How Long Do I Have To Wait Take A Suboxone Strip After Did 20 Milligrams Of Methadone Once


I'm percribed to bupronorphrin but ran out so I took 20ml of method ones one time last night how long do I have to wait to take a strip

4 Replies

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Take it the next morning but b careful methadone has a two week shelf life and it wont be completely out of your body for at least two weeks.

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You will be okay to take it within 6 to 8 hours if you only took it once

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I'm taking methadone for the first time it's a hundred milligram how long do I have to wait so I can take a Suboxone

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I run out of subs on the reg and take Methadone because it’s easy to get. Smart? Nope! But I hate being sick and can’t afford to lay in bed all day. I don’t recommend anyone do what I do switching between the two. It can suck! I’m a freak of nature apparently and I don’t have any problems taking both in one day but that’s just me. I don’t suggest you risk it. Precipitated wd’s, I hear, are absolutely awful so wait as long as you can. Be honest with yourself about how bad you feel before dosing.

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