out me Into the worst withdraw I have ever been in waited one more day then things lined out I took suboxone for a tapper does schedule and I'm happy to say am free of all that s*** now! Best move I ever took ! I was on pills for 15 yrs methadone for 7 years now free and loving it! The key I think is using the treatment center and proper suboxone tapper down they supplied and not letting myself once I was done to go back and do it again! No offense to NA OR AA but once after all those years of opioids addiction not waking up having to have it was enough for me!! I truly wish the best for all of you but the key in the end is you got to go to treatment, one that has the suboxone tapering. Own your life! Nothing is simple but don't make it hard!

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Omg so sick of this question you don't have to wait it's total BS versus a potato with drawls do not exist if people feel badly it's not because they took a sub too soon it's because they did not take enough the sub milligrams to counteract the regular withdraw that would happen -- I know people that alternate the sub versus an opiate every other does I've taken subs in a pinch my pain was too severe to wait for any BS precipitated withdrawal's I've stated another posts subs are a miracle drug if you are in withdrawal -- I swear it is part of the marketing propaganda to hear people say they're waiting to three days to be in full on sickening withdrawals is insanity but then when they take that sub they feel like it's a miracle and hopefully they won't touch opiates again but as someone who knows tons of people that switch back-and-forth And speaking personally having had subs on board then needing medication I had zero Ella fax as someone who had a long acting met on board and started having pain and was told The sub would help I took it with a long-acting met on board precipitated withdrawal is our PS if you scroll through these posts there are many many people who and either direction of taking subs had zero negative effects again people that say they took a sub toolk Too soon and fill with your Raleigh it was not because they took it too soon it's that they did not have enough sub on board . The propaganda of it all but everybody's body is different so who knows maybe if you take it at the time of your regular OB it does you'll feel not so great but guess what the milligrams of the sub then you'll be fine!! I'm not irritated with the posters I'm irritated with the marketing propaganda !

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The treatment center I went to, said to wait 24hrs before using or taking anything, after or before using suboxone. I have taken a couple hydro's we while being on suboxone because my back was hurtn so so bad. It didn't do anything to me or didn't feel different BUT I heard its exstreamly dangerous to be on any other substance while taking sub's.

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wow man this may be wayyy too late but for anyone else this could help. In your position you should have forgone the suboxone, skipped it entirely. You are trying to get out of all of the withdrawal which is just not possible I know because that's what I would do. The sub in your position is worse than the 1 perc a day. don't take the sub for more than 5 days and it might be a help but thats the trick is not taking it for more than 5 days, seriously you are trading a trained puppy for a giant dragon you now have to care for called suboxone.

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It really depends on the person. Some can wait less than 24 hrs while others have to wait 72 hrs. I'm just curious as to why you want to take suboxone when you aren't going through withdrawals? Is it prescribed for other issues as well? The reason I ask is because your liver can already be damaged from abusing narcotics and suboxone could potentially make it worse.

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Thank you so much for sharing, its an embarrassing converstaion, but i have to stop the percocet. Im taking way to many for over five years. I felt alone, and i feel better hearing other peoples struggles.

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As long as you have waited 24 hours you should be good to go to take it.. Adderral will also not have an effect on these receptors so that doesn't matter... As long as what you took was immediate release and 24 hours ago you should be fine to take the sub. (But couple of things.... Everyone is different but on such a low dose and assuming they are not extended release you could take the sub even 12-18 hours after last dose.... And: you should be in complete WD- like seriously feeling like s*** / 26 on the COWs test before you take it. If it's been 24 hours since your last dose and you're not feeling any physical withdrawals, I would just continue to wait- U may not need to take the sub at all!)

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I have been taking lortabs off an own for a year. I haven't had one for 24 hours. I took 4 10s yesterday an 1 adderal. An today i took two adderal when can i take a suboxone

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I'm trying to quit perocets. I've been taking them for 10 years. First I went from 10/325 4 times a day down to 7.5/325 4 times a day. In about a 6 month period. Then down to 7.5/325 2 times a day for a week. Then down to 7.5/325 one time a day for 3 days & skipped 24 hours so I could take a piece of 8mg suboxone. I took a 1/4 of the sub on the first day. I took a half of a 1/4 the second day. The next day I skipped and took nothing on the 3rd day. On the 4th day I took a half of a 1/4 and the same for the 5th day. I skipped the 6th day so I took nothing. Today is the 7th day and I took a half of a 1/4.

What should I do from here? Am I past the bad withdrawal period? I've quit CT one time and it was horrible. I don't want to go through that again. I have 2 young children in school so I have to be able to function.

Any advise or help is soo appreciated. I want to he done with these evil pills. I want to manage my pain by other means

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It's always until u start to feel wd symptoms to early can make u sicker than actual wd symptoms I've been on subs for seven months and I have never felt better they help with painand iI don't go into withdrawal like I used to with opiates it's an amazing drug that can only help u in recovery if taken the right way hope u feel

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I actually wrote a long reply to this post but site said it needed to be reviewed. First of all you don't have to wait 3 days before taking subs unless you were on methadone. According to my sub dr. 16-18 hrs should do the trick. Secondly, why would you even mess with subs if you don,t even suffer from wds. I wasn't trying to give poster a flip answer. I just get tired of answering posts on this site and site says that answer needs to be reviewed so I gave a quick answer. By the way, I'm no dr. I've just been on and off subs several times and this is just my opinion.

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Don't ya just love people that reply but don't answer your question, but instead sit on their high-horse?! Technically one should wait around 3 days- but to any user that is ridiculous! I have waited 24 hours & been ok (though I was kinda terrified!), that was only after using oxycodone for a couple of days for pain. If one has been using any opioids for extended periods I would advise waiting a bit longer if you can.

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Why would you take suboxone if you don,t have wds? 40mg of Norco is really not all that much. It,s on the high end of a Drs. prescribed dose. Don,t mess with subs unless you have a serious addiction.

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