How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone After Dones
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Ive been on methadone for a year 30mg daily I took that yesterday im out I have 4 mg subutex can I take it

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I've been taking 20 mg oxycodone 6 times a day for 7 years. As you can image it became a problem. As a request to my Dr. I did get prescribed Sub. My meds we're cut in half and started taking 2 mgs. Of Subs. I know I'm withdrawing but I thought with the subs I'd feel better. I will completely done with the pain pills tomorrow. When will I feel better and is 2 mgs 2 times a day too low? I'm so frustrated.

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Re: Bex1203 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

hi I just read your post I'm actually going through the same thing I'm trying to switch from methadone to suboxene I was hurting (not bad though) when I got my first dose of suboxene my doc told me to take 2 8 films a and I was safe to take it that night but ohhhh Noooo I went into full withdraw I am 2 and a half years sober and I almost went out to get pills but I'm trying to be strong its been 3 days now I am feeling a little better but not much I guess my question is how long did it take for you to feel better or should I say screw it and go back t methadone I don't know what to do see I don't have to pay anything for suboxene but I have to pay $17 a day for methadone which is why I switched please help me I'm so mad at that doc right now its ridiculous

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You should be ready within 12 to 24 hours just wait til you start to feel withdrawal symptoms

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I've been on the suboxone program for a year now and I took 60 mg of oxycontin last night at 4:00 and today at 9:30 I took 8mgs of suboxone and I fell great the half life on opiates isn't like the half life on suboxone the half life on subs is 36 hours and on other opiates it's only 12 so whoever is looking for a safe awnser it's 12 hours after you have taken your last opiate you can start suboxone

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I was on methadone for 12 years, did a rapid taper and switched to subs at around 40 Mrs of methadone. My dummy self thought 36 hours would be enough time to take the subs, but, OH MY, was I WRONG! I threw myself in precipitated withdrawal even though I felt bad! I would've rather felt bad a little longer than gone into pws! I've heard you can overcome precipitated withdraw by continuing to take small doses of suboxone every few hours til you feel normal, but I felt SO BAD I was scared to even try. I should've been smart and called my Doctor as he is really a quite understanding man and told me to call if I had questions or concerns. Please for your own sake, listen to your doctor or at least wait til you are feeling raging bad before taking the subs! I was in methadone for 12 years straight, always between 90-120mg, if that info helps! If there's anything else I'm missing, let me know! And as everyone says, everyone had different metabolisms, bodies, etc, but I errr on the side of safety now! Best of luck to you!

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Have taken methadone for the last 20 years first 10 years on and off the last 10 years straight. Been detoxing myself down since May now it is November 20th since then I have been taking for five milligram oxycodone per day can I take suboxone .I have some 2 milligram and 8 milligram subs worried that I've been on methadone so long that it's covered my receptors and is not leaving my brain fast enough can I take a suboxone.

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Twelve hours u can take it

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Dear Abcgirl123, I use 2 b on methadone, then, I switched 2 suboxone. U can take it as soon as u feel withdrawals. And, if u are feeling sick , sounds like u r withdrawing. Your good 2 go.

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Hey Jolter, how r u? I have a question. Do u eat and drink right after u take your subs? Or, do u wait awhile? I've heard different things from different people and Drs. Thank u. Hope all is well .

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Wait 15-17 hrs or at least until your wds have started. You don,t want to chance going into precipitated wds. There about the worst.

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I have been talking methadone for about a month to get off opiates. I quit the thrashing and started taking pain pills for 2 days now how long before I can take suboxone.please help. Feel sick. Thanks

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From what I've been reading, Post #1 is right about the waiting period. Apparently it is best to wait until you gradually start feeling the onset of withdrawals in order to get the most out of the Suboxone.

So however long it may take to feel withdrawals from Methadone, this time frame can be different for everyone based on tolerance, dosage, frequency of use, metabolism, and several other individual factors. Some people even suggest tapering off a little first to help make the transition easier.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Suboxone Details

I hope this helps!

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I was on (110) of methadone b 4 I switched 2 suboxone. My Dr. Told me I had 2 wait until I started feeling withdrawals b 4 I started the suboxone so it will work properly. I'm not saying that u have 2 b in a ball of withdrawals, but, u need 2 feel some.

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